Fx Male Let's construct a story together! [1x1] [FxM]


Apr 23, 2020
>> Introduction <<

Greetings and salutations, friends! Welcome to my humble request thread. I am almost always on the hunt for new roleplays, unless I currently have too many at a time. Then I will have to hold off on roleplays. -coughs- Anyways, my name is Gabrielle but I go by Elle on most sites. I'm a twenty-nine year old girl who enjoys reading, writing, drawing, playing video games, and spoiling my pet birds. Yes, I have birds. Don't ask me about them unless you're prepared to hear a lot about my birbs. -coughs again- I enjoy fantasy romance roleplays for the most part, but I also do various other ones like fandom, historical, or modern roleplays. Truthfully, I'm usually up for trying new things. However, there are some things that I tend to avoid. Like sci-fi/futuristic roleplays but I could be convinced with the right plot. It's just not usually my cup of tea.

>> Notes and Rules <<

Before I get into the good stuff and start listing plots and pairings, I feel like I should probably go over a few things. Such as what I'm interested in and how I roleplay. Various things like that. -nods- I will do my best to make this short and sweet so that you can get to the good part of this thread. -winks- Also, these notes are in no specific order. Just jotting them down as I think of them.

1) I am capable of playing both female and male roles. Being a female, I am naturally more inclined to play the female role but this does not mean that I don't also enjoy playing the male role. Sometimes, I really enjoy playing a sexy man that we can both fangirl over. I just ask in return that you be as flexible, though it is not required. I can understand that some people can only play specific male or females roles and that's cool, too.

2) For pairings, I normally prefer to write male x female pairing roleplays. I have nothing against same-sex pairings, it's just that I often will get bored writing them. There's just something about the male x female dynamic that I am in love with. It's nothing personal. Now, if we are doubling and have a main heterosexual pair, I might be willing to do a side same-sex pairing to compromise.

3) For my writing, I like to try and mirror my partner. For example, if you give me ten paragraphs, I'm most likely going to do my best to match that as closely as I can. If really inspired, I might even write more. All I ask is that you give me at least a meaty paragraph to work with. I cannot do one liners. I will get bored very fast.

4) I am very flexible when it comes to writing. I am also very friendly and love to get to know my partners. I enjoy making friends when I can get them and it makes the roleplay more pleasant if I am on good terms with my partner. I love to plot and fangirl over roleplays and characters. So, talk to me. Get to know me. I'm not so scary, I promise.

5) If you have a problem with me or the roleplay, please let me know. Communication is important to me and I would appreciate not being ghosted. I understand life happens. It's cool. Just talk to me. I promise I will be understanding and won't bite your head off. If you want to end the roleplay, I will understand. However, I will want to first see if there is something we can fix before completely giving up. That's just how I am, especially if I am enjoying the roleplay.

6) Please be aware that sometimes I won't be able to roleplay. It's not anything you did, I promise. I often get depressed or upset by things and am just not in the mood to write. There are also times where nothing is wrong but I just don't feel like writing. Please be patient with me and I will treat you in the same manner. If I am unable to post for a long time, I will do my best to let you know. If I don't, feel free to poke me and see what's going on. I'm not gonna get mad at you for asking if everything is okay, especially if I get distracted and forget to warn you or am just unable to warn you.

7) Finally, I usually tend to focus more on the story as opposed to the sexual content. I would say my ratio would normally be like 70% Story and 30% Sexual Content. I don't want sexual content to the be the main focus of the story otherwise I get uncomfortable.

>> Preferred Genres <<


>> Will Not Do <<

Butt Stuff
Mecha (Android/Cyborgs are fine)
Male Pregnancy
Bathroom Stuff (Nothing involving bathroom bodily functions)
Female x Female (I have nothing personally against this)
Characters older than 40 (Unless immortal with a young adult body)
Characters below the age of 18 (Unless a side character and therefore not engaging in sexual encounters and is not a main character)

>> Original Pairings <<

> Fantasy <

Mermaid x Human
Mermaid x Mermaid
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Angel
Vampire x Werewolf
Vampire x Demon
Vampire x Vampire Hunter
Angel x Demon
Angel x Human
Angel x Fallen Angel
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Kitsune x Human
Demon x Human
Demon x Half Demon
Elf x Human
Elf x Elf
Light Elf x Dark Elf
Dark Elf x Dark Elf
Dark Elf x Human
Shifter x Human
Shifter x Demon
Shifter x Elf
Witch x Human
Witch x Witch Hunter
Sorceress x Adventurer/Mercenary
Sorceress x Assassin
Sorceress x Bodyguard
Sorceress x Human

