Mx Female ORDER UP! Custom Domination Menu (LF Subs, NSFW)


I'm just Gentle
May 15, 2020
I'm in the mood for a bit of a challenge. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give you a table. Pick a Pairing, a Setting, some Kinks you'll do, kinks you want me to do, and some styles of rp. Then send that information to me and I'll come up with an rp idea from that. Of course don't pick anything that is contradictory.

RP STATUS: Open and looking

As an RPer I am: The type to write 100-300 words a reply (I can go much longer when needed of course). I am looking for PMs rps only. I am fairly active and can get multiple replies out a day. And I am drop friendly, just let me know.
My F-List: F-List (NSFW)
Special Note:
I only want MxF pairings, with myself as the male. And I want characters to be 18+ only. In addition I am fine using art for faceclaims, but I won't be using any photo faceclaims for my own characters, you are free to if you want but I won't be.
Writing Samples: Check the second post in this thread for Writing Samples to get a feel for my writing ability

If an entry has (+) on it, it means I'm craving it
If an entry has (-) on it, it means I'm not really looking for it.

Choose your Main Dish
Choose all options you would be interested in.​
Choose your Pairings (MC x YC)Choose your settingsChoose RP Styles/Elements
Master x SlaveFantasy (Traditional)Sex Driven RP
Master x PetFantasy (High Magic)Flexible Plot vs Sex RP
(Step)Father x (Step)DaughterModern FantasyGood Ends
(Step)Brother x (Step)SisterScifi (Cyberpunk)Mixed Ends
Royalty x RoyaltyScifi (Mecha)Bad Ends
Royalty x NobleScifi (Planetary)Light-Hearted
Royalty x CommonerScifi (Interstellar)Humorous
Wealthy x ServantModern ScifiSerious
Teacher x StudentModern (City)Slice of Life
Modern (Vacation)Continuous RP
Modern (College, Finishing School)Episodic RP
Anthology RP

Choose your Entrees
Choose all options you would be interested in.
Submitter's CharacterSane's CharacterCharacter Elements
HumanHumanMultiple Characters (Submitter)
KemonomimiHumanoid (Elves, Demons, etc)Multiple Characters (Sane)
Demon/SuccubiKemonomimiArt Faceclaims
ElfMonstersMagic Users
Other Humanoid (Angels, etc)

Choose your Cooking Method
Choose all options you would be interested in.​
ThemesRelationships QuirksWorld Extras
Royal Court/Court PoliticsTeasing/BanterWorld Building
Male Doms, Female Subs WorldPet/Slave TrainerGamemastering (Sane)
Alpha/Beta/OmegaAffectionGamemastering (Submitter)
Master and Pet WorldDirty Talk
Master and Slave WorldAftercare

Choose your Side Dishes
Choose all options you would be interested in
Choose some Kinks (Submitter)Choose some Kinks (Sane)Choose some Kinks for Both of Us
Anal Sex (Receiving)Big Doms (7 ft +)Exhibitionism
Harem (Multiple Characters)Face-Fucking (Giving)Public Sex
AphrodisiacsKnotted CocksBDSM (Light) play
Mind Control (Receiving)Ridged CocksBDSM (Heavy) play
StripteaseTentacles (-)Somnophilia
PetplayOlder Dom (35-55, or equivalent)Virginity
Sexy/Slutty Clothing
Degradation (Receiving)
Humiliation (Receiving)
Leash and Collar
Casual Sex
Competition (Multiple Characters)
Pelvic Tattoo (Example (NSFW) )
Hair Pulling
Free Use
Forced Clothes Wearing
Forced Nudity

Mandatory Sides
These are basically mandatory to include.​
Kinks (Submitter)Kinks (Sane)Kinks (Both)
Fellatio (Giving)Spanking
Vaginal Sex (Receiving)Neck Biting
Rough Sex

These are just a few ideas I have that I'm looking for if you want to see something I might come up with. These are ideas that typically either I came up with on my own or came up with in response to someone using the menu and they either dropped me on or didn't choose that idea over a different one I suggested.​
House Specials

Feel free to put something that's not on the table, but I am less likely to be interested in that stuff. I'll add stuff as I feel like it to the table, or stuff occurs to me. And just because you don't include something doesn't mean I won't add it to anything I propose if I think the ideas I come up with work better without it. And if you include contradictory elements I'll cut out stuff that doesn't work together.

If you specifically want me to not include something tell me to "Hold" that kink.

