Fx Male (Insert Witty Title Here)


May 6, 2020
Hello all and I hope you are having the most wonderful of days! While I might not be great at coming up with titles, I tend to do better with roleplays. In terms of roleplaying I tend to be pretty flexible. I love working with my partner to create scenarios or plots that we will both enjoy playing. I'm totally cool with roleplaying in different universes(eg.DC universe, Assassin's Creed, Ouran Host Club), but I do prefer to play original characters. For post length I match whatever my partner gives me; eg if you post 400 words I will post 400 words(what can I say I'm a Libra). I do tend to like romance involved in all of my roleplays (what can I say I'm a sucker for a happy ending), though I've rarely done plots where it is the sole focus of the roleplay without some sort of side action going on(like a war or assassin)

*A wee little note; I will update this post with more plots. This was just what was swimming around in my head at the moment*​

1. The time is sometime historical(in my head it's somewhere between Edwardian and Victorian). The sole surviving heiress of a dying royal line is posed to inherit a country in the throws of scientific and cultural revolution. Marriage is more so a requirement than a choice, and in an act of desperation her aging uncle is willing to throw away the traditions of marrying into royal lines and allows her to make her own choice in the area of love; so long as they fall within the aristocracy. Shielded from the public by a nervous mother, few know of her little more than her name and lineage. A country side gather of the kingdom's young elite poses a perfect place to find the next King of the Kingdom; under the guise of a new name and title. (War or perhaps a threat of espionage-like plots from cousins just distant enough to gain the throne, but not quite close enough while she is still alive could also be added to add a bit more drama to the situation).

2. Pirates. It always has to be pirates. Desperate to save her best friend from the grasp of pirates who raided their sea side town, she poses as being the one within the town who posses knowledge of the rode to a long sought for treasure passed down through the lineage of the town's leading family. However, not long at sea and it is clear that she has no idea what even lies within the treasure chest. Saved only for her, albeit rough, expertise in medicine, the captain takes her on as a much needed doctor. What adventures will lie in store?(this plot is pretty pliable as I only have the first portion).

3.(Witch x Vampire) Blood blessed in the honey of old is said to be the richest of them all. Especially when you're gunning for lead vampire around a city nearly drowning in ancient, mythical beasts. But where is an up and coming vampire going to find a witch's blood. Look no further than the young woman poised to inherit the position of a long established coven. With magic seeping in her veins dating back to a time of those who worshiped the Olde Gods, there is more than enough there to ensure a rise in your power.....if you can keep her under your control. However, with heads filled of the monstrous nature of vampires sucking their blood dry, few witches would be happy Kidnap or seduce? Which choice will you make to gain your rightful spot at the top?

Things I want to roleplay but don't have a plot yet-
* Something paranormal in the 1920s
*Edo Era Japan (I watched a lot of Inuyasha growing up)
*Vampire and human or witch
*Witch x Witch Hunter
*Elite society warlock x What is perceived by society as a lower class witch (think like Naruto meets Harry Potter)
*Something with reincarnated lovers
*Assassin's Creed
*Digital Persona 5(but then leaks into the real world)
*Something set in Ancient China
*Twilight with OCs but the werewolf wins
*Something set in Ancient Korea
*Basically Maid Sama/Kaichō wa Meido-sama
*Time traveling romance.

If any of these ideas interest you or you want to add your own tweaks to some of the stories here please feel free to PM me or message down below. Thanks for reading!​
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