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Long Term RP Requests


Jul 11, 2011
Everywhere and Anywhere
Hello Everyone!

So decided on throwing some ideas out there. Some I already had and some new! Please PM me with any questions if any, these are tailored to be long term and have a slow build up. Not intended for quick smut sessions.


YC and MC have been married for five years. MC had a horrible car accident 3 months earlier rendering her bed ridden for 4 months. Thankfully she is recovering quite well, except her accident has given her a split personality. MC being a shy girl now has a personality that is more sexually charged and very outgoing compared to the shy girl YC married. There is a situation where MC and YC is faced with what to do with this side of MC. Is it cheating to be with the sexually charged personality? Does YC want her gone? They see a therapist concerning how to deal with this and the couple has to try and deal with this split personality before it pushes my character to do things that might destroy the marriage between them.


MC is a beautiful woman with everything going for her. YC is so in love with MC that he proposes. They are perfect for each other. As friends and as lovers they are completely enamored with each other. Except there is one problem, MC says she will marry YC only if he agrees not to interrupt her during bath time. Would your character agree? Would he agree with her but not take her seriously?


As a God he could do as he pleases. And he has taken such liberties over the thousands upon thousands of years he has lived. Having had humans of various time periods worship him, it got tiring, boring, and he needed something with more meaning. Then he finds her. A normal human woman whom peaks his interests and desires. Except he knows if she sees him, she will be frightened, and not want to do anything with him or even go near him. he doesn’t want to force her, he has done so many times before with other humans. But this experience he wants to be different. So, he disguises himself as a human man to gain her trust, to experience what it is like to be with someone. He can always pretend till the human dies of old age…can he?

Final Fantasy

Post Dirge of Cerberus, the world is settling nicely. Kiera appears a long-lost friend of Cloud, Cid, Reeve, and Barret, which brings up a lot of the past from which Cloud had taken some time to get a grips with. There is a new threat on the Horizon, Cloud and the others can feel it. And unlikely friendship between Vincent Valentine and Kiera develops as they all work at finding out a resolution to the growing threat.

Alpha’s Choice

MC is transferred to New York homicide on a few special cases that need investigating. She is assigned to work with YC on a string of murders that authorities are baffled on. MC reputation is a good one, so is the reputation of YC so their bosses thought it would be a great idea to team these two up on these difficult murder cases.

MC is the alpha of her clan of lycans, and is constantly harassed by the elder to find a mate. She buries herself in her work and when she is not working, she is taking care of her clan business with no thought as to finding a mate. YC is also the Alpha of his lycan clan and because of work hasn’t found a suitable mate, but tries his best to balance his work and his clan life.

MC and YC meet and get along quite nicely, as the months progress and they work on the cases the two seem…perfect for one another. But of course either of them know of each others lycan secret. Chase is a lycan from a rival clan, his group is composed of mostly young males looking to take over MC group of prominently females. He is also giving YC a hard time with trying to take over territory. How would these two mesh as lycans? Will they ever find out the truth about each other? Falling in love is easy enough, but would them falling in love mean turmoil for the rest of their clan? Would they be able to merge both clans? Would they be able to stop Chase for good since evidence is connecting Chase to these murders?

Literary Enlightment

Evelyn has been secretly writing erotic novel for over 6 years. She had a fake name and her Editor was the only one on the planet to know of her work. That was until (your character) found a manuscript to a few short stories compiled by Evelyn over a 3 year period. He realizes she has been writing all these erotic novels all the girls he knew were talking about. He and Evelyn worked at an accident inspection/surveying company for 5 years together.

He goes on to read some of the stuff she has written and is very intrigued. He wonders how this, sometimes introverted woman could actually be behind closed doors? He witnessed her few failed relationships and wondered what could have happened for this attractive yet shy woman to be single. He cannot outright ask her because he doesn’t want her to know that he fell upon her work accidentally.

He begins to notice one of the characters in her latest book, Jack is a lot like him, so he is curious to know if she ever had or still has feelings for him. This character is confident, sexy, romantic, and unselfish and knows how to treat a lady…especially in the bedroom. He notices a lot of Jack’s heroic experiences in the book is similar to times he had helped her out in her life. So now he decides to make Jack a reality, and slowly he shows Evelyn that he too is a confident, sexy, unselfish and sensually hero in real life rather than on paper.

Enemy Lines

In a Victorian/Steam punk setting a group of assassins from an elite order are sent out to 1886 New York City to hunt down the last cell of werewolves from the city. The 4 assassins are Margo, (your character), Dylan and Elena. What Margo Dylan and Elena don’t know is (your character) is a werewolf himself, sent by the last cell of lycans to kill off the assassins from the order.

Margo and (your character) have feelings for one another, having worked together on a few assignments successfully although they never did anything about it because they work together. While in New York, they become closer, and it isn’t until Margo is almost killed by a werewolf that a mysterious werewolf saves her. She doesn’t tell anyone, but soon she finds herself looking for this werewolf, and this werewolf is looking for her. She is attracted to him, he to her.

At the same time she is falling for the werewolf, and the werewolf is falling for her, Margo and (your character) are getting more intimate in their relationship although they keep it secret from Elena and Dylan.

(Your character) is afraid to tell her who he is, because technically they are to hunt them down, and he is suppose to kill her and the other assassins. Could he ever reveal to her who he really is; and trust that she would turn her back on the order to be with him?

