- Joined
- Sep 14, 2019
For my second search thread, I wanted something simple. So let’s do simple! I’ve seen a few of these types of posts before, but I thought I’d try my hand at it: I’ve arranged dating app profiles for a few of my characters. I don’t want to discuss anything before hand. That means no discussion on kinks, limits, likes/dislikes, anything like that. I want us to roleplay that part out as our characters, as well! Though I will make one thing clear here: All of my characters listed are interested in Female and/or Futanari characters.
So here’s how it’ll work:
Without further ado, here they are:
So here’s how it’ll work:
- You’ll read my profiles here and select one (Or more!!) of them you’d be interested in playing against.
- From there, you’d simply send me a private message with YC’s profile set up in a similar manner, as well as an opening message! I didn’t include pictures in mine, however you’re free to do so in yours. All I ask is that those stay SFW to keep on-theme as a dating app! I’m okay with both anime and real-life refs.
- If the pairing interests me (Which 99.99999% of the time it will, dw!) I’ll shoot you a reply back in text form. Once our characters meet up in person, we can rp as ‘normal.’
- I’ve intended for these to be in a college setting, however that’s pretty flexible. Let me know if you’d like to age up/down a little!
- And if you intend on playing your character as futa, please indicate so in your first message. (No surprises pls
Without further ado, here they are:
1. This shot was taken in a bedroom that could only be called a pig sty by the most generous of folks. Though little of the floor is visible from the angle of the camera, the bed behind the lone subject is piled high with laundry, clearly unmade. The figure is a cheery looking woman with long blonde hair and flawless skin, slightly on the tanned side. Her blue eyes twinkle almost as brightly as the light emitted by the ceiling fan above her. She's wearing a long-sleeved red shirt and a white skirt, both without any sort of design whatsoever. Her hands are held together behind her back, and she's leaning forward in order to be in the camera's view a little better.
2. This shot features two women with arms wrapped around the other's shoulder. Not much is visible other than their faces and upper bodies, though it's clear that the area they were standing in was naturally lit. The new woman in the photo sports solid-white hair, bleached a thousand times in order to shine so pale, though her smile is no less infectious than the woman whom she's temple-to-temple with. Their eyes are closed, smiling with toothy grins, a giggle on both of their lips.
3. The same figure, though this time in a very different environment. Snow is everywhere, though the sky is clear. The sun is shining down somewhere off to the camera's right, given that a shadow of a woman with her arms extended skyward, hands balled in fists, trails off to the left. In the background are a few clouds in the upper region, and more rolling mountains of snow behind her.
4. A photo of a clearly young version of the woman previously featured. Most who see the picture immediately spot her as only twelve or thirteen. She's sitting on a persian rug with a small mountain of wrapping paper to her left. Eyes closed, mouth smiling so violently even her rear molars are visible, holding a jar of peanut butter nearly the size of her head. A fire roars behind her in a fireplace built into the brick wall surrounding it.
Heyyyyy~ I know what you're thinking, and yes, it hurts sometimes being this cute! Anyways, the name's Susan, avid adventurer and amateur explorer. 5/7 summits complete! I wrote an article for The Explorer's Journal one time, so that's pretty cool I guess hehe~ Proud fur mommy to an adorable kitty named Oreo! Looking for either serious or casual, idk, I just want it to be fun!!
1. This shot was taken in a bedroom that could only be called a pig sty by the most generous of folks. Though little of the floor is visible from the angle of the camera, the bed behind the lone subject is piled high with laundry, clearly unmade. The figure is a cheery looking woman with long blonde hair and flawless skin, slightly on the tanned side. Her blue eyes twinkle almost as brightly as the light emitted by the ceiling fan above her. She's wearing a long-sleeved red shirt and a white skirt, both without any sort of design whatsoever. Her hands are held together behind her back, and she's leaning forward in order to be in the camera's view a little better.
2. This shot features two women with arms wrapped around the other's shoulder. Not much is visible other than their faces and upper bodies, though it's clear that the area they were standing in was naturally lit. The new woman in the photo sports solid-white hair, bleached a thousand times in order to shine so pale, though her smile is no less infectious than the woman whom she's temple-to-temple with. Their eyes are closed, smiling with toothy grins, a giggle on both of their lips.
3. The same figure, though this time in a very different environment. Snow is everywhere, though the sky is clear. The sun is shining down somewhere off to the camera's right, given that a shadow of a woman with her arms extended skyward, hands balled in fists, trails off to the left. In the background are a few clouds in the upper region, and more rolling mountains of snow behind her.
4. A photo of a clearly young version of the woman previously featured. Most who see the picture immediately spot her as only twelve or thirteen. She's sitting on a persian rug with a small mountain of wrapping paper to her left. Eyes closed, mouth smiling so violently even her rear molars are visible, holding a jar of peanut butter nearly the size of her head. A fire roars behind her in a fireplace built into the brick wall surrounding it.
Heyyyyy~ I know what you're thinking, and yes, it hurts sometimes being this cute! Anyways, the name's Susan, avid adventurer and amateur explorer. 5/7 summits complete! I wrote an article for The Explorer's Journal one time, so that's pretty cool I guess hehe~ Proud fur mommy to an adorable kitty named Oreo! Looking for either serious or casual, idk, I just want it to be fun!!
Hi, I’m Lily, glad you checked out my profile!
Was homeschooled up until college, majoring in English. If this whole writing thing doesn’t work out, I plan on becoming a florist!
