Fx Male Fandom Based


May 16, 2020
So, I've been having some cravings for some roleplay lately. Either some good one-shots, short terms, or long terms. For short terms or one-shots it'll be mostly smut based as you can imagine but if its long term it can be 50/50 or more so story it is entirely up to you and what you're feeling for.

First off, I have a couple of rules but not too many. Depending on the day, I write anywhere from around 4 sentences to a couple of paragraphs. It also depends on you and how much detail you write back to me.
Secondly, do not powerplay my character. It is one of my biggest pet peeves ever and I will not tolerate it. Likely I will let you know the first few times you do it and there's a chance I may overlook it but its unlikely.
Thirdly, don't be dry! I need at least some detail to keep it going.
And in fourth, don't drop off the end of the world without saying anything. I understand that people have real-life issues and problems so just lmk, I'll understand <3

I have a couple of ideas that I need to come to me right now, but for now, we'll just go with the one I got! And you guessed it, it's about the 100 and oddly enough, Pacific Rim. So I've been rewatching it again as the seventh season is supposed to come out and have gained a massive inkling for some play about it. Warning, if you go past there, there will be some spoilers likely.

"Summary: Based on the Alloy books by Kass Morgan, 97 years after a nuclear war destroyed Earth and forced survivors to flee to space stations, a secret project by leaders of the group sends 100 juvenile prisoners back to Earth to see if it is viable once again."

I am wanting to play an OC crossed with quite a few characters that you can choose from. They would need different situations for it to work, however, but just lmk if you want to edit anything.

1. Bellamy x OC, having just made contact with the ark. My character has been friends with Bellamy since the start, even closer than Clarke.
2. Jasper x OC. Basically, the OC is a female version of Monty and one day they eat a little bit too much of those nuts while on the ground and end up getting randy and a little closer than just best friends.
3. J Murphy x OC. The crazy boy doesn't seem to be too interested in girls, till he sees M/C. Lots of flirting and well... we'll see what happens next
4. Grounder x OC. A grounder finds a girl out in the woods, asks for a little favor in order for him to not kill her.

"Summary: When giant alien creatures called Kaiju rise from a portal beneath the Pacific Ocean dubbed 'The Breach', humans form a program using giant robots called Jaegers to protect the world. The robots are so large they require two people to pilot them."
"Pacific Rim: Uprising, Summary: 10 years after the breach was closed, the Jaeger program is becoming replaced with drones that can be controlled by one human that do not have to be manually piloted. Little do they know that the scientist behind them as altered the drones and put in a little Kaiju surprise.

So for this one I have a few very story-driven ideas rather than smut based, but I find them rather interesting and really want to take them for a spin.

1. This idea goes can be taken through the course of both of the movies, but doesn't necessarily need to be. We can either both use OC's or just me, it doesn't exactly matter. So basically, our characters can either pilot a custom Jaeger or any of the existing Jaegers (Personally, I prefer Gipsy, she a beaut) and instead of it being like the first movies where there is a couple of kaiju at a time, let's just say there is a shit ton more than that. It is extremely overwhelming when a seemingly dead kaiju washes up on the shore by the military base. However, it is decently smaller, at least half the size of the jaegers. It is taken in for research and locked into a secret cave. The scientists doing tests on (Newt and Hermann) trigger something in the brain of the kaiju and it wakes up. But as they had researched, it was not like any of the other kaiju. Having a unique brain that is highly intelligent, however, very young. It wakes up but it doesn't go straight to killing, instead, it hides. Over a course of time, it is found to be rather tame and possibly be used in the war. It does not seem to be connected with the precursors and follows commands as if it is an oversized dog. It does, however, grow incredibly fast and within a couple of days of rewaking reaches the shoulder height of a Jaeger. Upon being taken above ground, it runs off. It does not have the same reading as regular Kaiju, in fact, it does not even pop up on the radar. A kaiju appears on the radar shortly after the one runs off, but the kaiju is killed and the tamed one returns with the body of the kaiju. Sorry if that was a very long explanation! That is the gist of what I'd like to do, though. (perhaps another kaiju is brought up being unattached from the precursors and this one and that one have like a mini love story idfk)

2. So, this is a jump ahead of Pacific Rim: Uprising. We manage to get into Newt's head and find a way to reopen the breaches. Our intention though is to get in and eradicate the precursors.

3. So you're a Jaeger pilot right. One of the mechanics working on the jaeger bumps into you and you guys become friends. A friendly spar is initiated (the one with the sticks and shit), and you find she is an extremely good fighter. You demand she is your drift pilot but is rejected. It may take some convincing to Pentecost to get him to allow her to attempt the drift.

Alright so I've been playing this game through and I am really yearning for some play from it!

First of all, this game is pretty obvious if you search up some of the characters you should be able to get a good idea of them, but even better if you have already played the game!

I want to play innocent Aloy that has no clue about anything to do with any of that smutty stuff and suddenly gets tossed into a world of thirsty men who all want to get some. Even including machines...
A few pairings I'd like to do are...
Aloy x Erend
Aloy x Avad
Aloy x Teb
Aloy x Strider / Broadhead / Charger / Grazer / Trampler / Lancehorn
Aloy x Snapmaw
Aloy x Scrapper / Bellowback / Longleg / Watcher / Ravager / Sawtooth / Stalker / Corrupter

Let me know if you're interested! (I am primarily interested in the machines)

Ahhh my most favourite series of all dang time! I would love to have some quick one shots with these and lots of smut filled but I'm also down for a good story!
Some of my wanted pairings are (the first name is the one I'd like to play)...
Demon x Dean or Sam
OC x Dean or Sam
OC x Castiel
OC x Jack
OC x shapeshifter
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