> Historical/Medieval <

King x Queen
King x Princess (unrelated)
Queen x Prince (unrelated)
Prince x Princess
Prince x Maid
Prince x Noblewoman
Prince x Commoner
Princess x Knight
Princess x Thief
Princess x Assassin
Princess x Nobleman
Lord x Lady
Lord x Maid
Samurai x Geisha
Samurai x Nobleman's Daughter
Samurai x Princess

> Modern/Slice of Life <

Best Friend x Best Friend
Best Friend x Best Friend's Sibling
Girlfriend x Boyfriend
Ex Girlfriend x Ex Boyfriend
Good Girl x Bad Boy
Bad Girl x Good Boy
Womanizer/Playboy x Good Girl
Popular Kid x Loner Kid
Fan x Singer
Actor x Actress
Actor x Model
Boss x Secretary
Boss x Employee
Boss's son x Employee
Boss's Daughter x High Ranking Employee

**Note** If you don't see something you like, feel free to suggest. I am usually willing to try something new. So don't feel scared to suggest something to me. The worst that will happen is that I will say no.

>> Fandom Pairings <<

> Final Fantasy 7 <

Aerith x Sephiroth
Aerith x Cloud
Aerith x Zack
Aerith x Tseng
Aerith x Vincent
Cloud x Tifa
Vincent x Tifa
Vincent x OC

> Final Fantasy 8 <

Rinoa x Squall
Rinoa x Seifer
Irvine x Selphie
Quistis x Seifer

> Final Fantasy 9 <

Garnet x Zidane
Older Garnet x Kuja

> Fairy Tail <

Lucy x Gray
Lucy x Natsu
Lucy x Laxus
Lucy x Loke/Leo
Gajeel x Levy

> Naruto <

Sakura H. x Itachi U.
Sakura H. x Sasuke U.
Sakura H. x Neji H.
Sakura H. x Gaara
Naruto x Hinata
Itachi U. x OC
Sasuke U. x OC

> Inuyasha <

Kagome x Sesshoumaru
Kagome x Inuyasha
Kagome x Kouga
Kouga x OC
Sesshoumaru x OC

> Avatar the Last Airbender <

Katara x Zuko
Zuko x OC

> Legend of Korra <

Korra x Mako
Korra x Amon
Korra x Tahno
Amon x OC

> Harry Potter <

Draco M. x Hermione G.
Draco M. x OC
Harry P. x Hermione G.

> Legend of Zelda <

Link x Zelda
Link x OC
Zelda x OC

> The 100 <

Bellamy x Clarke
Roan x Clarke
Finn x Raven

>> Plots <<

> Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 <
Pairing: Aerith x Sephiroth

Plot: Ten years after her death, Aerith is reborn. Her memory of her past life has been erased for the most part and she has no idea who she is other than her name is Aerith. Something calls to her, leading her on a journey to rediscover who she is. At first, she is able to hear the Planet but their connection fades until she can longer hear it. Sephiroth has been reborn and has his memories intact. However, there is just one thing: He can hear the Planet. The Planet instructs him, telling him that he must find the woman he killed ten years ago and protect her from a new evil.

Notes: This plot is heavily based on a fanfiction story I was writing and never completed. I really liked the idea and wanted to use it for a roleplay. I would like to play Aerith, but I can play Sephiroth if need be. Some of the other members of the group will show up, ten years older. They are not as important as Sephiroth and Aerith. I will be playing the leader of the new bad guys and some of his lackeys.

> Fandom: Naruto <

Pairing: Sakura H. x Itachi U.

Plot: Nonmassacre. Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno are childhood friends, due to their mothers being very close friends. As children, Sakura would stay over at the Uchiha Compound when her parents were away on missions, while Sasuke did the same. When Sasuke's mother couldn't pick him up, his older brother, Itachi, would pick him up in her stead. Sakura developed a crush on the older Uchiha brother but never acted upon it.

Notes: I want to play Sakura, but I can easily play Itachi instead. I can also play Sasuke if necessary or we can share his role. In the roleplay, it would take place when Sasuke and Sakura are 19 and Itachi is 24. The plot isn't fully developed. I would be willing to discuss it further and advance the plot.

> Fandom: Naruto <

Pairing: Sakura H. x Itachi U.

