Fx Any Scratching that itch


May 24, 2020
[Written on my phone, I hope that I can edit this post at a later date!]

Hello! Thanks for taking the time out to peruse my thread. I will try and be as concise as possible!

1. The Basic Premise
I enjoy playing women of a certain age. Milfs. Whether they have had children or not. That basic 'milf' image is one I adore. I am not limited to that by any means, but it is a solid favourite.

2. Myself, style and expectations
I am male 'IRL'. I know some folks get real bent out of shape over the IRL gender of a writer. If you're one of those folks, we're both now avoiding writing with people we'd rather avoid by me telling you that.
(I'm not entirely comfortable with my gender IRL, which is why I use spaces like this to play/explore otherwise!)

I'm located in GMT time zone. My usual length is 2-4 paragraphs. I try and post around three times a week. Maybe more. Hopefully not less. I just very much want to be clear: I can't provide rapid fire RP responses.

I try and be laid back and friendly. Happy to discuss ideas for RP, or just chat with people without any urgency to get down to an extravagant RP straight away.

3. Roles
As above I largely like to play milf types. They can run the whole range of types. I have no objection to playing taboo roles (teacher or Mother for example) or celebrities (I'll have a list written up at some point in the future...).

I'll play against any gender. The only character types that I'm not keen on are shining muscled adonis'. I'd rather some kind of ugly tentacled beast... In fact I'd much rather.

A Dom/sub dynamic isn't always needed, but when it is invoked I am happy to write Domme or Sub. As long as it stays the same, I'm not very good at writing switch roles.

4. Kinks
I'm open minded to an impractical level. Most kinks will get consideration from me, the more uncommon more so. But, because its needed here are some I quite like:
Anal/ass play, large sizes, pregnancy (including impregnation), a focus on clothing (outfits, cum on clothing, clothed sex), multiple characters, none humans, age gaps, femboys and to girls, incest, milfs, milfs, milfs.

5. Settings
Milfs tend to conjure up ideas of 'modern realistic' and 'slice of life' settings. They're great but they don't have to be the limit! Milfs can exist in any setting, scifi, fantasy or horror! I'm keen to play in any of them. Heck even furrys are game!

6. Some ideas
The following are brief concepts that are ready to be built upon, they are not the only things I'm looking for!
* Strange New Milfs: Milfs in a Star Trek setting!
* Milf Harem: How and why? That's for us to work out.
* Haunted Milf: Something to do with ghosts... A poltergeist in the apartment? Moving into a haunted house?
* Dragons and Milfs: Fighting isn't men's work and experience goes a long way...not all sorcerers are lithe elves... Generic D&D style fantasy with milfs!

To be fair putting the word milf into an established concept/phrase/trope in a way that only just scans will get my attention.
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