- Joined
- Mar 27, 2020

Hello everyone! Looking for both short and long term partners, I'm open to a lot and have multiple different genres's in the wonderful stories you'll find below. I'm open to new ideas so feel free to bring them to me! I'm not a hard-ass when it comes to post length, just keep a paragraph minimum. I'm more of a direct writer, I'm going to make sure all the relevant detail is there, thoughts and feelings if needed, but I'm not going to describe what the birds are doing outside just to hit a post minimum, I feel it kills the story even more. That being said, I'll always give you something to reply to. With that out of the way, enjoy your stay, have a look around, lunch is in an hour!
Little About Me:
- I'm fairly active and will keep in touch with my availability. I prefer setting available times aside if possible to maybe do multiple posts in a day to keep involvement.
- If you accept an RP, please don't ghost. I don't want to sign up for more threads than I can handle so I'll be waiting on the response.
- 15+ Years of RP experience from freeform, speed combat, paragraph story to many others.
- Prefer OC's, I normally make them up on the fly to fit the story. I do have OC's from past stories and D&D sessions that I could implement.
- Can do Fandom so long as I know the ref material.
- I'm a switch that prefers Sub, and victim roles. If you want me to be Dom, feel free to ask.
- I work 2nd shift so replies will more than likely be given late at night unless I get free time at work.
- Currently on mandatory OT for the foreseeable future so I work 6 days a week. I will do my best to get out a reply a day, please let me know availability so I can try to make things work.
- Prefer drawn FC's but not opposed to RL FC's if the story is good enough.
- I tend to match what I'm given as far as post quality and length. The more you give me to work off of, the more I'm able to give in return. If you're not interested in a story any more and it is effecting post quality just give me a heads up and we can stop, no point in wasting both of our times. I'll give you the same courtesy.
- My Waifu is Moka Akashiya from Rosario+Vampire, I would love to have stories with someone rping her correctly.
- I prefer to write mostly smut at first, if I like your writing style or if we click we can add more story. I do not want to craft a story for someone I don't click with.
Top Kinks:
- Monster Girls (Succubi and Slime being at the top)
- Tentacles
- Tickling
- Fellatio
- Mind Domination/Hypnosis
- Femdom
- Dirty-Talking
- Public Sex
- Exhibitionism
Hard Stops:
- Scat
- Furry
- Emotional rape and torture
- Cucking
- MxM
- Urethral Insertion
- Prolapsing
- C&B Torture
Story Ideas:
Stories with an * beside them are current cravings, please keep that in mind when requesting. The initial gender tag is what I would prefer to play in the story, it can be switched up if I like the proposal you bring forth.
The story is set, in Nakano Village. The village is far to the east of the main country, nestled between hills that are surrounded by a lush forest. The forest bordering a vast ocean even farther east. Within the main country there have been reports of the Demon Lord being resurrected. Due to this, monster sightings have increased, towns being raided, people being abducted and war breaking out amongst the country as the power struggle begins. Adventurer's have a ranking system in this world. Bronze - Silver - Gold - Platinum - Diamond. This urges them to do tasks for their village and the surrounding kingdoms. Many adventurers strive to get to Silver rank, at this level free housing is provided due to their service. This having many poor adventurers take missions thay're not ready for in hopes of having a break in life.
Nakano, however, is far from the conflict allowing them to keep to themselves, due to this however their defenses are minimal, along with the skill level of those that reside in this small town. The skill of the adventurers that dwell within capable of taking on goblins and the like that occasionally raid, stronger threats deeper in the forest, however, are never to be fought without a group.
This adventurer can go a multitude of different ways:
-Adventurer bites off more than they can chew deep in the forest.
-Nakano is attacked by a stronger monster that the village cant defeat and is conquered.
-Monster infiltrating and scouting the town, kidnapping villagers.
More or less, throw out a concept and it can work within this world. Monsters in this world need humans for reproduction, both male and female monsters exist but are mostly gender locked on species.
