Fx Any Haunted or Hunted


Nov 27, 2018
I'm in the mood for some horror trope-themed plots lately, if you like the ideas here please message me and we can work something out!

The Cast

I will play either one main female character, or a small group. Probably cheerleaders, sorority girls or something suitably stereotypical (if they're high school students they'll be 18 not underage). Some possible faceclaims here if you like any of them. Their personalities will depend on the group dynamic we decide on.

You can play any friends/love interests/rivals in the group, male or female, that you would like to include. And most importantly you will direct the threats that they encounter in the course of the plot.

Now for the scenario I have two rough concepts in mind:

Perverted Poltergeist

This one is a lighter idea, nobody will be in any serious danger though it involves nonconsensual elements. Maybe there's a high school with an urban legend spreading around that the place is haunted by the spirit of a former student who died there. It's said strange noises can be heard in the halls when it gets late and furniture is mysteriously rearranged. A group of girls sneaks in to stay overnight for a bet/dare, maybe intending to livestream it or something. Or our setting could be a creepy old house on the edge of town that everyone says is haunted, the girls come trick-or-treating on halloween and the door opens to welcome them but nobody seems to be inside...

This could also be intended as a prank that the rest of the group is playing on one of the girls who is naive and gullible, trying to trick her into thinking the ghost is real and filming her reaction. When the real ghost does show up they will think its all part of the prank at first and start blaming each other. Perhaps they split up after fighting or just to investigate better. And when someone finally gets spooked enough to leave, she might find the doors have been locked. Then finds one of her friends tied up in a compromising situation.

Basically we would follow what happens as the poltergeist toys with the group. I imagine it would begin with the more subtle kind of haunted house type scares, but there's going to be a more perverted spin to it like causing wardrobe malfunctions and stealing clothes. And soon growing more overt with stripping and groping them and so on. The poltergeist doesn't have a physical form but it can manipulate the environment and people's bodies as it desires. I also imagine it can imitate people's voices or repeat phrases it's heard, which it uses to cause more friction in the group or lure people away. Another element I really want to incorporate is ectoplasm, there's a lot of fun to be had with huge loads of gooey slime.

Night of Horror

This idea is more on the violent side. Though I'm not looking for harrowing torture porn, I intend it more along the lines of campy B-movie style. We'll begin with our group going off to a cabin in the woods (or whatever location we decide on) planning for a night of fun when instead they'll end up meeting an axe-murderer, werewolf, zombies, skinwalkers or whatever menace you might prefer.

Though before the danger becomes clear there's sure to be plenty of gratuitous sexual encounters. Perhaps some girls invited boyfriends/crushes along, and FxF action is also on the cards. Who knows what they might be talked into after a few drinks. Plenty of drama too. Maybe one girl sneaks off to one of the bedrooms for some fun with another's boyfriend only to be caught in the middle of the act by her leading to a fight. Maybe one girl is being maliciously pranked by the rest of the group. The conflict might lead to the group splitting up and separating. The more tensions we have in the group the more fun it will be when the danger appears after all. Will they work together to survive or sacrifice each other and get picked off one by one?

A lot of the classic screaming and running is bound to ensue but my characters aren't so helpless that they won't ever try to fight back either. Clothing will be torn to shreds and people are going to get roughed up as they struggle to escape and survive. Cuts, bruises, black eyes, maybe broken bones can happen. People may get killed (though I'm happy with everyone surviving too). They may get captured (or infected etc), perhaps to be rescued by our "final girl(s)" later or perhaps not. Rape may be another threat depending on the nature of the enemy (or could even be a betrayal from one of the "friends" in the group) but I don't want to lose the flow with overly long scenes of that nature, or too many of them.

I think it would be fun doing something like this in a CYOA style with characters making decisions that could help them or lead to more danger, or we could even use dice rolls for some actions to have more of a random element where it's not entirely predetermined what's going to happen.
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