Fx Any Mental Conquest (CW: rape via mind control, incest)


Mind Control Hoe
Feb 25, 2020

Hi! I'm Callie, and welcome to my second request thread! Here I will be zeroing in on my favorite rp from my other thread (found here)— the Mind Conquest! This roleplay has two phases— in the first phase, the dom will use their powers of mind control to build up a sort of cabal of people they have complete control over (though this control is gained gradually— the dom doesn't just flip a switch and turn their subs into mindless zombies), while in the second their abuse and lack of understanding of their power bites them in the ass when their slaves' personalities begin to change in unpredictable ways (basically the subs' subconsciouses reacting to the mind control). It keeps the rp from going stale and avoids the issue of giving the dom too much power.

Before we get a bit more in-depth, here's what you need to know about me:
I don't have set roles in this that I like to play, so feel free to pick whether you're the dom or subs! I like being both. I'm also a quality over quantity gal-- if you're not feeling up to the task of posting several paragraphs, that's a-ok! Just make sure you contribute something significant to the plot— I'll do the same with my posts. In a similar vein, don't worry too much about your grammar— I'm no perfectionist, just make sure the basic message of your reply shines through before posting. And even if it doesn't, I'll just ask for clarification.
I also don't demand fast replies. I'm actually pretty slow to respond myself, so don't worry about taking your time— life comes before rp, after all! This leads into the next point that I might occasionally vanish. If I do, please don't think I abandoned you. I probably just had bigger things than rp to worry about, that's all. I will tell you if I'm not interested in roleplaying anymore.
I also play with and as all genders, so everyone's welcome!

Like I said, this rp has two phases— the building of the harem and the subs' personality shift. They won't have a concrete, black and white division— phase 1 one just immediately end and give way to phase 2, but rather they'll flow into each other as more and more of the subs start having subconscious reactions. There is also room to keep roleplaying after phase 2 is complete (hypothetically, the dom could just harem-build forever), but we can discuss that if you're interested. Here's a more in-depth look at the phases of the rp:

PHASE 1: This is the phase where the dom's power is waxing. A lot of the focus is on building the harem, of course, but what really sets this phase apart from the other is the fact that the dom is learning about their powers here. Likewise, this phase begins with the dom discovering their power and using it on their first victim— maybe even by accident! (I love accidental hypnosis). This is the stage of pushing limits and seeing how many people the dom can get under their control, the stage where they discover how much finesse or (mental) force is necessary.
PHASE 2: With the dom fully aware of their power now, and a decently sized following taboot, this is where things get interesting. The dom will likely continue building their harem, but the subs' conscious egos will have been suppressed for so long that they start to deteriorate, unveiling hidden subconscious qualities to their personalities that the dom wasn't aware of. They become harder to control as their personalities change to better reflect the parts of themselves they don't want society (or even themselves) to see.

Almost done, I swear! There's just one last thing to cover: mind control is a fairly versatile kink that can overlap with others, and boy do I have plenty! Here's just a few suggestions on how we can weave other fetishes into our rp if you're interested:


The dom accidentally controls a family member— her son, his sister, their cousin, anyone they're related to, really— and realizes their lust for a certain kind of family bond. They start small, just fooling around with their (one) new pet, but eventually get caught by another family member, and thus they have to use their power again to avoid being exposed. This snowballs continuously until at last the dom starts actively seeking out family members to control, eventually hoping to make the entire family tree one big loop.


The dom discovers their power while in college— accidentally controlling a roommate, professor, classmate, any peer in a college setting works— and can't stop themself from trying something (eventually, perhaps not right away). Either by circumstance or willingly, the dom starts to use their power more and more, taking over the entire school eventually and turning it from a place of learning to one big hypno-orgy.


This might be the biggest-scale one. In a faraway galaxy, a small mind control sex cult starts to gain a lot of power as the dom begins expanding their influence. Eventually, they achieve global domination, but they don't stop their. The mind control spreads, further and further as entire planets succumb to the dom's power lust. Resistance becomes futile as a galactic sex empire slowly rises from a single, backwoods sex cult.

There's a metric fuck ton of other kinks I like to mix and match, so feel free to just ask! We also don't need to use a single concept on its own— they could link together if you want! Anyway, that's pretty much it for now. Feel free to DM me if you have questions!
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