Fx Male The Halfway House (NSFW)


Feb 14, 2020
You're a nineteen year old dude who just spent four years in juvenile detention. Today's the day of your release. But you're still under a six month probation period, so you can't do whatever the heck you want just yet.

You get assigned to a halfway house called Turning Point way out in the boonies to learn a thing or two about being an adult. After all you were just fifteen years old when they put you away. And in juvie, they don't exactly teach you anything about dealing with the outside world.

So you're thinking to yourself you're shit outta luck, being shoved from one crap hole to another. Outside, your friendly neighbourhood probation officer is waiting to drive you to your new home. Is the new place gonna be as bad as you think?


This is Samantha. She's the caretaker and owner the halfway house. She's a nice older lady and your potential mother figure. She also handles the mandatory counselling sessions to help you out with the multitude of emotional issues you're sure to have.

This is Emily or Em to her friends. She's the same age as you. Nice, sweet girl. Kind and loyal to her friends. But she's got a nasty temper and will kick your butt if you piss her off. So be nice.

This is Ashley or Ash to her friends. She's a fellow resident of the halfway house. She's a tough, self assured young lady, who won't take any shit from anyone. Thinks a little too highly of herself though.

This is Luis or Lou to his friends. He's the only other male resident. He's been there for ages and is actually no longer under a probationary period. He's free to leave any time but decided to pay rent and stay while he looks for a full time job.

  • No sentence posters.
  • RP will be in PMs only.
  • OOC and IC will be in separate PMs.
  • No RL face claims for you character.
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