And if you want a quick format you can copy and paste into a PM Well then:
Order Form
Rp Style(s):
Submitter's Character:
Sane's Character:
Character Elements:
Relationship Quirks:
World Extras:
Kinks (Submitter):
Kinks (Sane):
Kinks (Both):
Hold (Kinks):

Just PM me with that info and lets see if we can work something out.
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Writing Samples
These are just some examples of my writing just on this site. Showing what I can do on both ends of the effort scale. I've stated what my general tendency is up above, and this is just to show you my style of writing and just to help confirm it for you.

Writing Sample #1: Average Intro Post, 494 words
The Kanak Bagh Mahal, the palace of the Raja of the Verdant Green Forests, a great forested country ruled over by the Tharaki family of Rakshasa. The palace was a massive structure stretching for miles on all sides, with tall alabaster white walls, spiraling towers, and great bulbous domes. Giving it a massive and imposing appearance to all who saw it. The palace was a massive marker for all to see for miles around it as the forest led up to the massive foundational platform that would lead up to the palace grounds. However it was not wildlands that surrounded the palace, the people of the Verdant Green Forest lived amongst the trees, shaping them carefully and building around them their towns and cities. And a sprawling massive city had been constructed amongst the trees, the barest hints of it could be seen from peeking through the tops of the trees themselves.

Outside the main palace gates the Tharaki's Yuvaraj waited calmly, who had been given run of the palace while his father the Raja was out on one of his people's glorious ritual hunts. Leaving him in charge of receiving the procession coming into the palace, a procession that would come bearing his fiance. The Yuvaraj was named Pagal Tharaki, a giant of a man, eight feet tall with a broad muscular frame. His face was that of the Rakshasa, a fierce tiger's face with golden eyes and orange fur set with black stripes, however there was a dignity and intelligence to it that a true Tiger's face lacked, an almost sophisticated civility to it that masked the fierce nature that could arise from it at any point. His chest was bare, showing off his massive muscles that were only highlighted by the light furring that etched about his chest and covered the top of his back and spine, then traveled down his arms in an increasingly lessening manner till it only traced along his forearms leading into his very human hands. He wore a ceremonial black dhoti with golden striped embellishments, the baggy cloth easily concealing his lower portions exact size from anyone so curious as to look.

And many might have been curious to look, given his reputation, as a consummate womanizer and playboy. A man who despite what one would think, never seemed to drive off the maids of his palace, instead they seemed to happily stay in his palace and continued working. To where he even had many illegitimate children as a result of his dalliances. Such a situation would suggest he was either exceptionally charming, or exceptionally good in bed, perhaps both. Especially as he made no attempts to hide his reputation.

His arms were crossed as he stood before the palace gates, his own court's welcoming committee there to more than likely handle most of the formal affairs and the like. He was here as a representative of his family officially, but his objective was quite different.
Writing Sample #2: Long Transition Post, 1707 words
Varian chuckled seeing their various reactions, especially [partner character]'s. "Well the sexual acts are pretty much assumed regardless of what else you fulfill in a master's life. Some masters do want just the sex pet, but others want a companion. Some may want a surrogate daughter, while others could want a more motherly figure. It really depends on the client," he explained to her, "We let the girls choose how they present themselves leading up to the auction. Some do the same thing daily on the days leading up to it, others will do different things everyday. We keep cameras recording their performances to post online as well for clients who are unable to make it in everyday. Its about a two week performance leading up to an auction, so it can be rather difficult to come up with new things everyday. But you show off your good points during that time. We're about on day nine right now for this current lot."

And as [Partner Character] excitedly grabbed his hands and giggled in bubbly excitement, "Oh it is. Normal day to day we have a cleaning crew clean everything. However the day before the auction we have the girls going up for auction clean everything and set things up to their liking, and then check it the day of as well. It is their show after all, their final chance to put out an appeal for those attending," he gave some detail on how the auction hall worked.

But as [Partner Character] asked her question, "We do offer some similar situations. But usually for girls who wish to be purchased together," he said answering the last question first, "As for those who fail to get purchased, This is quite a rare occurrence I assure you. First, each girl has three chances at the auction floor, to appeal to an owner. Second, we hold online auctions for those who either don't meet the standards of the main hall for whatever reason or who don't succeed on the main hall three times. The third step is dependent on the why of them not being purchased," he explained, answering her question in a good deal more detail than she likely expected, "If legitimate effort was put into trying to be auctioned off, we keep them on site as trainers. Or perhaps as a pet to one of our regular employees. Or even myself, I've not availed myself of this option in the past. But it is available to me." Then he cleared his throat, "Of course should one not make a legitimate effort, this is when we will simply sell them to a lower class store. We go out of our way to ensure our clientele is the best, that we provide proper training, care, and ensure that our clientele will not be abusive to our girls. So it is reasonable we expect some honest effort in return. If with honest effort one fails, then its simply unfortunate luck and we won't hold it against them. But we can certainly hold unwillingness to put effort in against one."