Plot: After Sasuke killed Orochimaru, he went off in search of his brother in order to kill him. However, Itachi did not think that Sasuke was ready to fight him and so he did not allow his younger brother to find him. Years have passed and the Akatsuki are no longer a threat. All have been eliminated but one. Itachi knows his time is running short and he is in no state to fight Sasuke who is now ready to face him. He knows that he needs to get a top medic. Tsunade would be the first choice, but she is the Hokage and he knows that she would not help him willingly. Instead, he looks at another medic: one Sakura Haruno. She is known for being the second best medic in the leaf nation, if not the world, second only to Tsunade, Godaime of the Leaf. So, Itachi begins to plan a way to lure the pink haired kunoichi out of her village to heal his eyes and condition.

Notes: This rp is mostly canon with a little AU twist. However, some events didn't happen. For one, Itachi did not feel that Sasuke was ready to fight him and so he went into hiding to prevent his younger brother from finding him. Sasuke is still hell-bent on revenge and does not know the truth of the Uchiha Massacre. He is still a missing-nin and has no intention of returning home. Sakura is now head of the hospital and a jounin. She has obtained the Yin seal and is quite formidable in both healing and combat. Naruto has been chosen to be Tsunade's successor but he still has a lot to learn and wants to get Sasuke back before he takes up the mantle of Hokage. Team 7 is still wanting to find Sasuke and bring him home. Basically, Itachi is going to put a fake mission request to the Leaf that specifically asks for Sakura for a healing job. The leaf is pressed for money so they don't really look too much into the mission and Sakura is sent off.

When Sakura reaches her destination and realizes that she was set up, she is attacked by none other than Itachi who kidnaps her. We will then continue the story from there, telling the story of her capture and how she slowly warms up to him and finds out the truth behind the Uchiha massacre. I would like to have Sakura fall in love with him and vice versa and for Itachi to tell her the story of why he really massacred the Uchiha clan. The basic end game would be for Sasuke to never kill his brother, learn the truth, and both ninja return to the leaf. Of course, I would down for still continuing the rp and playing out life as returned ninjas for Sasuke and Itachi with Sakura there to support them. I would prefer to play Sakura, but I can definitely play Itachi as well, I think. I also don't mind playing Sasuke, but I would like if he also had feelings for Sakura in his own way and wants to make her his wife. Yes, I want a cliche love triangle between Sakura and the two brothers where Sakura inevitably chooses Itachi over Sasuke. Also, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura are all eighteen. Itachi is twenty-three.

> Original: Fan x Singer <

Plot: Rayne is a young woman who has always been a music lover. She has a thing for the lead singer of a certain band and would love nothing more than to meet him in person. She has a dream of becoming a musician/singer herself but doesn't think she's good enough. One day, she wins a contest which allows her to meet the very band that she adores. This means that she can finally meet the lead singer. However, things don't turn out as planned and the lead singer is very rude and ditches her. A bandmate feels sorry for her and takes her out to dinner as an apology. One thing leads to another and the lead singer winds up in the restaurant. He takes the place of the bandmate and apparently has changed his mood. Rayne doesn't fall for his charm and ends up slapping him and leaving him in the dust, sparking his interest.

Note: Obviously they are going to meet again after she leaves, be it by pure chance or by the lead singer's own inclination. The plot needs some more development, of course. But in the end, she would wind up with him. This is loosely based on a roleplay I had in the past that was never finished.

> Original: Angel x Fallen <

Plot: Instead of being cast down to earth when they Fall, Fallen are forcibly enlisted in the royal army and trained to serve the family. There are rare cases when Fallen do descend to the earth below, but that is rare. It is a new policy that has been adopted by the current king of angels. He found it was a waste to send down potential soldiers that could be trained and molded into the perfect soldier.

Note: I will be playing the role of the princess of angels. She is the youngest of several siblings. You will be playing the role of the Fallen Knight. They can either meet by pure chance or he is assigned to be her guardian. We can further discuss the plot and hash out more details together.

> Original: King x Peasant <

Plot: The Land of Wu is a prosperous kingdom ruled by a mysterious king that no one has seen the true face of. He is known simply as the Blood King. The common folk fears him and his soldiers, keeping their heads down so that they are not harassed by his soldiers. Despite this, many families are heckled by the Blood King's soldiers who think they can do as they please. Although many parts of the kingdom are wealthy, the poorer folk suffer and fall victim to numerous things.