Davey Jones Locker

Tia Dalma has returned to the Sea, but has not found herself better off than in hiding from her true nature as Calypso. She wants her human form back, she wants to feel what a human woman would feel in times of love and lust. She knows to return she would need the magical essence of Davey Jones. But the former Captain of the Flying Dutchman has fallen into darkness. To resurrect Davey Jones would require some intense magic and traveling to worlds end to find him. She knows the only ones that have traveled there and survived was Captain Barbosa, Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, and Elizabeth Swan.

But they wouldn’t readily assist in bringing back Davey Jones unless she can barter something of equal importance…so Tia Dalma offers William Turner an option he cannot refuse…bring Davey Jones back and bring Tia Dalma the Gaian…and William Turner would be freed of his eternal curse by the hands of the Gaian. Tia Dalma would be able to use the body of a Gaian for her own, and gain the powers of the planet herself. But things do not go as planned.

The Gaian had caught the eye of Davey Jones, and vice versa. Awakened from her hibernation the Gaian needs to regain her strength, and in doing so can reverse the curse on Will Turner, but at full capacity, she can destroy the world equally as fast. Would all these pirates risk all for the sake of freeing Turner from his curse? Would they risk the Gaian possibly turning on them and destroying their world? Would they ever find out Tia Dalma’s true motive for finding the Gaian? Would Tia Dalma allow the Gaian to be with Davey Jones...would the Gaian allow Tia to ruin the opportunity to be with Davey Jones?

Ransom High

My character is the daughter of a high profile politician, your characters brother kidnaps her and holds a ransom, your characters job is to watch her and make sure she is taken care of until the ransom money is delivered. Your character decides to pretend to be the kidnapper to get to know the girl, slowly but surely they get a little to close, with the ransom paid, your character has a hard time forgetting about my character, as much as his brother tells him not to do it, he pursues her…and eventually she finds out who he really is! Will she stay with him?

The Wanderer

Desi was never one for a 9-5 job cooped up in an office. She telecommuted and traveled the world while doing it. After a month’s stay with her Dad in Los Angeles she was up and jet setting again, she was heading to Paris for a few days, she meets (your character) in the airport he too has stuffed his back pack and will be travelling Europe for a while, and they chat it up. None know that they are going to the same exact destination! Until they board their flight! They get to know each other and agree to have dinner in Paris.

What was a casual dinner becomes a wonderful two days exploring Paris with each other. But all the fun comes to an end when she needs to leave to her next destination. After a month of just text messages they figure out they will never see each other again, until chance has it that they meet again in Rome! Will they go all the way this time? Or hold back due to the fact that they can’t possibly be travelling in the same direction?

What You Can’t See

Rachel is the first ever patient to be selected for a surgery to restore her vision entirely. She was born blind and has dealt with it all her life. Her doctor (your character) has been successful with other surgeries and he is in very high demand. The doctor’s son, is a Optometric technician and often works with his father on several successful surgeries.

They both find this woman extremely pleasant, beautiful, and hard to keep away from, but either of them show it as they don’t want to be frowned upon when it comes to patient doctor relations. The surgery takes a few weeks depending on the patient progress, so she will be staying at a resort for patients undergoing such surgeries.

Rachel is a writer, she writes romance novels under a pseudo name so people will buy her books because they love the books, not because they feel bad and want to support a blind woman. Most of the time she uses brail and sometimes she uses voice recognition software to do her work.

Without each other knowing, the doctor and his son share private chats with the woman, and some heavy petting is involved. She thinks the son and the doctor are one in the same. That is until conversation leads them both to find out they have been messing with the same woman. After much arguing with each other father and son are out to make this woman choose between them when she gets her sight back. Will she choose the doctor? OR his son?

Art of the Tease

Charlize is a Physicists whom works alongside her colleague (your character) for the past 6 years. They have both been married, and divorced. They submerge themselves in their work so as not to deal with the fact that their lives outside of the Physics world was bland, ordinary, which included a mostly non existent sex life. Charlize has a theory about her marriages demise. She tells her colleague she wants to run a long term experiment on the Art of the Tease. She tells him that she would like to involve him in the project as he is the only one she can trust.

Their first test subjects tease each other into a frothy mess of sex. Charlize and (you) are writing down notes and discussing what their research had concluded for that test subject. Realizing that watching the two test subjects having sex left them heated. (You) begin to tease Charlize, and she teases back. Of course they both say its in the name of the experiment. Between the teasing dirty talk and agonizing foreplay the two go for it and thoroughly enjoy the experience.

Each week they conduct another experiment, watching how others react to the art of the tease, they discuss their findings, but always wind up having hot sex after teasing each other, how long could they keep this up? They have been friends for years would this imply that they were meant for each other? Would they publish their findings?

Uncharted Space

The style is very aliens, pitch black or even avatar where space stations are everywhere and governments are trying to terra-form planets to make it inhabitable for humans. My character owns a star freighter she uses to transport people from planet to planet, or she can be hired to transport equipment from place to place. Your character is a criminal running from the authorities and needs a ship asap, his idea is to steal my characters freighter and kill her off. During the trip there is a problem on the ship as two other men try to hijack the ship through the scuffle, the ship crash lands in an uncharted region. The two men escape and are on the loose, its up to my character and yours to get the ship running before they get killed by the two others, so now they face an uncertain land, they are both strangers to each other in the beginning that is! Will they get off the planet? Will your character still kill my character off?
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