Fx Any Back for a hot second...


Mar 24, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
Hey y'all! I've been on this site off and on for a little while now, and I found myself back and deciding maybe I'd make a request thread, see how it goes huh? So, I suppose I'll tell you a little about myself.

As far as writing goes, I've been roleplaying for 17 years and I thoroughly enjoy partners who are just as interested in writing as an art form as they are with having a hot and heavy roleplay. I'm not even slightly opposed to smut, but I will not make characters who have sex with no emotions or motivations around the act, and I vastly prefer to plan a plot where smuttiness is encouraged than force smut into a plot that could become super interesting if we weren't force character A and character B to smooch. I also only do original characters--I like to read a lot of fandom stuff, but I have much more fun writing my own characters, and learning about yours in return. I will write typically multiple paragraph posts, and I expect the same level of effort. If our roleplay is being reduced to very short posts outside of dialogue or combat, I won't have any fun reading your posts, or writing responses, which defeats the purpose of the whole exercise. I'm not a huge stickler for grammar and spelling most of the time, I get it that sometimes you just crank out a post and it feels right so you hit send and then realize you've spelled a few things wrong, no sweat.

That all being said, I'm a talkative,'yes, and', friendly and creative partner. If you'd rather not have any OOC conversation, I'm not your partner, because I like writing roleplays that are fun to reread and sometimes in my experience that requires some background plotting together. A story that flows smoothly is important to me, and again, I must say with more emphasis, if we're gonna smut it up, there has to be something going on there plot wise or I will get exceptionally bored. Bring your characters fleshed out and nuanced and a clear cut idea of what their motivations, wants and needs are because writing the physical minutia of sex three posts into a game with no context for it occurring is a total snore. Buuuut- fear not, I AM looking for romance and sexy times and tension, so I'll lay out some cravings in a minute and if any of them peek your interest, we can discuss how we're gonna scratch both the plot and the smut itch in fun ways.

Also worth noting, I'm not opposed to any pairing and I am willing to discuss your preferences as long as you're not naming and claiming my character, I also think it's important to discuss cravings and limitations more explicitly before we kick things off. I will not however make porn-star style cardboard cut outs with tig old bitties and a desperate need for a bone. Again, snoresville, expect to meet some resistance and expectation from any character I make unless the plot falls into a situation where the relationship is established or beneficial to my character in an external way.

Okay! So to some plot desires. These will be vague intentionally, I want to encourage anyone who approaches me to create a story with me that is uniquely ours, so none of these are going to be a copy-paste plot situation. I absolutely LOVE creative character designs and choices, so I'm keeping this loosey goosey so we can fit characters together in fun ways that will suit them, and build upon a vague concept that is more nuanced to our mutual interests.

Slave Play

So, I'm looking for some fun cultural clash here- I'd prefer to play the slave, but I'm not opposed to playing the master, but whether we go with fantasy or something more realistic, I want the plot to focus around training, meshing into a foreign society, keeping a taboo relationship secret or fostering a relationship against the odds of this particular power dynamic. As far as fantasy goes I love vampire society with human slaves and with realism I really dig Roman/Persian/Greek stuff, I'm a sucker for Alexander The Great what can I say. Worth noting, I am NOT looking for race play-- Of course with the cultural clash element there's going to be discussion of 'exoticism' but don't make it weird, racism isn't sexy to me.


With this, I'm talkin about LEGIT, ALL OPEN polyamory. I'd prefer each of us playing 2 characters here, maybe 3, and I think it'd be fun to have some political motivations around the marriage-- also great for fantasy worlds but why not a gang of bad ass mob spouses? If you are squeamish about M/M or F/F take a hard left on this one, because I want everyone to be everyone in this context. Gives us smut variety, all the smut, every kind! Imagine me throwing colorful confetti, cuz that's how full out polyamory makes me feel. I really would like to have an action punch to this, to incorporate the idea that these people are together to keep each other safe from many, many enemies, or to preserve some precarious peace treaty.


Haha, really, I don't do fandom stuff, so no Alucards here- but the universe seems like a lot of fun. Let's play some traveling monster hunters! I don't mind going modern or making up our own world here, and I am not at all afraid of getting gorey and horrifying-- if you wanna go eldritch, count me in. If you want said monster hunters to already be into each other and down to go to pound town, we'll be discussing their history together in detail, so come ready with an OC in mind for that, but if not, we'll concoct some plan as to why they're forced to travel together rather than taking the monster hunting road on their lonesome.