There is a merchant who sells produce for her family. On the side, she also dabbles with medicine. She is the oldest child of her family though that was not always the case. She had an older brother who joined the King's army but died in service. She cares for her parents and her younger brother. She is a bit headstrong but has a kind art. As a child, she begged her older brother to teach her how to fight and wield a weapon. He obliged.

One day, she was taking a walk in the forest after an encounter with some of the King's men. They were looking for two suspicious men and a young boy. No one in the village had seen or heard of the people in question and the soldiers moved on. While she is on her walk, she hears a cry for help and rushes to find the source. She finds a young blood covered in blood and unable to stand. He begs her to leave him be but she refuses. While she tries to help him, two men show up and she realizes that these three are the ones that soldiers were looking for. She tries to fight them off using the small blade she carries with her but is taken down. Out of nowhere, an arrow flies through the air and hits one of the men, killing him and enraging his partner. The mysterious person shoots another arrow and takes down the last remaining man and approaches her and the child.

Fearing that this person means the boy harm, she tries to protect him even as the man points his bow at her, demanding to know who she is. She tells him that she is a merchant and says that she can help the boy. He wears the garb of a soldier and does not trust her, but begrudgingly allows her to help because their healer won't be able to make it in time. She learns that this boy is actually the prince of Wu. She manages to save him and is taken along to the palace. The man who had found them then accuses her of being an assassin and tries to arrest her, but a voice from the hallway stops him. It is the King of Wu.

He makes his man, who is the general of the army, stand down and gives thanks to the merchant for her assistance. Since it is late, he insists that she stays the night in the palace and then takes his leave. Confused by her encounter with the king, she has no choice but to accept. Although she does not know it yet, her life has been forever changed.

Note: I will admit that this is heavily based on a webtoon comic that I have been reading. It's called My Dear Cold-Blooded King and it's really, really good. I am definitely hooked on it and I was doing a roleplay based on it, but my partner doesn't post often. So I decided to add the plot to my RT and have it be a little closer to the actual comic but still different in its own way. You don't have to have read the comic to do this plot with me, though it certainly helps. I don't care who plays who. I am fine playing the king or the merchant. It doesn't matter to me. Though, truthfully, I would like to play the merchant. If you're interested in this roleplay plot, I would be happy to tell you more about it.

> Original: Moon Princess x Human Prince <

Plot: Love between those from the moon and of the earth is strictly forbidden. The King of the Moon has three daughters and makes sure that they know that such romance is forbidden. However, that does not stop the youngest princess from secretly watching the people of Earth. As she watches over the people, longing to join them and interact with them, she comes across the prince of the kingdom she likes to watch over. He is handsome and charming and she falls in love with him by sight alone.

Determined to get to know this man, she sneaks out of the moon kingdom and goes down to Earth. She meets with the prince and he is enchanted by her beauty. The two fall deeply in love and the prince promises to protect her from her father, who would surely be angry at his daughter's disobedience. Unfortunately, the king finds out and sends his middle daughter to try and fetch his youngest, wanting to bring her back and punish her for her insolence.

The prince manages to fight her off and the king decides to send the eldest daughter, knowing that she would not fail him.

Note: I'm not going to lie, but this plot is based on the movie Kubo and the Two Strings. If you haven't seen it, I would definitely recommend it. There's also a little bit of Sailor Moon for inspiration as well. Instead of a samurai, I am doing a prince for this plot. Obviously, he would still be a warrior.

Now we can start anywhere in this plot from the moment where she sees the prince and decides to sneak down to earth or we can play where I left off in the plot. I really don't mind how it goes. Obviously, the king is going to be determined to bring his daughter back but his eldest two daughters are going to ultimately fail. I would like for the youngest princess to eventually convince her father of her feelings for the prince and he begrudgingly accepts it. There would be adventure while trying to evade capture and I'm sure we could think of other stuff to add to the plot.

**Note** I have more plots available that can be found on my plot log. The link can be found here.

>> Current Cravings <<

I am currently craving stuff with the supernatural aspect as usual. I.E. Vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, shapeshifters, etc. I'm also craving something to do with royalty, especially royalty paired with nobles or commoners. I'm also craving some of my fandom pairings and the plots I have listed on here and in my plot blog.

>> Thank you <<

Thank you for checking out my Request Thread. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to shoot me a PM. Thank you for checking out my Request Thread. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to shoot me a PM. I promise that I don't bite. Looking forward to hearing back from you guys.
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