Here for a long time, not terribly interested in casual flings, sorry. I want a girl who can sweep me off of my feet and yet still be able to make me laugh right after. And before you ask, sure, I’m cool with getting coffee as a first date! Hope to hear from you!!
- A girl with freckles and long dark hair wearing a plain white shirt with an orange apron is smiling softly at the camera. Her skin is tanned ever so slightly. Behind her is blue sky and a few clouds, though it’s hard to make out much of anything else. Her face takes up a majority of the frame.
- The same girl wearing the same outfit, though this time the shot is taken from above, a shadow casting itself in one bottom corner of the photo from the picture’s photographer. She’s sitting on her ankles, surrounding her is a bed of flowers everywhere around her. One hand is up, tucking hair behind her ears, the other in her lap. She’s smiling widely, clearly enjoying herself.
Hi, I’m Lily, glad you checked out my profile!
Here for a long time, not terribly interested in casual flings, sorry. I want a girl who can sweep me off of my feet and yet still be able to make me laugh right after. And before you ask, sure, I’m cool with getting coffee as a first date! Hope to hear from you!!
How even do people talk about themselves? I like math, I guess, and I’m a fan of like, outdoorsy stuff. Camping, hiking, etc. Not the most outgoing person but I guess that’s why I’m here. Looking for something serious I think, but I’m not opposed to a little testing of the waters, first. Freshman in business college, which takes up less time than it should. Hmu??
- A girl with shoulder-length blonde hair sits in front of a vampire, a stick with a flaming marshmallow on the end of it. Despite her glasses reflecting the flames, its obvious she’s excited. The sunset behind her and the sand beneath her chair almost make it seem like it’s an old campsite. There’s a few people milling about in the back as well as a much taller man next to her. The subject of the picture looks to be in her early teens.
- A shot of the same woman, though this time much older- late teens if you had to guess- standing on the edge of a wooden dock. Again, it seems as though she’s at a campsite. A lake behind her, the sun high in the sky, trees lining the opposite edge of the water. She’s wearing a one-piece blue bathing suit with a bubble design on it, her arms spread wide though her feet ate right next to one another. She’s smiling here.
- One now of her and what seems like a slightly smaller version of her. They’re not twins per se, but it’s obvious they’re related. The woman in the previous photos is lying on a bed asleep wearing a green night gown. The other blonde- roughly the same age, but slightly more tanned skin- is taking a selfie with her sleeping cohort. The subject’s face has a large helping of whipped cream on one cheek and more on her forehead. If not for her other cheek resting atop the mattress directly, there might have been some there, as well.
How even do people talk about themselves? I like math, I guess, and I’m a fan of like, outdoorsy stuff. Camping, hiking, etc. Not the most outgoing person but I guess that’s why I’m here. Looking for something serious I think, but I’m not opposed to a little testing of the waters, first. Freshman in business college, which takes up less time than it should. Hmu??
1. The first photo is a mirror selfie, camera seemingly pointed straight forward at the polished glass as though the photographer was untrained, or at least unpracticed, at the art of self-photography. The lone, slender figure in the center of a rather cramped bathroom is smiling softly, though it's quite clear she's forcing it. Thick rimmed glasses covering brown eyes, dark hair pulled up into a high ponytail, cascading down her back and out of view, even though she's standing at a bit of an angle. Skin a little on the lighter side, though not pale, it's clear she isn't the outdoorsy type. A light blue t-shirt and jeans are mostly obscured by a pristine white lab coat traveling past the view of the mirror.
2. A candid shot, likely one that she didn't know was being taken of her until well after the fact. The camera is pointed down at her, sitting in a library, rows of books visible in the background. Her face is pointed down, right hand reaching up to support her cheek on the far side of the shot, not obscuring anything. The elbow on the table was propping up her hand and thus her head, the other hand lazily placed on a page of the massive open tome in front of her. She's smiling in this one too, though it's obvious that this one is much more natural. A black t-shirt is covering her upper body. There's a design on it, but the angle of the camera makes it hard to decipher exactly what it is.
Reading is like, my life, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited to go out and meet people! Psych senior, so basically kill me now. Does not enjoy long walks on the beach, contrary to popular belief. Friends either with or without benefits, casual dating, something more serious? Tell me what I want, because I sure as hell don’t know.
1. The first photo is a mirror selfie, camera seemingly pointed straight forward at the polished glass as though the photographer was untrained, or at least unpracticed, at the art of self-photography. The lone, slender figure in the center of a rather cramped bathroom is smiling softly, though it's quite clear she's forcing it. Thick rimmed glasses covering brown eyes, dark hair pulled up into a high ponytail, cascading down her back and out of view, even though she's standing at a bit of an angle. Skin a little on the lighter side, though not pale, it's clear she isn't the outdoorsy type. A light blue t-shirt and jeans are mostly obscured by a pristine white lab coat traveling past the view of the mirror.
2. A candid shot, likely one that she didn't know was being taken of her until well after the fact. The camera is pointed down at her, sitting in a library, rows of books visible in the background. Her face is pointed down, right hand reaching up to support her cheek on the far side of the shot, not obscuring anything. The elbow on the table was propping up her hand and thus her head, the other hand lazily placed on a page of the massive open tome in front of her. She's smiling in this one too, though it's obvious that this one is much more natural. A black t-shirt is covering her upper body. There's a design on it, but the angle of the camera makes it hard to decipher exactly what it is.
Reading is like, my life, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited to go out and meet people! Psych senior, so basically kill me now. Does not enjoy long walks on the beach, contrary to popular belief. Friends either with or without benefits, casual dating, something more serious? Tell me what I want, because I sure as hell don’t know.