Mx Female Hunter or Hunted?


Apr 27, 2020
Mark enjoys the outdoors and loves hunting. His preferred quarry are beautiful women. He will also play the quarry to female huntresses. The hunts may end in death but don't have to. The goal is to enjoy the thrill of the hunt, the mental challenge of trying to outsmart/outflank each other with elements of danger, peril, pain, bloodsport, and sometimes death.

Roleplay can be first or third person and I prefer Discord but can play on notes. Not really looking to play sex with this character just the action of the hunt. I will play other shooting/fighting based ideas as well. I don't like MvM scenes, I prefer that at least one character is female. I don't mind female characters played by male writers and I am willing to write as a female character myself if its appropraite to the scene or desired by an RP partner.

Here are some scenes:

Hunting reality show: A contestant is trying to collect prize money in a designated area while being hunted. The hunter is armed with a low powered weapon, (pellet gun, blowgun, small crossbow, some specialized dart gun, etc...) and gets paid a token amount for each time he hits and wounds the contestant. If he brings her down he gets to keep whatever money she had collected up to that point.

Hunter vs hunter: two hunters in a cat and mouse game in an abandoned industrial complex or vacant office building

Sniper - one character stalks and takes down the other character sniper style, often in a public setting

Couple hunted by another couple: A sexy fit couple is out hiking in a remote area and suddenly find themselves being hunted by uknown persons for unknown reasons.

PETA activists hunting a popular big game hunter/huntress: A beautiful big game huntress who has been posting pics of her kills on social media is out hiking alone one day and a group of animal rights activists decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by hunting her. This could include making her wear a deer (or other prey animal) costume.

F-List: F-list - Warning

Stories I've written (examples of writing):
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