Care to write with me? (Pm me if interested)

Dec 16, 2019
I'm going to cut straight to the juicy part. I want a partner that makes an attempt at proper grammar, and writes at least two to three good sized paragraphs. If you don't feel you can do that, we may not fit very well together because I tend to write 4-6 paragraphs a post. I also tend to answer a post just once every day or every couple days unless I have more time. Below I will post basic plots I would like to do. Although, if you have a fully fledged idea, feel free to toss it my way, odds are I'll like it and we'll end up doing it. Alright, onto the ideas, read on below. (More to come)

Long ago humans took to the stars, colonizing multiple planets in their exploration of space. One of these planets was Floris, a lovely place populated by peaceful cat like humanoids. After landing the early colonists lost contact with the rest of their kind, spending the next few hundred years bringing the cat people under their rule. As a result modern day Floris has two castes, the owners and the pets. Owners have absolute rights over their pets and Neko’s are treated as common animals despite their humanlike intelligence and appearance. There is only one rule owners had to follow.

1) An owner may not maim or kill their pet

Not all Neko’s are pets, many are Strays, living in low income housing, on the fringes of society. Many of the young Strays are kidnapped and sold to illegal pet shops where they become the property of any Master or Mistress with enough money to buy them.

This is a role play set in an alternate modern age, on a planet populated by humans and cat people. It’s a typical Master/Slave relationship, the Neko’s are treated basically as animals and afforded no more rights than one. Many are uneducated and unable to read or write. It is not uncommon to see a pet being walked on a leash down the street, even a naked pet. Nor is it uncommon to see a person fondling their pet as many are used as bed warmers. All brothels are populated by Neko and there are many illegal prostitution rings throughout Floris. So, welcome to Floris and make a kitty purr.
Wonderland is a world of slaves and masters, where people are bought and sold, and top dwellers are considered a rarity. Alice was among the few humans with the sight, the ability to see the under dwellers, and so she was lured away by one she thought a friend. The white rabbit had been watching her for years, waiting for her to reach maturity so he could get the best price for her. Thus a prisoner, Alice awaits her sale, convinced she must be dreaming.
Some call them Sirens, creatures with the top half of a beautiful woman and the bottom half of a fish, that use their ethereal voices to lure men to their underwater palaces. Others call them Mermaids, mystical beings who’s very tears are magic, and who’s song holds at its core all the power of the sea. The truth, however, is far more brutal. Lovely and deadly, they steal men from their ships, spiriting them away to their home under the sea. There they find themselves captives, in a place that appears a paradise. All that he desires is supplied, food, water, and as many women as he can bed. It is a fool’s paradise, for when his purpose has been served he is no longer needful, alive. A well known secret amongst mermaids is thus; once a mermaid gets pregnant human flesh is vital to ensuring the new little mermaid comes out happy and healthy. So once a man is no longer necessary alive, he is killed, and eaten.
This is a role play that can go many places. YC could be captured and kept by the mermaids. MC could be caught by someone who wants to make a quick buck (or possibly a magical reason). It could be a general love story, or an adventure. I mainly just want a chance to play a mermaid.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful little girl, beloved by her mother and her grandmother. One day the mother made her daughter a beautiful red, hooded cloak and afterwards the girl was known as Little Red Riding Hood. Shortly after the mother sent her daughter through the woods to her grandmother’s house, with a basket of goods and medicine, and a warning to stay on the path. Young and naive the girl was and assured her mother she would go straight to grandma’s home, and not stop along the way.
It was a beautiful spring day and a field of flowers just begging to be picked, unable to help herself the girl stopped, and left the path to gather some. After several moments a shadow fell over her and she found herself face to face with a wolf.
They exchanged pleasantries, with the wolf inquiring as to where it was she went.
“Why, to my grandmother’s house of course, she isn’t feeling very well and mother wants me to bring her medicine and food.” the girl explained. The crafty wolf, seeing an opportunity, told the girl of a quicker path through the woods. Thanking him the girl took it, unaware it was actually the longer way, while the wolf zipped through the woods, arriving at the old woman’s house before the girl. Impersonating the granddaughter the wolf let himself inside and gobbled up the old woman.
By the time the girl arrived the wolf was snuggled down in the grandmother's bed, and answered in a croaky voice to the girl's greeting.
“My grandmother, what big eyes you have grandmother.” The girl said seeing the big yellow eyes in the gloomy room.
“The better to see you my dear.”
“My grandmother, what big ears you have.” The girl said seeing the pointed ears, black in the darkness.
“The better to hear you with my dear.”
“My grandmother, what big teeth you have.” The girl said as she took a seat beside the bed.
“The better to eat you with my dear!”
With that, the wolf gobbled up the girl. There is a bit where a hunter comes and chops the wolf up, but that’s not part of our story. Our story is a different tale, the truth, about the mother of monsters.

In life Ana is sure of only two things, that her true home lies in the woods surrounding their small town, and that one day at her father’s will she would be married. One day she meets a creature that would change her world utterly, and through her he would bring forth a line that others would call werewolf.
This role play is fairly open and YC is open to interpretation. I am very willing to discuss things.
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