Example: Goblins and Orcs are gender locked male.
Monsters cannot breed with other monsters so breeding with humans is a means of survival. Monsters can approach this differently, disguise and seduction, kidnap and rape, being honest, and looking for true love. Monsters are not forced to be rapists.
Currently, I've been learning more towards FxF or FxFuta stories for the monsters, playing both the human and the monster depending upon mood. I'm not opposed to playing out goblin gang-bangs for F characters. This story will not have any MxM or MxFuta content, sorry.
Story concepts:
• Succubus stealing M/F from Nakano.
• Adventurer finds a temple deep in the woods, managing to evade monsters till this point. Temple is said to have a treasure at the bottom floor, monsters and traps lie in wait. (Tentacles, Slimes, runes, and the like can be expected.
• Herb gatherer assaulted in the forest by various monsters. An Alarune guards the herb garden.
RPC's that I wish to use: (All rpc's can be sent out on missions to make different stories work, virgin status can be discussed aswell.
• Rose / Rose NSFW: Experienced rogue of Nakano, bronze rank on the verge of silver promotion. Arrogant and looking to prove themselves, will take on higher-ranked quests to ensure her promotion.
• Liana: A silver rank mage that works as a potion brewer in Nakano, very reserved with little emotion shown. Strong mental focus.
• Ally:A bronze rank mage, student to Liana. Bratty in her personality she seeks to prove herself often getting into trouble. Very loud and expressive about her feelings.
• Lilly: Silver ranked swordswoman of Nakano, stationed in the town to help with gate defense against raids. Calm and calculating, soft-spoken with an honor code to help the people of Nakano to the best of her abilities.
• Mari: A low bronze rank fighter, bright and happy she takes on every mission with a smile, confident in her abilities. Her minimal clothing she doesn't see as an issue, allowing her more mobility, her body seen as a weapon. She does, however, get embarrassed if people stare. Mari can be talked into going on nearly any mission if built up enough, allowing her to get in over her head quickly.
The reference for this story is drawn from Monster Girl Quest and Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
This is mostly vanilla but can develop into more if I can get a good story going with someone. Two childhood friends that normally hang out stat to notice that the other is developing in attractive ways. At the moment there is not a relationship interest, more so a comfortability and desire to experiment with their desires. This leads to teasing, "accidental" nudity around the other then, inevitable sex.
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A fun scene, in particular, I'd like to do is the M is playing video games with the F over;
-M is ignoring F and playing with others online in a competitive game w/ headset thus F begins to tease M whilst they are playing before fellatio where M has to be quiet as to not let the others know. (This scene can be reversed)
-MvF in video games with a dare on the line, F uses her body to distract M so they win.
Can do similar scenes if you have other ideas.
Fairly straight forward and I can play M or F in this scenario. Looking for a dominant female to play dominatrix. How the scene is set up we can work out if you're interested.
I'm down to go fairly hardcore so long as my hard stops are acceptable, if something comes up in a post I'll bring it to your attention. That being said, Wax play, pegging, edging, teasing and denial, whips, electric play, exhibitionism, all fair game.
For the right person, or if I'm in the mood, I can play Dom in this for an F character.
Fairly straight forward, sci-fi universe. I can either play tentacles or play against them. Mostly smut. Random magic happens at a random place, causes walls and floor to be tentacles, you name it, we can do it. Scenes are F or Futa x Tentacle. Open to multiple rpc's in this story.
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Classic hentai protag finds himself invisible with no way to turn back. Due to this, he uses his newfound abilities for good, by that I mean molesting and raping friends, bullies and classmates.
Looking to do public scenes either with mc assaulting girls at school or at the mall. Also looking to do a scene where MC goes after a girl whilst she's sleeping.
A twist on the story could be where MC died in some way and his ghost is doing these acts, also capable of possession to forcefully control the girls.
