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Gina’s space to be horny and irreverent (NSFW pics inside)

I'm not gonna brag, but I think I could pull it off without feeling insecure. But damn... it looks feisty on her!!
This week has been kind of a trash fire of not feeling well physically or emotionally, on top of work bending me over in the not fun way.

I'm in need of some comfort smut, which today means Nipple Play Montage!

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#PleasureFunHappiness from Pleasure Fun Happiness
#gif from Go to titsformiles
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I'm writing another librarian character, which means it's time to find some more trashy novel cover art! While putting this together, I realized a lot of these covers that I'm grabbing are photoshopped to be library or bookseller themed. As someone who is decidedly pro-sex-against-bookshelves, that only adds to my appreciation.


Is Tart of Tomes a title like Earl of Winchester? Regardless, she is absolutely glowing in this dimly lit book store that has strong Adult XXX Video vibes.​

I actually rather like the art style in this one, especially the use of color for the model's skin tone and shading. The sculptor though looks like she's switching sides in Warrior 2 while blind molding. She's clearly just here to oogle.​

I don't have much to say here, but I really dig the standing woman's whole deal. Are those thighs real?! I want them to be!?

I'm also guaranteed to title my next request thread "A Tangled Web of Woman-Lust"​

Whatever is in this book has lime-green Velma positively soaked. I need to know!​

It's me after reading one of my partners' smutty scene posts! Thank you all for your TAWDRY FILTH!

The library director could really use a couch that's in better shape. At least she's getting regular deliveries from friendly fellas.​
Tart of tomes... God I'm dying! XD
I'm going to HAVE to fine a plot to use that as a title for! L O V E IT!
Today has been a baking and cooking day. I made some Indian spiced ground turkey burgers. They turned out ok. Not my favorite, but definitely flavorful. Was a worthwhile experiment.

I also baked some of these brownie cupcakes. They’re fluffy and chocolatey and I want to eat them all. I don’t use instagram so you all get my food porn.

I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo before they cooled and deflated.

Because this is BMR (and I’m me), enjoy these. I definitely have a fetish for women or men being naked in the kitchen save for an apron.

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