Seeking long term partner


May 6, 2020
Hello! Welcome to my request thread :) I consider myself a prolific and detailed writer and am seeking a similar partner to play with. You don’t have to write ten paragraphs but I require a minimum of 2-3 at least. I’m a bit of a stickler for proper spelling and grammar but of course, we all make mistakes. I desperately want a partner who can write with flair and enjoys the story line and character development as much as the fun, smutty stuff. I just cannot get into a roleplay if it reads as though you’re 14...

If you think you’re up for the challenge, feel free to send me a message!

I only play F x M pairings. I prefer characters to be at least 25-30+.

I use Discord or email or here.

Some ideas I’m interested in are:
- angel x demon

- toxic relationships

- Illicit affair w/ brother-in-law
*the premise is my character is married to the much older brother of your character. She married him for the money but has always been wildly attracted to his younger brother - the black sheep of the family. On Christmas, they shared a kiss but nothing more and she can’t stop thinking about it.*
Scene Snippet / writing sample:
The night was cold - bitter almost, with the hint of snow in the air. Eleanor (she preferred “Nora”, but Daniel refused to call her anything but her given name) Johnson was bored, a bit tired, and quite possibly a bit tipsy. She’d had a few glasses of the champagne being passed around on silver catering trays by blank faced waiters and waitresses at the glitzy albeit dull party her husband had insisted they attend. Nora couldn’t even recall the host and hostess’s names nor did she honestly care. They were only here to show face. Everyone in attendance was older than she was, with the exception of one or two young trophy wives who may or may not have had US citizenship.

Where was Daniel anyway? She mused. She’d lost track of him at some point as he’d mingled and kissed everyone’s ass, probably boring them to death with his latest golf stories or his newest art acquisition from France. But she supposed this was what came with marrying into money and being stuck with a man whose biggest passion in life was his bank account.

Wandering upstairs, she found herself opening a pair of pretty French doors into a small library and study. Wow. With a sigh, she sank into a velvet tufted chair and kicked off the five inch heels that were starting to make her toes sore. Nora’s gown was a deep emerald green which highlighted her vivid eyes and was offset by long black waves swept up off her face. Her staple of red lipstick - she had fought hard to continue to wear it, as Daniel thought she looked like a “tramp”, completed the ensemble. From her purse, she withdrew her cellphone. 11:42 pm. Not long before the ball dropped and they could go home and she could push off her husband’s unwanted advances with a not-so-feigned headache from too much bubbly.

She saw a message alert and opened it to see that John’s wife had sent her a text wishing her and Daniel a blessed New Year full of the Lord’s love. Nora snorted. Whatever.

Thanks. You as well. She sent back just to be nice. But then her mind shifted to John and that night. Christmas to be exact. Everyone else had gone to bed and she had thought she was alone in the kitchen. John had walked in as she was making a cup of peppermint tea. She’d always found him attractive - okay, more than attractive - and had entertained fantasies of what life might have been like had she snagged him instead of his much older and much less sexy brother. His wife was a bit prudish and kind of weird with her religious zealotry though she wasn’t unkind - just...odd. And such a strange choice in a wife for John. Often, she wondered what the hell had made him put a ring on that woman’s finger.

She’d smiled and asked why he wasn’t asleep. But John had said nothing and instead, had pressed her back against the counter and caught her lips in a kiss that was soft, tentative, and quickly became heated. His hands had cupped her ass and as she found herself kissing him back, she had felt the very evident stirring of his arousal through his jeans. His tongue had just slid against her own when Nora’s arm bumped her teacup and sent it to the floor with a crash, shattering it. It had brought them back to reality and the obvious wrongness of what they were doing.

Blushing furiously, she’d mumbled something she wasn’t even sure was in English or made sense and had bent to clean her mess. They hadn’t spoken since.

But Nora Johnson hadn’t stopped thinking about John Johnson and the feel of his lips against her own, or the heat of his hands on her rear, or the way her body had melted against his own as though it was completely natural to be there.

Without stopping to think if this was a good idea - it wasn’t - she wrote a text to John: I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t care that it’s wrong. I want your lips on every inch of my feel your mouth and tongue between my legs...the heat of your cock buried inside of me. I want to know what you sound like when you lose control. I want to be the reason you come undone.

PS - Happy New Year

She hit send.

I am always open to discussing new ideas!
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