Personal Health Journey


Mar 30, 2020
So, I suppose I simply want to share my current journey in terms of my physical health. Maybe someone will find inspiration in it, maybe not, but I would like to start with an image comparing myself from 2 years ago, to today.

And then an image that shows my progress on one of two milestones for my fitness life right now, a handstand being one of them.
It's been a while since I posted in here. But I am finally back in the gym, so I figure it was time to make a new post. Difference of 2 years, even with a 9 month gap.

Thank you. Everyone should know that they can do it. They likely won't see it as it is happening. Just keep doing it. Everyday do it. Create the pattern until you can't imagine your week, your day author hitting the gym. While also allowing grace, begrudging yourself only lead to stress/shame eating for me.
So, update. I have been out of gym for a few months, went through some rough heart break, but I wanted to do a couple update pictures mostly because it makes me feel good.

Great job! Your transformation is inspiring. Keep up the good work!
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