Baby's Storage Unit <3 (No Comments)


Jun 10, 2012
My primary journal has gotten a little cluttered for my tastes. So, I decided to make this one and use it strictly for storing things I want to come back too, or just things that would help my partners out! Some posts might be repeat posts from my old thread since a few of them were meant as storage posts. But, I plan on storing a few things here! Feel free to use this thread as a reference, my friends!


Excellent question my friends! This is a reference post between me and GrinningGentleman for a scene going on in our roleplay together! I will update this and cross off the questions used and filter them to the bottom as the story goes on. So, come back to this post as much as needed! :) I also tried to mix up what you provided and mine (I added a bit more than you.) Now, let's get this party started!​

1. Favorite Genres? Books, Movies, Games?
2. Most embarrassing moment?
3. What is one of your sexual fantasies?
4. Make the other person laugh.
5. Ever written anything naughty? Elaborate?
6. What do you find most attractive in a partner? Physical and Mental?
7. Worst dating experience?
8. Do a silly dance for 30 seconds.
9. What were your first thoughts when you saw me through the window?
10. Worst fear?
11. If you could change something about yourself what would it be?
12. Wear some of the other's clothes, for a night.
13. Share your number with the other.
14. Worst sexual experience?
15. What’s your deepest secret?

Cuddle up to the other, for the rest of the game!
Why move here?
When you look at me, what are the first 3 thoughts that come to mind?
Compliment the other.
Try to make the other person nervous or embarrassed.
Play chicken by kissing one part of the body and trail it to their lips and see who stops first.
Are you interested in me romantically?
Try to arouse me.

And that ends the game folks!

If you are my partner, then you know I like to use reference pictures and gifs throughout the story. I figured I would share my album I use with my collection of references of inspiration with ya'll. I tried to declutter it a bit since it had quite a few copies. But, eh, it's still a mess! Haha. I update this constantly, and if you ever want to recommend something for a scene send me a PM with the picture!

Okay! I’ll start this off with a list of my main likes and dislikes I have made. I don’t have an F-list, and quite honestly, I don’t plan on making one since I find it annoying. Heh. So! Here is a list I’ve made myself of some things I enjoy and dislike. I update this pretty frequently, so check back occasionally. <3


A few things I like

Risk of pregnancy
Temperature play (Example: Ice and wax play)
Pleasure control
Power play (Example: When the two character’s fight for dominance until one of them submit completely - preferably MC)
Sexy clothing
Visuals (Warning: I will post pictures throughout the story. Some might be NSFW)
Giving and receiving oral
Foreplay and teasing
Light bondage
Marking/Staking claim (Example: Hickeys, bite marks, and scratch marks, lips stick stains, marking with cum.)
Pet names
OOC (I'm a sucker for discussion and plotting random ideas and plot twists)
Tight pussys to large dicks. (Nothing so big that it doesn't make sense)
Experience partners playing against inexperienced. (Personally, I prefer to play the inexperienced. Though, I not against playing the more experienced one)
Possessive and overprotective partners
Things that involve the sense of smell. (Example: Omegaverse pheromones, Perfume/cologne)
Sleep sex (Example: YC takes advantage of MC's sleeping helpless state and fucks her awake. This could be consensual or Non-con or drugged)
Fated pairs
Love-hate relationships
Knot locking
A man in a suit
Playing a virgin
Vanilla Sex
Rough/angry sex


Extremes (Example: Extreme bondage, any kind of bathroom play)
Characters that don’t have a human form. (Example: Humanoids or demons that look more monster than human)
Anthros/Furrys (I am okay with playing things like nekos though.)
Harem FxFxM (I have made exceptions to this if you are not wanting this to be more of at threesome thing)
Decay/Zombies/Post-apocalyptic/aliens/Science Fiction
Mom/Son Pairings (or playing older females)
Mary Sue perfect characters/Doormat characters (No one is perfect. I hate characters who have no problems at all)
Playing a main character over 40 (Have made exceptions to this.)
Overly shy men (I’m fine with shy characters, just not if they are so shy they can’t take any initiative at all)
Licking armpits
Anal (Not exactly against this, I would just like this to be an occasional thing)​
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You know what they say, on to the next, aye!


So, I have collected an array of plots throughout the years. I’ll post them here and update this when I come up with more. I tried to label and organize them the best I could. But, I admit, I got a bit lazy on some. xD The ones I may need some convincing on will be striked out. I'm always willing to hear your ideas if you don't like mine!

