Fx Male Andrea's taboo list


Apr 20, 2020
Hello, fellow role-players, writers and curious eyes!

About me:

First of all, an important notice to anyone wanting to write with me -> Click me! <-

With that out of the way. Hi! My name is Andrea. I'm a bisexual girl in her early twenties with a particular love for the highly inappropriate pairings that might engage in sexual activity. We're talking about age-gaps, incest, cheating, and the like.

I've been writing since I was about 13 years old (of course at that age, my writing was utter crap). Started out in anime related role-play forums. The idea of making up an original character and living your own adventure in all those magical and amazing worlds appealed to me as much as video games did when I found them a few years before that. I started out involving sexuality in my writing a few years ago and now, that's the main type of writing I do, whenever I'm not sinking my free time into more video games or anime. (I know, I'm unbelievably productive.)

My native language is Spanish, but I've found myself being more comfortable in English-speaking communities, and feel like I do a good job communicating in it. The option of writing in my native language is always on the table, but it's nothing I lose my sleep over.

Kinks & Limits:

For ease of viewing, I have a kink-list for you to see here: -> Click me! <- This kink-list is focused on how I like to play when playing opposite of male-presenting characters. My tastes vary a bit when playing opposite of female-presenting characters and I'll be posting a separate thread for FxF roles in the future, that said, if you like an idea I've included in this thread but would like to play it in a FxF format, do let me know and maybe we can work something out!

Please don't:

Control my character for me. Ah, yes. I imagine this one is not exclusive to me, but no matter how many times I bring it up, a lot of people I've played with in the past, enjoy writing while deciding themselves how my character will react to whatever they're doing. This is a big no-no for me, I'll do my best to never control your character and expect the same courtesy. Small things when we're moving the scene along are fine. Deciding what my character says or does on your own, is not.

Jump into the sexual bits too fast. My writing tends to focus heavily on the smut once the door to it opens (Think about 60-40 between smut and plot). But I don't come here just to get off quickly, I can just watch porn for that. Considering all the pairings in my thread are incest-related, I'd like to include buildup and realism into the story. The reason why I love this kink is how taboo and wrong it seems to be from afar, and it makes sense to have conflict and hesitation before doing anything too crazy.

Be too impatient. I understand that when we get excited, we want as much of what got us that way, as fast as we can! I'm guilty of this too! BUT, we all have a life outside of writing, and just as I'll understand if you take a while to write back to me - be it in chat or the actual story - I expect the same from you.

Ghost. Sometimes things just don't work out, I think communication is key among two people crafting a story together, and I can promise I'll let you know if I feel like things aren't going well or I need a break. I would love the same from you.

Please do:

Communicate before starting anything. Even though I'm leaving prompts in this thread, they're there to set up the scenario, or just to explain the idea. I would love it if we could chat before starting any writing, so we can both know what to expect from the other and where we want to take the story.

Consider chatting OOC. It's just a preference of mine to always keep a separate channel of communication between OOC and story posts. I enjoy getting to know the person behind the other character, but understand completely that not everyone wants that, so I'll respect your privacy if that's the case. If you do, however, enjoy it, I usually use discord for that matter, but staying here using the PM function would work just as well.

Provide me with your information. Be it that you link me to a request thread of your own, or you DM me the information, give me something to help any decision making. I'm not going to go far enough to say that any replies where you just ask if I'm looking for partners will be ignored, but I'd like to know what your writing style is, your likes and dislikes, how you see things going in the story, and everything else you can think of, without actually having to provide you with a list of questions. Communication is key!

Make your own suggestions. What I have here are simply the ideas I've had and taken the time to actually work into the thread, they're not the only things I'm willing to play. If something you read here inspires you, and you'd like to switch things around somehow, let me know! And don't expect me to decide on everything and work the whole thing on my own. We're supposed to be equal partners; if I notice during our chat or early in our role play that you're simply reacting to whatever I do or say without moving the story along, save us both some time and don't contact me, as I won't be writing with you for long.