A powerful succubus is taking over towns and draining men of their semen. This has two possible routes depending upon partners. Looking for someone to play the succubus.
Male route: Male hunter tries to go after the succubus alone, perhaps they are a survivor in the village trying to get revenge. Quickly gets charmed and dominated, made to orgasm until there is nothing left.
Female Route:
Female hunters are from a group named L.U.S.T (Ladies Undergoing Special Training), an anti-succubus unit. Ladies of this unit have exceptional mental control along with the natural resistance females have to a succubuses charm. This means that members of L.U.S.T. cannot be easily charmed and have to have their mental state broken with pleasure before a charm can be placed. A member of L.U.S.T. will encounter a queen succubus that is far beyond their capabilities. The succubus will attempt to break her through a multitude of different ways, making the operative their pet. This can go long term with the succubus corrupting the operative to lure in other members of L.U.S.T.
Succubus are capable of Futanari.
This Doujin is what it's based on.
Looking to learn the ways of the arcane a student enlists a master 1/master 2. The master agrees but discloses that her training methods are harsh. The girl wanting to be trained to such an extent she agrees, unaware that her words have signed a magical contract. The master teaches her about magic but should she fail she is punished by a multitude of different means. Rape by different creatures and summons, sexual attacks by the master herself with magic, humiliation, anything the master might have in mind at the time. She also forces concentration training in which toys or tentacles will be used to try and break spell concentration, this can be idle teasing and the spell successful or have her put in an impossible spot destined to fail just so the master can torture her.
The magic contract keeps this from being non-con and is seen as a punishment that she may or may not enjoy. Failing her training to get some attention? Hmmm.
Inspired by the this image.
Tom Smith, a businessman at a nearby law firm. He's away from home quite a lot thus YC has been his go-to for a good year now, oftentimes staying over at the house whilst he works overnight. His son of seven, named Tyler you've grown close to, him seeing you almost as a big sister. Toms trust has come with pay increase over time, reaching $10 / hr at this point just to watch over his son she might look forward to him working nights, the clock goes until he comes home. Easily able to rack up 80-hours in a week. How much will YC be willing to go to keep such income?
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Looking to play as multiple girls trapped and mercilessly fucked by different guys and futas, or find someone willing to play them. It's open for w/e FC's, it's mostly smut with the girls captured already and it being something to pay to use.
All holes available with the girls capable of being completely humiliated.
Waitress at a scummy bar 1
Waitress Bad End
Beth, at least that's what it says on her nametag is 18 and the only waitress at the Creaky Cast Tavern. The tavern sits in the fishing district of a run-down settlement, the orphan girl native of these parts and looking to get enough money to move far away. She was warned many times to stay away from the tavern but with hopes and dreams of a better life, she applied, not having any other option with other businesses not looking for work.
She has worked at the tavern for roughly a week at this point, it was a very busy job with a fairly rowdy, not to mention grabby crowd. She has told her boss a few times but alas, he doesn't care to do anything about it. At one point telling her. "Look, doll. You're expendable, my customers aren't. If ya can't handle a few slaps and grabs then perhaps ya should quit."
With nowhere to turn, Beth is left to endure her treatment at the tavern.
This is a gangbang set up with the tavern taking turns with her with multiple endings. Either she ends up as the taverns cum dump or is purchased from the tavern owner as a slave. Interested in playing F for this one but I can play the tavern if needed. It'll be Non/Dub-Con with her forced to endure to keep her job until she grows to like it.
Based on portal, big duh. Glados has the player trapped, the story takes place in Portal 2 where Glados is snarky and really after the player. Glad will sex to sexually humiliate the player with different tests, traps, and other experiments trapped within the facility. I will be GMing this. F only.
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I do not want people to play the MC from portal, feel free to bring your own and they'll be the one that ran through Portal 1. Instead of deadly nerve gas it'll be an aphrodesiac. Glados will make the player want to stay as their end goal.
