Destined to be Emperor


Jan 26, 2014
Your closet
Your character is sucked into a game.


"Hello my lord!" a small little chibi avatar says floating in front of you. She is all off maybe a foot tall as she hovers close by with a innocent face. "Welcome to Destined to be Emperor." she says cheerfully. "Please pick a character." she waves her hand to the right as a screen appeared showing off different types of male characters.

Type A - Noble
Type B - Working class
Type C - Musician
Type D - Cortasan

"Good choice!" She says closing her eyes and tilting her head to the side with a gleeful smile. "You mission is to make the empress yours. Have fun." As she says 'have fun' she disappears and everything turns black.

Depending on which type you pick I will start us off where you need to be.

Our young Empress
Nikki dress up

When PMing me Please let me know which type you want to be. Please when you PM me have a picture of your avatar ready or a extremely detailed description. Thanks
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