What I'm looking for:

The main thing I'm looking for is to craft a story together. One with plenty of smut, but with a general plot happening to move our characters along. If you like some things about any prompt I have in this thread, but not others, we can change things around. If you have an idea that you think is in-line with my likes and dislikes, feel free to propose it! I'm nothing if not flexible. wink wink

I'd like to find a partner who's literate and can somewhat match my post length. 4+ paragraphs with acceptable grammar, and do so while helping move the story along. As much as these are my prompts, I'm not here to GM you, and you should be ready to push the story forward as well.


Currently ALL my ideas are centered around father-daughter incest, that's what I'm craving the most right now, I'll go about adding things when my mood shifts to something else.

(I had to make that pun in the title. I am most definitely, not sorry.

You're one of the big-shots at the company you work in. You're a good boss, everyone knows that. You're the type of person all employees want to work under. And your wife is very much aware of that fact. So much so, that upon hearing that your assistant for 15 years now, dear Miss Johnson, was retiring, she insisted that you hire your newly graduated daughter instead. She made it seem like 'this was a great opportunity' for her to get into the work force, but her intentions were more in line of making sure you didn't hire some young girl ready to sleep her way into a comfortable life with the boss.

Truth be told, even though you weren't that type of guy, she had some reason getting worried, there were plenty of opportunistic girls in the company already that saw this as a golden opportunity to advance their careers and get themselves and easy lives. Your daughter was a bright, hard working young girl though, her grades and potential working for the company were evident, and you didn't even have to pull your strings to get her into the accepted list of candidates. When the choice presented itself, you didn't even doubt hiring your little girl.

Little did your wife know that giving you both the chance for late nights of work at the office, work parties, and business trips abroad would open the door for her biggest worries to materialize with the only woman she didn't suspect of...

"Hey dad!" You heard before opening your eyes to see your daughter standing in front of you, a tray of food in her hands and that little smile that has turned many boys inside out without her realizing it. Your wife is nowhere to be seen in this Saturday morning as it's typical for her. You're not alone though, your daughter is visiting after being done with college and you couldn't be happier. The relationship between the two of you has always been great, despite being parent and child you've always been close friends and she has never been ashamed of recognizing it. Even though in papers, this is a three person family, it's always been just the two of you while her mother spent the better part of her days trying to see how much money she could spend in useless things. You had mostly stayed together to keep your daughter in a whole family environment but now... Only the heavens knew why you still put up with her shit. A pat on your shoulder brings you back to current events and your daughter chuckles as she sets the tray down in front of you, so you can sit up and take it on your lap. You manage to see a glass of orange juice, a cup of coffee and a dish with at the very least, 8 fluffy and perfect looking pancakes that you're not sure if you'll be able to finish on your own.

"Wasn't sure if you'd like juice or coffee with your breakfast so I brought both!" She smiles. Your mind takes you back to those times where it was you making her breakfast. A few years away on her own studying and you can tell she's grown to be a dependable grown woman. "Eat up, we're catching a movie today, remember?" She reaches over to smooch your forehead and walks out, you notice she's already dressed for the day.

Your wife laughed when she heard you were going to spend time together and go on a 'father-daughter date' but fast forward a couple of weeks and it's your daughter waking up next to you on the bed you usually share with your wife. Just one of your shirts on as she tries not to make too much noise while she sneaks out to make you some breakfast. A good 20 minutes later she comes back with another tray full of food that she puts over your night table before hiding under the sheets to wrap her soft, delicate lips around your manhood to pleasure it with such diligence you'd think that's what she majored in instead of computer science.

"Have you seen what she's 'crafting' now?" Your wife nagged at you. "It's all because of her damn cartoons and those..." She pauses, taking a deep breath before she continues her rant. "Those damn video games." She sips at her drink while you roll your eyes and focus on the article you're reading on your laptop. "Are you going to talk to her soon? You know she only listens to you... That damn girl." She was talking of course, of your daughter. She had always been a good girl. Had good grades at school, avoided troublemaker kids all through her life. Her idea of a good time involved less drinking and partying than it did for most people her age, and more time spent watching anime or playing video games in her bedroom. For some reason though, your wife couldn't stand it. Maybe she was mad that she couldn't imprint all her likes and dislikes on her. Maybe she was jealous of her youth, her smarts, or her looks. Who knew. But the relationship between your daughter and her mother was less than ideal, and it showed no signs of being repaired anytime soon.