Current craving: Omegaverse or instinctual drive in a story. Romance. Pregnancy. Affectionate doms. Subverse. Certain plots labeled
<3 = Craving


He was beginning to feel a bit like a Zombie, honestly, it having been months since he got anything approaching a decent night's sleep. He'll just fall down onto his bed and collapse, now and again, and if he gets more than two or three hours then that counts as a decent night's sleep by his standing. Mostly, though, he was living a life harshly regulated by alarms and coffee. It hadn't been easy, and thank god he lived in the city where he could pretty much didn't have to drive and that his job was pretty much just... mind-numbing.. which was something he never thought he'd ever say in his life.

Once he'd gotten used to just-- not sleeping,-- he'd found the hardest part of it all was just keeping himself occupied throughout the long hours of the night.

He didn't notice Her until a few weeks ago, but rather or not that was because she was new to the area or he'd just never noticed her, that wasn't clear.

She lived across the street, in a nigh-identical apartment complex to his own, occupying some unit on the third floor. Near as he could tell, she didn't sleep much more than he did, if she did at all. He'd just noticed that there was always a light on up there, at first, but he had gradually come to learn more and more about his not-really-neighbor in Insomnia. She was about his age, pretty in a dried out 'needs more sleep,' kind of way that he imagined he shared and had managed to get a job slinging coffee at a nearby cafe.

He felt a weird kinship with her, despite not knowing her name or the least thing about her, other than just a figure he'd see in the window, now and again, with whom he shared the occasional wave at ungodly hours of the evening when they spotted each other. He'd pondered going and visiting her cafe, just to say hello and introduce himself, but he could never figure out a way to do it without coming across like a stalker. Plus, it wasn't like "can't sleep" was all that much to have in common, really, so who knew if they'd even get along in the end anyway? say that he was surprised when he had a knock on his door at 2:45 would be an understatement.

There she was, though, when he opened the door.

"Hey... You're welcome to come in, I guess... Coffee?"

--- I had envisioned this to be a fun little light-hearted story. I would like the two to be able to joke and tease each other freely, so a personality that could fit that would be best. If you want him to be shy, at least don't make him too shy to where she has to step up and do everything.
He is madly in love with her. The whole world around them doesn't treat them right. Her father is abusive even though he'd admit she's the only thing that matters to him. He asks her a question that enforces inner turmoil in her. He asks her to leave with him.
My character and your character have been the best of friends since the toddler days. However, when they have become older, they have developed deep feelings for one another but each are too afraid to admit it. It’s been years my character has waited for yours to show any sign to become more than friends. now at the age of 20 and tired of waiting she gets a boyfriend. when she denies her now-boyfriend of sex, he becomes abusive. she starts getting bruises and her friend is concerned and determined to find out why… What will happen when he finds out everything? her boyfriend was the one doing it and worse she was only with him to try to lose the feelings for the best friend she has loved for so long.
MC is a sub. In a past relationship, a collar was forced upon her and he abused her sub nature with his selfish demands. She finally got away from him but would never be able to take the collar off without a Dom demanding she did. YC is a dom, hiring a babysitter for his young child. MC comes to do the job, but finds out he is a Dom and gets nervous but can't leave because she was already paid. YC assumes she is claimed by a different Dom because of the collar, but he can't help but feel an intense attraction to her and feel drawn to protect her.

---Subverse is a lot like Omegaverse. If you don't know what it is, I've put some reference pics below. That's the basics of the story, a few lesser details would be, YC is divorced or had lost his wife. And works from home, like an author or something. If you'd rather get rid of him having a child, we can work around it, no worries. The main thing is she is forcefully collared and despite that, he wants her, and eventually unbound her from that man.

This idea would be set in an omegaverse between a male alpha and female omega. Through the years science had found that people could be paired off of how compatible their genetics was instead of making a connection romantically. They found that genetic pairs were more stable, and had an uncontrollable attraction to the other due to their genetics being so compatible. Soon, the government made genetic marriage a requirement, and once someone turn of age, they would be paired to their marriage partner.

MC, an omega female gets paired to an Alpha who has great influence, could be financially or just knows people in high places. The point is when they meet the meeting goes wrong and he harms her (how he does it can be discussed) and his influence can cover up what he has done. MC escapes and hides in YC’s shed. YC is an unpaired Alpha who moved out of the city to the middle of nowhere to try to start over from something. (up to you) One night something catches his attention, a sweet aroma coming from his shed. When he goes to investigate, he finds MC, bleeding, and in heat. The moment he sees her he has the overwhelming urge to protect her, to possess her. My omega.