Then with a motion of his hand he directed them to follow him up to the stage and then into the backstage area where there were a variety of stage gear and the like, there seemed to even be a certain theme that was shaping up. An almost scifi theme by the looks of things. "We allow quite a good deal of freedom to how the girls setup their stage," he explained as he'd open a door in the back leading into a long corridor filled with various rooms, the first few seemed to be supply rooms. But as they walked down they're find rooms full of girls inside, that almost looked like classrooms. "Do be a bit quiet here. But these are our training rooms for more academic skills. We make sure to teach our girls various useful skills that will be of use to any master that purchases them. Basic accounting and bookkeeping, scheduling, clerical work, computer work, and the like. Not all classes are mandatory, but there will be some that are. In our dormitory building we have cleaning and cooking classes to teach one how to properly take care of a home and feed their master. We have an gardening class for obvious reasons, they more take care of the grounds as part of their training. We have a driving class for cars and motorbikes as these can be skills a master will appreciate. Off site we have programs for different classes, such as helicopter piloting, seamanship, SCUBA training, and various other things. As I've said, we cater to the very best clientele. For more difficult classes we do provide a certain drug, normally quite dangerous to administer but we have the best of the best administrating it. The drug isn't a psychoactive or anything like that, but its designed to stimulate brain plasticity to allow one to learn with the same ability children demonstrate. For the most part its only used for language courses."

Leading the way further, they would soon cross over an overhanging walkway with the road down below them, he was continuing to give them the tour while answering any questions they might have had. Taking their question in stride, "And we're now entering the dormitories. At this facility which is our main one, its a female only house. There is a male house handled by one of my proteges. But here the pets are all female. While the trainers are naturally a mix," he explained to them, asking them to give him a number between one and eight, then a number between one and fifty eight. Once they had done so, he would lead them to an elevator and would ride the elevator up the number of floors that they had given him for the first number, and then he'd walk down to a room number that matched the second. Taking a key and opening it up to reveal a rather pristine looking room, clean and spotless with a nice looking bed, dresser, small desk and chair, a nightstand next to the bed. And even a small computer. "All our rooms are equipped similarly. I wanted you to give me those numbers so that you could be satisfied. If you'd like to test it, feel free to give me a few more," he explained to them and if given additional numbers he would show them those rooms to reveal it was the same. Though if they did give additional rooms they would find some were clearly lived in with various personal items, even if the occupants were not currently there.

Then he would get in the elevator with them again and take them down to a basement level. And it opened up into a much more....slave like room they likely had expected. "Before you react," he said quickly, "Allow me to explain. This is our BDSM and Rough play training room. This is probably our most extreme room in the facility equipped with various tools, devices, and the like used in such play. It was placed here to provide some privacy to the girls going to train in it given the rather extreme nature of it. I figured it would be best if I show you this room up front. Like other classes this training course is not mandatory, but pets trained in this course do tend to perform better in auctions. The majority of trainees are unfortunately those who fail their first or second auction," he explained to them, letting them move around and examine things for a bit before gathering them to move on with him.

The tour would continue as he showed them around a few more classes of various types, a library, gym, and several other smaller facilities. Until arriving in the administration building, sitting the three down in his office. Sliding papers over to them, "These are your pet contracts, feel free to read over them, If you have any questions about legal terms I have a book on the relevant laws here," he said as he slid a decent sized book over to them. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. And if you are willing to sign I can call a witness here now," he told the three. The contracts themselves included the terms for paying their families the agreed upon money. The contract also specified that until they are sold or gifted they are to be housed in this facility barring special circumstances. Circumstances which were listed out and weren't particularly objectionable. Legally they would be signing themselves over to him until they were sold. And they would be classified as pets and not slaves, which if they looked at the relevant law gave them several protections and rights.