The relationship between you and her, however, was almost out of a movie. You were always there by her side as she grew up, and she quickly became your best friend as she started growing up. You got a little worried when she confessed she wanted to pause her plans on going to college to dedicate to cosplaying, but you supported her nonetheless, when you realized she was truly happy with it. When you go check up on her, she's in her bedroom, sewing a red leather bodysuit as an anime plays beside the machine. "Oh daddy! I'm glad you're here! Come on in." She says, the excitement in her voice is obvious. "So, I got an offer." She starts off, pausing as some major reveal happens in whatever series she's watching right now. "If I get to five thousand followers by the end of the month, I'll get invited to a convention next month!" The sewing machine stops, and she lifts the body suit up in the air, standing up to press it against her body. She usually wears baggy, comfortable clothes at home, but this body suit seems to have been crafted to fit her body just perfectly, accentuating every curve and detail of it. "So, I was wondering if maybe you'd be able to help me take some pictures! I used my savings to buy the equipment, I'd just need you to operate it."

Can be worked to make the career of choice, that of a model, actress, singer, etc., instead.

Things had always been a little tight for you economically. Ever since you were little, actually. Your family didn't have too much to go on, and when you got your girlfriend pregnant on the last year of high-school, you knew the same would happen to the precious daughter you had on her way, if you didn't do something to change that. Your wife seemed like a perfect partner at the time, but you quickly found out how quick people can change and how wrong you were about her. While you worked two jobs to sustain your family, and even made time to help your daughter out with her homework whenever she needed it, your wife cleaned the house for an hour or two and then spent the rest of her time rotting away watching soap operas on TV or complaining about you with all the other housewives of the neighborhood.

You were worried that your daughter might turn out like her, watching her example and copying what she did. However, that didn't happen. You saw many things in her that you saw in yourself, and as she grew older, it was obvious that she turned out as hard-working as her father. When she was 16 she insisted on getting a part-time job to help you lighten the load off your shoulders, despite your protests, she went ahead with it and all the money she made, she spent helping out at the house. Her mother was all too happy to have more cash available now while keeping her life as comfortable as it was.

By the time she finished high-school, she went straight to find her first full-time job and two years after, she was making enough to convince you to quit one of your two jobs and finally relax your schedule a little. Any money she earned that wasn't spent, she saved; eventually making enough money to start a small online business by herself. A year after, her business is a hit. It's big enough that she quit her job and is working full time on it. She's actually started making more money with her business than you made with your two jobs, prompting her to suggest you quit the remaining job you have and take some time to be at home, promising to hire some people to allow her more free time so you two can spend some time together.


Left some things vague so we can come up with them. I can see this going a multitude of ways not only between the father and daughter, but with the mother's involvement as well. From making her accept the other two's blossoming relationship, to flat-out kicking her out of the house to her not even being in the picture in the first place.

I don't have a written prompt for this one, it's just an idea that's been on my head for a while now. It started out with two bisexual fathers who somehow end up tangled with their daughter, and evolved into it being a father and the step-father instead. It could start off with her developing a relationship with each of them separately, or with them somehow both being in on it until the three eventually get to partake on it together. I would be most comfortable if we either shared control of the step-dad, or if my partner played both males, but wouldn't enjoy it much if the control of the third character fell entirely in my hands.

For all of the prompts, things can be changed for the parents to be divorced, the father to be widowed, or anything else we can think of. I enjoy having the father cheat and maybe even cucking the mother long-term, but it's nothing I can't play without, so feel free to make your own suggestions and changes to the ideas.

Finally, potential face claims that I'd love to play as, starting with my favorites:

Now, at last, I thank anyone crazy enough to read the whole thing, and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!
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