Fx Female Longing for a Mistress


May 10, 2020
Hello sweeties and welcome to my second request thread which is a bit more focused than my normal one. While roleplaying, I concluded that it would be interesting to play around with more BDSM-related themes and I decided to set up a separate thread for that.

But first, a little bit about myself. I'm a physician (no, I'm not going to give any medical advice) from the Netherlands. I'm a lesbian with no interest whatsoever in heterosexual stuff (so anyone not a woman can leave now). I don't really know what else to put here except that I tend to be busy so I probably won't be able to respond quickly all the time. I however tend to be stubborn so I certainly won't be disappearing, so of I miss a reply, just send me a reminder because chances are that I thought I already did it.

As for writing, I think I'll be writing between one and three paragraphs per post, depending on what's going on. I fear that much longer posts would be difficult, if only because I am limited for time. English might not be my first language but I use it a lot and have even written fanfics in it. Funnily enough, I always tended to write in first person but we can of course use third if you prefer. I also want to add that I don't use Discord at all because I use that for other things and don't want to be traceable to real life. I hope you'll understand.

For a roleplay like this, I would prefer to play a younger character (15-25) with your dominant yet gentle older woman (30+). I don't really have a lot of experience with that, so I would hope that you could help out with that. I'm attracted to all sorts of body types, and would play with anything that isn't the typical bimbo look I detest. I do like women to have some hair down there but aside from that, I don't really have anything. Which leads me to my kinks:

Fisting (gentle)
Being told what to do
Involving the environment

Non-consensual sex
Toilet Stuff

My head is full of ideas for stories but I think that it's important that it's something that both of us contribute to. As for plots, I'm looking for a healthy mix of story and smut, they should balance and enhance each other. I also want to avoid 'porny' plots that basically don't feel realistic because realism is very important to me. Despite the countless ideas, I decided to at first stick with just a short list of pairings that could be interesting to explore. I will be putting my preferred role second to make it simpler.

Teacher/professor x student
Executive x assistant
Sugar mommy x sugar baby
Magician x assistant
Saviour x runaway
Manager x environmental activist
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