a Worn Diary


May 23, 2020
The pages are old, yellow, and almost crumbling. It is obvious the ink has been applied a long time ago; still, the age hasn't worn it all out. The symbols that constitute the writing are foreign to your mind, and look unlikely any language you have ever seen before.

When you were about to put your strange finding away, something strange happened: the lines and letters came alive, as if the page you were staring at was full of black, slithering worms, who reformed into a name. Your name.

Calling to you, the diary promised to show you its secrets: it has been such a long time since the last reader held it in his grasp! - complains the diary. But now, it finally has a purpose. Come, ask away your questions, any questions, and find the answers you were least expecting. Flip through the ancient pages, and gain insights outside of mundane reach. Though there's a price for everything, do not be worrying. Enormous pool of rarest knowledge is within your grasp! Imagine how horizons of your life expanded with its acquisition! The price can't be too bad, right?
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