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how long do people take to respond?

It varies person to person. Most of the time they will list this information in their request thread(RT). Sometimes, you have to ask.

But there is such a large variety of writers here, nobody will be able to give you an exact average number.
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For me, personally, it depends on the story and my real-life schedule. Normally, it takes at least a day, or a day and a half to respond, sometimes a little longer. But again, that’s just me. Like Goodman said, there’s a variety of different people here - you won’t be able to get a proper number.
It varies wildly. Some, like me, prefer more of chat interaction. Other's think 'literate' means posting a chapter of a novel once a week. Many people will post what frequency/length they want in their ads. I suggest you give some general guidelines in your own. Also, I suggest you state how long you're willing to wait before abandoning an RP.
It varies wildly. Some, like me, prefer more of chat interaction. Other's think 'literate' means posting a chapter of a novel once a week. Many people will post what frequency/length they want in their ads. I suggest you give some general guidelines in your own. Also, I suggest you state how long you're willing to wait before abandoning an RP.

Good point...
In my case, it varies quite a bit. It can be half an hour when I have time and am on a roll, or over a week when things are very busy.
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