Little did he know MC was actually his intended genetic pair stolen from him from the other Alpha.
In a world where Alphas were known as the elite while being an Omega was everyone’s worst nightmare. Jobs were scarce for them due to their heat affecting others and the suppressants were expensive. There seemed to be only one option for an Omega to survive. Prostitution. Down on Main Street, there was a brothel for anyone looking to sleep with an Omega for the right price. MC happened to be a female Omega working at this brothel. She was cursed with stronger pheromones then most and the special suppressants required were extremely expensive. The only way to afford that was to work here and after a tragic event, she was determined to do whatever it took to get those suppressants.

But, the moment YC sees mine, he offers to pay for any and everything she needs as long as she becomes his mate.
MC is a female Beta, living a mediocre life as most Beta's do. YC is an Alpha, they could be friends already or simply strangers who crossed paths at the wrong time. The point is, the moment MC starts feeling sick, it would be YC would comes to help. Only to find out that MC is actually going into her first heat, and since she is a late bloomer, her pheromones are overwhelming. Can YC resist the urge? Or will he teach her what being an Omega is really about during her first heat?
This is kind of like the Compatibility idea. As far as the government issuing out genetic matches. Out characters were sure that they were going to be matched. But, they didn't. MC got matched with an abusive asshole, and YC left, not being able to watch the love of his life be with someone else. But, MC was getting abused, and left the other Alpha. Then, YC comes back for some reason and a mutrual friend sets them both up on a blind date, and when YC sees mine again, he knows he can't let her go. Of course, Mc is hesitant, but her heat hits and forces the two together. They have to figure things out, especially once they find out that MC is pregnant with YC's baby.
There's a guy and a girl. They met, fell in love, and thought there was no one else for them. Graduation came around and the guy got accepted into a university either across the state or the country. Going to college was his dream. So, of course, he has to break up with the girl because it was not fair to them to stay together if he was leaving... Four years later, the guy comes back. He is still in love with the girl and wants to make things right with her, but there's a catch. The girl has a three-almost-four-year old child. He does not know that the child is his until she is ready to tell him. So, what happens when they both want to get back together, but the girl is afraid of getting hurt by the guy. Will the new child bring the two together or tear them apart?
Well for this story, my main idea centers around fraternal twins (or could be changed to just brother and sister if you're not comfortable with twins) who have shared a bedroom forever, since their parents can't afford to get a bigger house. The brother's overprotective feeling is turning into something deeper, and soon he finds his love for his sister might not be as innocent as a brother's love should be. He attempts to push her away in order to try and get rid of the feelings, but as time goes on the feelings only grow stronger. Where we begin could be the night he finally can't take the feelings anymore, and either confess, or kisses her, whichever, and perhaps he tries to convince her to feel the same. We can basically go from there, build on the concept. Perhaps throw in a pregnancy, that would make for a more dramatic storyline although that's completely up to you and your limits.
Her brother has always been very protective over her, making dating difficult when he would more or less scare off her dates. So, after finally getting frustrated by it all, she confronts him. He explains to her that he just wants her to be with someone who would protect her and love her. Out of frustration, she blurts out, “Well, I might as well just date you then!”

And of course, his response would be, “I’m fine with that.”
Daddy has had his daughter by his side, her entire life. When she decides she wants to have relationships, daddy shows her that he can provide all the romance and sex that she could ever need.
YC just had his engagement dropped and in the spur of a moment, he decides to propose to the first girl he sees – MC. And to his surprise, she agrees.
MC is called home for an engagement meeting. In a desperate act to get out of it, she asks YC to act like her boyfriend, and to her surprise, YC takes their fake dating very seriously. Are they supposed to be so intimate in a fake relationship?! He could be a stranger, a boss, a friend. Let’s discuss!
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The girl had always been one of extravagance, always caring about the materialistic sorts. Clothes, jewelry, shoes, purses, everything had to be name brand and overly priced to prove a point to the ones around her. Her room was no exception to this. She had the second largest walk in closet in the house—besides her parents’ massive closet, of course. Which was full of clothing and shoes that she had barely wore more than once, sorted in perfect, almost obsessive categories aligned the wall in selves. One wall holding the many array of shoes. Heels, sandals, any and everything a girl could ask for planted on display as if to show off her perfection as another wall held her purses, the other a row of clothe neatly hung in the same fashion. Everything on obvious display.