Political Marriage

Okay, so I'm willing to concede the polyamory for a good political marriage-- cultural clash again, I think it's fun for two wildly different people to be shoved into having to play nice beyond 'ooh she's a brat' and 'wow he's so stoic'. Let's get into courting traditions and expectations of propriety and public decorum! I'm also down for purchased spouse stuff here, if that tickles your fancy, and I would love some political intrigue and some actual risk of violence. Assassinations, poison, a full out war! You name it! If we're going fantasy expect a lot of world building chit chat, but even if we wanna do something of this world, come ready to throw in some wrenches with me as to why this marriage is necessary. Not at all upset if you wanna take this alpha/omega style, as a note-- I think that's fun as hell.

Monster Romance

Okay, I love a good monster-- if you come to me with a cool monster, check me down as weak in the knees. That being said, your monster must be sentient and intelligent-- I'd like a character that is a monster, thank you, cuz it's not monster smut/non-con it's monster romance. Whether that be a creature of the lagoon that is interested in a witch who's settled in the marsh to study her craft or an ancient beast being given a sacrifice to stop kicking buildings in an old world city-- I'm also okay with body-guard monster? Like, this creature was purchased under the pretense that it is wildly dangerous but it is also highly sentient and is put in a position to protect a certain person but it ends up getting a little flirty flirty? Also here for that. I'm also not opposed to all the weird delicious that comes with monsters as long as there is a level of characterization to it. Instinct based possessiveness, territorial behavior, heat/rut cycles, bond marking, egg laying, whatever, I'm down-- I just want your monster to have thoughts about that, ya know?

Ancient Lovers
I'm such a sucker for back and forth back and forth forever, so let's make some ancients who have been coming together across time only to fight, or need to be somewhere else, or be forcibly separated! This will come with a LOT of conversation about how we wanna flavor the relationship, so as vague as this is, trust me I'm so down to build an eons long romance with you. Could be angels, demons, one of each because who doesn't ship that after Good Omens came out, old gods, vampires, whatever! Just come ready to build inside jokes and coded phrases and have lots of romantic and painful memories extrapolated upon.

I think that's it for now? If you have an aha moment over any of these, or think you'd like to add something to the baseline, hit me up! I should say, I prefer PMs, but I'm not opposed to threads, and if I like you and you like me and we're just in a writing friendship tizzy together, I'm willing to give my discord over so you have significantly more access to my time and attention. But that's only after impressions have been made where I won't have to add and block over the course of 3 days. If you find yourself interested, please PM me with the plot "title" you are intrigued with, and tell me a little about yourself! I really prefer partners who are amicable and playful and excited to write a story together, so introducing yourself will give me a pretty clear idea of how well we'll mesh. If you're not a chipper sun sparkle that's okay, haha, just be open to the fact that I am excitable and enthusiastic-- if you're on the quieter side and enjoy that kind of personality in a writing partner, you're also welcome to get down in my DMs.

Okay, thanks for reading!

Octo P
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Updating to say I'm interested in some F/F or M/M roleplays, and I'm looking for dominant and switch partners right now. If you've got a really good idea or a really cool character that just happens to be submissive, why not, hit me up, but otherwise I've been on top/dom mode for a hot sec and would prefer to be submissive or switch. This does not mean I'll be making weak or soft characters in the slightest, just that when it comes to their sexual proclivities, they prefer to be submissive or bottom-- this also might mean they are less inclined to instigate affection, but that's mostly because 90 percent of the characters I play are shameless chasers and I need to practice playing characters who aren't so immediately willing to go after their interest lol

As far as F/F goes- would love to do Mob boss/Body guard or Royal/Knight or advisor-- I don't mind which role I play, the power dynamic is fun, and I'd love to world build and discuss what sort of difficulties the pair might have to keep their relationship secret/private as well as external difficulties and dangers they might face. Bonus points for fantasy.

With M/M a political marriage plot would be fun-- Definitely down for A/B/O dynamics as a reason for why two men would be encouraged to marry by their families/countries. Also down for some detectives trying to hunt killers/monsters in a modern, edgy noir style city. Smoky bars and late night diners and huntin' demons along with a huge dollop of sexual tension because they've got a job to do but they're really into each other would be fun. Prepare for "There was only one bed" Because how could we not lmao. This could also be bent into traveling hunters/exorcists for an extra edge of road trip. I have a fun plot idea for this version of that if that peeks your interest, so if you like the two lads on the road fightin' demons idea, feel free to message me and ask after it.

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