Fx Any Ask me anything!


Jul 22, 2019
So, this is kind of a riff on another (currently inactive) non-traditional request thread of mine, the one where I've posted fictional Tinder profiles for my characters and asked interested partners to "swipe right" on them with profiles of their own. Some of the characters I put up in this thread may also be featured in that one. Here, though, I'm looking for something a bit different, and even less traditional.

See, in my time doing this kind of RP, I've discovered that one of my favorite things is writing characters discussing sex frankly and openly, without shame or boundaries. There's something about the act of talking about it that often turns me on way more than just writing about characters doing it. I think it's just the idea of those characters being so willing to share all the juicy, dirty details with others, whether it's because they're proud of their sex lives, or just not embarrassed and don't see why these things should be private. So that's what I'm after with this thread, the chance to write those sorts of conversations with some of the characters I like to play best.

Below, you'll see that I've posted some information about a few different characters. What I'm inviting you to do is simple: send me messages, addressed to one of those characters, asking them any question you want. Ideally, the questions would be about sex somehow--stuff about the character's sex life, her likes, her dislikes, her fantasies, whatever--though if you really want to ask something not related to sex, you're welcome to. You don't have to be in any particular character yourself to do this; indeed, I'd prefer it if your messages were limited to just the questions, nothing else (if you want to imagine writing questions from the perspective of a character of your own, go right ahead, but don't feel any need to describe that character to me at all). Think of these QA sessions sort of like talking heads in a show like The Office, outside the context of whatever story the character is living, with them talking to "the audience" or whatever in a metanarrative way. Alternatively, with some or all of the characters I post, I might suggest a particular fictional framing device for the questions, like, one of the characters might be doing a livestream of some kind and answering questions from the chat, or another might have posted an AMA thread on Reddit. You're welcome to follow these suggestions, or ignore them and keep this completely meta.

You might be thinking, "but wait, I don't get to roleplay in this!" And, well, I guess you're right--that's not really what this request is for. On the plus side, though, you get to just shoot me one-liner messages with basically no effort required, and get what I hope to make some very sexy writing that you'll enjoy reading back in return! Don't hold back with the questions--feel free to ask these ladies whatever you want, with as much opportunity as possible for hot, steamy answers, and they'll respond with complete honesty.

One more rule: please keep your messages to one question at a time, for one character at a time. This is to keep me from getting overwhelmed with how much content I need to write per response--this is meant to be a super easy, casual exercise on both ends, so having to write responses for several characters in one reply, or for one character to multiple questions, will make me less eager to respond. You're always welcome to send more messages with more questions, for the same character or others.

Without further ado, here are the characters currently taking questions!

Image (NSFW)

"Hi! I'm a freshman at Cal State, majoring in social work. All my life, I've been a naturist--my whole family are. Naked is my normal; growing up, I almost always went nude at home, even when my parents and my brother would put on clothes for company. I'm living on campus now, but still practicing the lifestyle as much as I can. I'm an advocate for body-positivity in all forms, not just when it comes to nudity, but also sexuality. Most naturists will tell you that nudity should be acceptable because it's not sexual, but to me, that always seemed like just moving goalposts--why shouldn't sexuality be just as acceptable and normalized as nudity? It's just as much a natural part of our lives, after all. I do my best to live my sexuality without shame, and I hope that in the future, society will start to move past the stigma around sex, and the world will be better for it.

So, go ahead, ask me anything!"

Potential context: Lisa has posted an AMA thread on Reddit, with the above as an intro, looking for an opportunity to discuss her lifestyle and hopefully persuade others to her way of thinking.
Image (sort-of NSFW)

"Huh, what to say about me...well, I live in Portland, Oregon; I work part-time as a technical writer for a software company; and I make the rest of my money making and starring in solo porn, which I publish on my own website. My screen name is Kimi Joy, so if you've ever seen it, that's me. I mostly focus on exhibitionist stuff, but my MO is content that's actually public--none of that flashing, back-alley, wilderness-with-no-one-around cop-out bullshit. If I'm gonna get naked in public, I'm gonna make damn sure there are people around to see, or what's the point? Anyway, I also do live camming at home, chat sessions, and for my paying members, I have voyeur cams set up around my house running 24/7, so you can watch me whenever.

Don't be shy, I'm an open book!"

Potential context: "Kimi" is doing one of her regular livestreamed chat sessions, where she talks to her fans.
Kate (NSFW)

"Hey there! I'm married to the most wonderful man alive, mother to an incredible daughter who recently celebrated her 18th birthday, a nudist, a swinger, and a libertine. My husband and I have had an open marriage from the start; we both enjoy regular fun with other partners, both separately and as a couple, and it's only brought us closer together over the years. We've always been committed to raising our daughter in an open, accepting environment without secrets or shame, and we couldn't be prouder of the woman she's become. I always welcome the opportunity to share our lifestyle with others, and hopefully introduce at least some of them to something that will bring them happiness and freedom.

I welcome any and all questions!"

Victoria (NSFW)

"Hi! Kate's daughter, here. Since she started taking these questions, my mom mentioned a lot of people had been asking about me--how I feel about my family's lifestyle, how I interact with my parents when it comes to sex, stuff like that. I suggested to her that I could come on here with her and be able to give my perspective a little more directly, and she thought that'd be a great idea, so here I am! I'm also happy to talk about anything else you're curious about, so don't be shy!"

Potential context: Kate has a blog where she discusses her life and beliefs, and answers questions from followers.
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