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Doujin Ref
Simple, Little sister is blackmailed by older brother. Prefer ages to be close to one another, not 30yr old older brother and 16 year old sister. No more than 3 year gap between them.
This can go as soft to as hard as we want it to go.
Story Points for ideas:
• Sister is on the verge of being kicked out of the house, brother has dirt on them sneaking out to attend a party and drinking. Threatens to tell parents if she doesn't do everything he says.
• Brother makes her wear outfits to fulfill fantasies.
• Brother makes her wear sex toys in public, checking up on her and demanding picture updates.
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The general outline, highschool girl, MC is on the train headed home from school and is sexually assaulted. She can just be groped and left, hypnotized to not scream, drugged, and kidnapped afterward, all manner of things based upon what you have to bring to the table. MC will be 16-18 and a virgin, prefer the attacker to be older by at minimum a few years. I want to work in accidental partial nudity where maybe her skirt is too short, it gets rolled up and she doesn't notice, things of that nature. Examples are in the Ref images above.
A rogue Warlock, MC is wanted by the kingdom of Galmaska for practicing dark magic. YC will be sent to bring him in alive. Little is known about MC, only that they are wanted for the aforementioned. I prefer YC to be a somewhat inexperienced adventurer looking to cash in on a bounty. This will involve many different kinks, the primary focus will be on sexual experimentation with tentacles, monster summoning, body enhancements for greater pleasure stimulation and things of that nature. We can work in anything from beastiality, lactation, monsters, you name it we can probably do it.
Girls night out. Thinking potential kidnapping scene.
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Daughter/Younger Sister
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Reluctant, but willing partner. (Best Friend, Sister etc.)
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Naughty Teacher (Dom/Sub)
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Gym Class
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Footlovers Fantasy
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Officer / Hidden Succubus Investigating their own attacks (There are a lot more ref images, will send if interested.
Ref 1 Officer
Ref 2 Succubus
Babysitter/Family Member catches you looking.
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Study Partner or something more?
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Accidental exposure
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Working out with your friend/sister, open for public sex.
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School Sex on the roof
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Captured Princess
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Mother needs help setting the table
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New family pool!
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The illumination of the full moon, it was the only advantage the adventurer had on this night. A solo adventurer looking to make some good coin is out on this night. Rumor has it that a nekomata was spotted in the area outside of town. Nekomata fetched a high-price on the market due to their human-like appearance, this one, according to intel was well endowed.
The man's equipment is simple, a short sword, some arrows, a bow and a net. He's garbed in a mixture of leather and cloth, it has rough patchwork making his lack of funds obvious. By look he seems to be in his mid-twenties, his hair black and scruffy coming down to his neck, his frame is average, he is sadly no warrior.
He traverses the open plains outside the village silently, from what he was told she was last seen running off into the forest with stolen produce from the market. He inhales softly to calm his nerves, the sound of crickets and other nightlife growing louder as he reaches the treeline. Each step is slow as he enters the forest, the canopy blocking out most moonlight leaving only patches on the ground to light his way. His eyes dart back and forth trying to keep his wits about him amongst the darkness, the nightlife growing louder than before.
As the man traverses the forest the prey, now turned huntress observes him from a nearby tree. Her tail sways gently in the wind, her black fur blending in with the shadows, her green eyes taking in every last detail of the man, her tongue wetting her lips. This human was scared and she could taste it, she had advantages he didn't, the poor fool was pretty much blind. She observes him for now, he needs to go deeper, it'll make the hunt that much more fun. Her form adjusts as she sits upon the branch, one leg crossing over another, her arms crossed under her breasts. Her body is covered only by bits of cloth to help with warmth, her breasts more or less exposed, the intel was correct about this one, she was quite endowed for her race.
The man steps through the abyssal cacophony of noise unknown that the roles have swapped, his gaze darting to each shadow that seems to leap from the corner of his vision, his breathing quickening. 'Shit, what did I get myself into..' the man thinks to himself, proceeding deeper into the forest.
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