As if that wasn’t obnoxious enough. Then, there was the room itself. Just like the closet, it was massive. The walls were a canvas of the current most beautiful women there were, a constant reminder for her goal of what she aspired to be. Well, appearance wise, of course. And she wasted no expense to achieve that goal. There against one of the walls, was a large Hollywood makeup desk, fully equipped with every kind of makeup, brushes, lipstick, everything for any sort of look she wanted to achieve on any sort of day. Next to that stood a large floor three-sided mirror, which was no doubt only there for the sole reason to boost her own ego by admiring herself every chance she got. Of course, there was also the wall full of jewelry, once again, on obvious display. Necklaces, bracelets, an entire wall filled with trinkets that she had probably only worn once—if that.

To top everything off, there was the bed. A massive bed located in the back of her room. It was as luxurious as every item in this room. Of course, she had to make sure she had only the best of mattresses. It was soft, as if sleeping on a cloud, and the plush pale rose comforter that blanketed the bed was just as fluffy, matched with authentic feather pillows that felt like your head was sinking into heaven. Yet, that wasn’t enough for a Queen such as Elise. She had to top it off with a lavish canopy. Four posters on each side of the bed held up the lace curtains that draped over the side like water. Of course, like most everything in this room, it was for show, majority of the time, the curtains were tied up neatly to the posters.

Elise thought herself a Queen and her room every bit proved that, and with the way she had their father wrapped around her little finger, she easily got anything she asked for. And if he ever got word of this little stunt Logan was pulling, who knows what he would do. That is, if Elise was willing to drop her pride and admit Logan had outwitted her, of course.

By the time Logan had finally ventured into her room, the drug had completely sent her mind into such a haze that even the slumber she fell into was dark, deep, and dreamless. She had barely even made it to her bed before she collapsed, her face planted into the plush blanket as her legs dangled off the edge of the bed. When Logan yelled, clapped, even shifted her body, turning her to her back and sprawling her limps out, Elise never reacted, her pretty face remaining completely still, and for once one may think she was… Harmless.

When the truth was, the girl was defenseless, completely and utterly at Logan’s mercy. And that was becoming more and more clear by the way her thin black tank top rose above her navel, the bottom of her naked breasts peeking out from under the thin cloth, threatening to slip out, leaving her more vulnerable than she had, and would’ve ever allowed herself to be. Making things worse, her tiny pajama shorts had risen against her mound, making a perfect mold of the shape of her pussy. And even as Logan began his assault, running his touch along the smooth skin of her arm, the girl could do nothing.

Not. A. Damn. Thing.

However, the more his hands ran across her body, the more the sensations entered her mind. It was as if she was stuck in a dream she couldn’t wake up from, a dream she didn’t understand. She could feel his hand upon her body, feel the way he caressed down her exposed stomach, her luscious womanly curves, as if enjoying every moment of teasing the untouchable skin Elise had prided in herself, soon lifted her shirt further to finally expose her naked breasts. The moment his hands fell upon them, her lips parted, a ragged sigh escaping her lips as her eyebrows knitted together. The slightest of reactions to his touch, making it quite clear that no matter what she may try to say, she desired a touch of a man, even in the thickness of her dreams.

Even if that man was her lame brother.
Oh, boy. He was so responsive already. Those gravely groans of his vibrated his Adams apple with a seductive tone that heated her own arousal. Honestly, she had been doing this so long that most of the time she just went through the motions, not really all that aroused until they stuffed their cock inside her. Well, it wasn’t like any of their customers went out of their way to make her feel good. The foreplay was always skipped, hell the pretty much the only thing she was ever used for was a hole to fuck. It was to be expected though, and by this point, none of that mattered. She didn’t do this for her own pleasure – she was only in this business for the money, and there was plenty of money for lonely men who just needed a good fuck.

Oh, you know I do.

A mischievous smile painted her lips. He seemed so hesitant at first, but, with a little well played seduction always had the man rearing for more. He had planned to pay her for the simple directions, but she couldn’t charge him nearly enough for something so innocent – not without being a scam artist. She may be a whore who fucked for a living, but she had her pride. Unlike other’s she had known, she tried to be fair – as fair as she could afford at least, and she never stole. If she just went around stealing all her client’s things, she would never have any clients to begin with. Besides, Elise was a firm believer in karma.

Suddenly, big, strong hands clasped onto her plump ass, pulling her plush against him. He was so handsy, almost eager to explore her, and when one of his hands slowly slid between her thighs, pressing up against her moist folds, her breath hitched in her throat. He really didn’t know how this worked, did he? While touching her so intimately wasn’t exactly off limits, she was just something that was rarely done, and she didn’t want to make him feel like her was obligated to try to please her in return. But, before she could explain that, he was asking for a blowjob.