The first of which was that it was murder and assault when done against them and not property damage like a slave was, it was kidnapping to steal a pet from someone. Their master could use corporal punishment against them of course, but they could not be beaten mercilessly nor could serious bodily harm be done to them by their master. Their master had a responsibility to provide humane living conditions and humane levels of food to them. Pets were semi responsible for their own actions still, with some actions falling under their master's responsibility while others was on them. Typically more serious crimes were on them while less serious ones were their master's responsibility. And then there was body integrity, besides piercing and tattoos their master could not alter their body in a permanent way. Of course there was a legal requirement to not only listen to but obey their master's orders on them, as well as various other things that governed their submissiveness to their master.

Overall the conditions for what they'd sign up for wasn't that bad of a deal overall. Their treatment was far better than they'd have imagined, and there was even a lot of training for useful skills and the like. Once they had looked over everything he would ask, "So ladies? Any questions, or are you interested in signing?" he asked them with a smile.
Writing Sample #3: Multi-Character response, Monster Sex, 487 words
The crocodilian monster continued to rub its tongue along her skin tight suit, teasing her through it as it held her down with its foot. Until after several more moments of its treatment it leaned its head down further, opening its mouth as it lightly graced her outfit with a single tooth. Using its tongue to press the material against the tooth it cut a small hole into it. Which it then wriggled one of the tips of its forked tongue into and began to tear at the fabric. Slowly revealing her pussy to it, bit by bit. Until she was fully exposed to the cool air of the cave. At which point that forked tongue began to lick her far more directly. Its two tips running up and down her pussy lips separating in their own movements.

The two giants bugs continued their movements, as the first held her down the other one soon was scrambling on top as it covered her front now. Placing her between their two soft underbellies. The one on top of her would move a pair of its padded feet up to her breasts, and began to squeeze and grope at them in a way surprisingly humanoid like. Teasing her there as she'd feel both of them shifting lightly, and two somethings slimy began to trail along her legs, upwards towards her pussy and ass.

As [Partner Character] tried to fight it, the monster snorted and then suddenly she'd see a red spark and a current of electricity went through her body. Shocking her and likely causing her to go limp for a moment. Giving the creature ample time to force her legs open with its power hind legs and position its thick cock at her entrance. And without a second's hesitation it thrust the thick long length into her. Refusing to take no for an answer it seemed as it buried that thick length inside, and before she could even think about pulling it out she'd feel a tightening around the base of its cock. as if the base of the length inside of her was now thicker than her pussy was wide.


[Partner Character] would notice the more she looked at the hawk, the more plantlike it was, from what she had thought were feathers turning out to be leaves, to its beak that looked to be made of bark. This wasn't a living animal of some sort but rather a living plant. A living plant that had chosen the form of a hawk to move, and as she asked it that question, a long tendril uncoiled from between its legs and shot out towards her. It had a flower bulb like tip that seemed that it could open up. It pressed that tip up against her pussy, letting her know exactly what it wanted, and it was going to take it as it began to push that bulb into her.
Writing Sample #4: Single Character Response, 231 words
The wolf landed on all fours, as he quickly whirled around, kicking off a nearby tree as he about faced and turned. The wolves were expert hunters after all, and he was the best of this generation, chasing after prey was a must have skill. Landing, rebounding, and getting back to full speed were must have skills. He wasn't giving up that easily, not at all, and it would be harder for her to pull that same trick again at a full run like she was doing now.

There was more than a decent distance between where they were and the cat village, so while he wasn't pressed for time. The only way to properly hunt was to put your all into it no matter how insignificant the prey. And so he was, bolting at full speed after her, his muscles coiling and exploding out with every movement. His breathing expertly maintained like a professional sprinter as he sought to close the distance as quickly as possible.

He quickly caught up towards her, moving just off to the side of her a bit to get in range of her, and then with one final push he crashed into her, wrapping his arms about her body as he rolled with her into the bushes and grass of the forest floor. Having run her down and caught her despite her attempts to escape.
Writing Sample #5: Short not given much to work with Response, 115 words
Mr Kairen smirked lightly, picking up the collar, taking a look as she seemed so very eager. "Hmmm, you certainly seem to be indeed, tell me, was I your last class for the day?" he asked her calmly, "Because this was my last one," he said calmly as he opened up the collar. Preparing to slide it on her.

Leaning in, "Because if it was. We can go for a walk down to the club and register you, I do happen to have a leash on me as well," he said lightly, curious to see what her reaction was to that. Of the idea of walking down to the club leashed and collared would be.
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Lets go ahead with a bump here after doing some editing of this concept.
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