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Fx Female Desires of the White Phoenix

May 8, 2020
Hello, as stated in my very brief introduction. I prefer RPs that are centered around BDSM and Bondage. I prefer these to be in more modern settings due to a desire to keep my erotic writing and the writing I attempt to do as a means of making money separate. That being said a fun fantasy RP is certainly something I can get behind. When it comes Kinks and Limits I'm afraid there is no f-list that can be provided. If you have questions about those just ask, I tend to be fairly open minded and relatively kinky, my cravings and appetites being big. I enjoy creating plots and worlds with my partners so there is a good chance I wont have any set settings or ideas, its just more fun to brainstorm together. I tend to play the submissive in any RP, sorry I'm just no good at playing Domme, tried it and failed miserably. As for my fantasy cravings, I'm a huge Arthurian Legend nut, I also have a liking for Egyptian, Celtic and Norse Mythology, I'm also a fan of supernatural type settings, currently into urban fantasy. I don't really go in for fandoms but depending on the fandom I may be willing to say yes. Sorry I know this is kind of short right now but I wanted to get it posted. I expect I'll add to it as time goes on.
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