That, she could do – gladly.

A smirk curved her lips, “Whatever you want.” Without another word, she took a step back, putting some distance between them as her eyes drifted to the bulge in his boxers short, trying to determine what she had to work with. Well, she could honestly say that she wasn’t expecting to see what she saw. He was well endowed, by the simple bulge, she could see the inches threatening to spring out, the fabric molding around his thick girth. From what she read from him, he was suffering from some sort of heartbreak, and the thought of leaving such a prize seemed unthinkable.

Stupid woman.

Slowly, Elise knelt to her knees before him, slim fingers hooking the hem of his boxers before sliding them down his thighs, watching as her prize strung to life. Smiling, her eyes darted up to watch his expressions as her fingers wrapped around the base of his shaft, positioning it high as her head dipped to take one of his balls into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around one of the globes, sucking lightly before pulling away and flicking her tongue over the wet ball teasingly – then she moved to the next, her hand stroking his length with a lazy hand. Soon, she released his scrotum, her tongue sliding up the underbelly of his cock, slowly inching closer, and closer to the tip. Once at the top, her wet tongue circled the crown, flicking the bottom a few times before finally taking him into her plump lips, eyes never leaving his.

This is what she loved about blowjobs, watching the pleasure filter through her client’s expressions, knowing she was doing her job well – and if she did a good enough job, they always came back. And by the look on Alex’s face – this wouldn’t be their only session. Slowly, she tested the waters, wrapping her lips firmly around him, suckling until her cheeks hallowed before inching lower, lower, lower, until the crown of his cock hit the entrance of her throat – then pulled back, teasing him until he wanted it so bad he wouldn’t be able to handle it. She repeated the act several times, until she was finally ready to get serious.

Her hands grasped his hips, and without much warning, her pace picked up. With one swift movement, he was buried deep in her throat, her mouth pumping him in and out of the constricting flash, massaging him with every gag, gurgling as her saliva spilled down his cock and dripping onto his hefty balls.
Her body moved on pure instinct. It was a side of her that she didn’t realize she was capable of, a side of her that was powerful enough to secure any desire she wished. In truth, Elise hadn’t the experience to truly know what would make Skye tick. He said he wanted to leave – to give her time to calm down. Perhaps that was the best option for an Omega in the throes of her mating cycle. The things they had done already in their heat-induced mind. He had already gifted her fertile womb with his seed, an action that had a serious consequence if it took root. A consequence the two had yet to discuss. She was still so young. Was a child something she wanted? Was that something he wanted?

The significance of this possible outcome was irrelevant. She knew what she wanted, and in this moment, she didn’t give a damn what it would cost – and she would do anything to make sure she got it.

Victory never tasted so sweet. He kiss her with impatience, and in that moment she knew she had won. A soft moan of delight vibrated against his lips, her body moving closer, sinking her mounds into the palm of his hands, eagerly taking advantage of his touch.

You should rest, El...

Still, he tried to reason. She didn’t say a word. She didn’t need rest. She needed the Alpha before her to touch every inch of her small body, and just as the thought echoed in her mind, his lips hit hers in a losing battle of self-restraint, his claw tickling her skin as if sought out his prize for finally submitting to her temptation.

You should eat something, at least...

His protests had no merit. The scent of his growing arousal was thick in the air. It was clear what he truly wanted, and if he just gave in, he would eagerly get it. Still, she urged him further – ensuring she would see victory no matter what. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head, exposing their mating mark on her neck as his lips traced her skin. “I’ll just eat you.” Every bit of him, from head to toe. She would gobble him whole and ensure he could never escape.

I’ll stay… I promise I’ll stay.

Delight. Desire. Satisfaction. He admitted defeat – his finger finally finding the source of her aching arousal as a prize. She gifted him with a sharp gasp of pleasure, her hips squirming at his persistent contact upon her bulb, her thick slick coating his digit in possessive lust. The sweet scent tainting the air around them grew more potent in her seduction. “Promise me you’ll never leave.” She insisted. “Tell me you’re mine, and only mine.” Tender fingers fell upon his chest, tracing the curves of his muscles as they dropped lower, lower, stopping at the waist band of his pants, fingers dipping into the fabric and tracing back and forth across his skin. “Promise me and I’ll do whatever you want.”
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