Roleplay threads you're proud of, or like: share them here for show, or constructive criticism!


Feb 14, 2020
the gory in glory
A place where you can post threads or stories that you were especially invested in or proud of, and maybe also a list that other people might be able to use to look in to find stuff to read.


Admin rule: Post only links from BMR and nothing like google docs, other RP sites etc.
  • Don't comment or post anything on this thread other than your roleplay threads only, so it won't get clogged up and people looking to find things to read get a nice list that keeps going on suggesting threads. PM the person who posted it (and their partner too!) if you think their stuff is awesome. Compliments/ comments are always nice!
  • Important: get consent from your partner to share the thread here. Do not post it here if they don't want it shared.
  • Put your threads, if multiple, in one post at a time. You don't have to make multiple posts. If you want to post a new one in the future, though, you are allowed to make a new post, you don't have to edit the old one (but you can if you want).
  • Don't make your description too long, something short will catch more attention / is easier to read anyway.
  • Some chatter is okay and allowed. Stuff in front of your post that goes like: "So there's this one that just keeps me up at night, hope you like it as much as I do" etc.
  • Try not to double post -- your partner needs to get your consent to post your thread, so you should know if a thread has already been posted.
  • Site rules.
  • Most importantly be respectful with each other, especially with commenting! Definitely no kinkshaming/criticising what other people enjoy. That is not constructive criticism. This should be a safe space to put up your most depraved, delicious work.

Posting guideline

Name of the RP - link - themes - short blurb, that may go like this: setting, characters, premise.
Trigger warnings if they apply (or to hook the little bunch who enjoy triggering things in).
Credit your partner.
Also indicate if you're looking for constructive criticism; you can also point out what in particular you need help with.
(You know, just so this isn't just a vanity thread. But vanity is also cool, I like it, I do it, so no judgement, don't worry.)

Sharing is caring. Also have fun. I can't wait to see everyone's best work!

"A masterpiece... may be unwelcome but it is never dull." - Gertrude Stein

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So this is one I'd been really inspired to do not too long ago:

Hegemony - with Retrojapan
Main theme is an abuse of power, I'd say. It's set in WWII, Nazi Germany, a concentration camp; mains are an undeservingly pretty young German soldier and a smart Jewish girl.

Premise / Idea
I wanted to write a historical, obviously. I also hope to explore a particular dynamic: usually in d/s, you have the much older dom man and the much younger sub girl. I want to write something a little different, where the dom is only a boy with a power fantasy; otherwise, both of them are very close in age. There could be a bond in that familiarity of youth, maybe, because they'd know each other better without a generation gap. I also like the idea of the young soldier having to be sneaky in order to exploit the girl, because there are officers higher up than him status-wise who can ruin his life. And the girl, conveniently, has a connection with the exact person who can ruin him. Gasp, a dom who has to work for it? That's a general idea I hope to explore, that also seems fun to write out. Super happy I got RJ on this with me, she's awesome!
It's new, so I don't think anything is triggering in it for now, though I do mean to make it abusive with a bad end (for both characters).
There's a little bit of violence or mentions of it.
Constructive criticism
I'm definitely open to help with pointing out historical inaccuracies. Or if my formatting, especially with fonts and pictures, look weird/distracting.

This one was the first that got me to start posting on threads. Also, DC, you called me vain, you're right, unfortunately.

Red Tattoo - with Dan Cody
Brutality as a theme. It's your favourite crime-ridden city ruled by an underground, the story vibe in the vein of John Wick + the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Cast: a hacker and someone we'll just call 'the Reaper' for now since I feel like he likes an air of mystery, not knowing what he'd do next.

Premise / Idea
Honestly, this one is DC and me throwing fucked up ideas at each other to see how dark we can get or who gets scared first. @Dan Cody correct me if I'm wrong.
Abuse at every turn, non-con, graphic violence. Stuff like cutting and drugging.
Constructive criticism
Similar: if I've got technical inaccuracies with weapons/drugs etc. I'm striving for realism and this knowledge is always good.
And if my formatting, fonts and pictures, look weird/distracting.
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