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Batman and Batgirl (loislanekent and Writer)


Jun 5, 2013
It was a heavy rain coming down through the Gotham sky. It was the start of novemember and Ice cold. Even dressed in her costume with thrumal heated lineing Barbara was cold, but she couldn`t think about that. She was on patrol and had to sweep the entire area. It was Victor Zsaz. The man who years ago "Butcherd his own livning family" he had gone on a rampage through Gotham after the Joker got him out of Akrham Aslyum. Zsaz was as bad as the Joker, he was a hit man for hire and he skinned his victims. Rumers even persisted around the GCPD that he ate parts of them. Something which her farther Commissioner Gordon had tried his best to keep out of the press. The Gotham Gazette was a rag of a paper and had little if any morals. Batman had fought off Zsaz multiple times when he was an employee of the Joker. Rumer has it they had a falling out a few years ago, two of the most twisted men in the city now despised each other.

A family tragedy that haunted them both. Her brother was sick, but not in the way the Joker ore Zsaz was, he was harmless, just mentally ill. Barbara had been forbidden to be a cop, so she was studying Law because her farther figured a Lawyer was alittle safer but not by much. Not in this God foresaken town, but after many a heated argument over the years she told him she wanted to be a force for good. She wanted to help change the world and make it a better place. Eventually he relented and sighed heavily and then helped her fill out her application for Gotham university, he had wanted her to leave the city, hell the state, but she insisted on staying at home. Mostly because she was now the Batgirl of Gotham. A position she ahd fought long and hard for, she had the bruises to show for it. Proving herself to Batman and Robin took some time, over six months of her first (accidently) suiting up as Batgirl EVENTULLY Batman let her in his inner circle. Robin helped, he had been crushing on her and she figured he helped wear down his mentor. But it wasn't until she turned 19 they shared their identities with her as Bruce Wayne and his ward Dick Grayson. Bruce told her she had proven herself over the two years fighting crime. In that time she had faced Two Face, The Penguin, the Riddler, Mr Freeze and many other twisted criminals. Some of them even meta humans, she even teamed up with Batman and the frigging JUSTICE LEAGUE one time. She earned her stripes. It wasn't even a week after the family reveal she and Dick started dating, Other boys at her college were too immature and didn't get her. Dick understood her, they had shared trauma and that lead to a first love.

Dick was her first everything and she honestly figured they could get married one day when they were too old for all of this. But three months ago he and Bruce fell out, badly, and Dick left Gotham, he broke up with her when she refused to go with him to San Francisco and that was that. Now she was in her second year of college and wasn't going to throw that away even for him. But it broke her dam heart, and she knew it broke Bruces heart too. So here she was, the Batmans only current Sidekick she hated that word, she was his partner, she was incredibly intelligent a member of Mensa thank you very much. But to so many she was just the mysterious young woman who followed the Dark Knight around on his missions. Bruce was a broken man, his trusty butler and friend told her that once. "He needs you and Dick, more then he would ever say miss Gordon." Babs didn't need praise ore thanks, she learned that from her dad, you do the honourable thing because it is the wright thing to do. Bab`s lived by that mantra and always would. She knew been the Batgirl was dangerous, yes she had been doing gymnastics since she was four and yes she was a natural at fighting. She picked up skills just as fast as Dick had once Bruce agreed to train her. But still, all it took was One bad Day for one of this criminal pyschos to get the upper hand on her. She hated lying to her dad, and the few friends she had from working at the city library, she hated lying to them too.

Zsaz belonged in a Ayslum. In isolation but he found ways of getting away. Zsaz had been beaten Robin (Dick Grayson) her ex within an inch of his life. Dick was saved by Batman, it was the first time Dick had felt fear he once told her. Six months later she had suited up for the first time as Batgirl. She saved the socialite veronica Freeland at a charity fundraiser which was crashed by Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. her dad would kill her if he knew she had gone dressed as Batgirl that night. To say she fangirled over the dark night was a under statement. She had been 17 at the time and bored at school, she was way beyond her peers and already itching for colleague. Maybe the Dark Knight represented a darker side to her, a side she got from her estranged mother. her dad was a good guy, the best Cop the city had to offer but it weighed him down. Barbara wanted to be a cop but he had forbidden her, he knew the dark and twisted things that roamed the streets and he wanted to protect her from that world. In a way he hadn't been able to protect her brother who had been commited to a mental hospital.
As the thunder echod across the night sky Batgirl leaped across the rooftop of the Gotham plaza down to the old opera house which faced out towards "Crime Ally". A significant Spot to her mentor who was the Batman himself. Where Bruce Wayne saw his parents shot before his eyes as a young boy. It was here the Batman was BORN! Police reports had come over the scanner that Zsaz was working for the Black Mask and they were planning a hit here tonight at the Plaza. It was the DA that successor of the tragic figure Harvey Dent who had become Two Face. Rupert Thorne the crimeboss was testifying in court tomorrow against Mask and the DA Miss Janet Van Dorn was representing him. Varn Dorn was a good woman, a great DA, she even had helped Batman when they both were kidnapped by the Rouges gallery of Arkham last year when they put Batman on Trial. She knew Bruce cared about her, respected her. So having Zsaz after her was a no no. Batgirl stood perched keeping her eyes fixed on the hotel as she crouched on a nearby Gargoyle and waited for the Limo to pull up with Van Dorn. She didn't know where Bruce was tonight, she tried to reach him and couldn't.

WriterYesterday at 18:44
“I was busy Batgirl, but you should have waited.” Came a gruff, stern voice from her left. Batman had always been like that appearing and disappearing just like that. Of course this was born out of years of experienced, and physical abilities that had been honed to perfection in that time. The Batsuit definitely clung tightly to his rippling muscles, for a man Batman was a powerhouse. He had certain Batsuits designed that could increase his strength and dexterity, but those often ran the risk of damaging his body even more permanently, and so he often kept to his typical black and grey Batsuit, designed with form-fitting polymers, good against small arms fire, but bad against larger rounds. He let Barbara design her suit as he had let Robin design his, although he often had his own ideas, he knew that they knew what they wanted. He had been busy apprehending a bunch of punks who wanted to awaken Solomon Grundy. They were thankfully dealt with quickly enough that Solomon hadn’t awakened again. He left them at Gotham Central for the officers. Being able to find Batgirl so easily one would think he put a tracking device on her suit, but the reality was he knew her well, enough to have a good guess where her vantage point would be.

Bruce had despised Zsaz in a way he despised few men, Zsaz had been well off, like he was, but he squandered everything, and never admitted fault. He was cruel, and violent without reason. Even Joker had his own twisted sense of logic. Random killings wasn’t the Joker's usual plan, as Joker killed “only when it was funny.” Zsaz could kill with no rhyme or reason, Zsaz was truly a man beyond redemption. Black Mask was just an opportunist, that happened to be a powerful mob boss, but he was a man like any other, just with resources beyond the typical man. It was Black Mask who often hired men like Zsaz, Deadshot, or Deathstroke, he was like the Falconi family, one of the corrupted roots within Gotham. Slowly Van Dorn’s Limo was pulling alongside the building, his eyes scanning for anything out of ordinary. He knew Zsaz couldn’t resist what he thought may be an easy gig, and big score. Unfortunately for him he would be denied yet again tonight.
loislanekent01Today at 00:00
Barbara Jumped when Bruce appeared behind her, she was on edge. Even with her training he still could get the upper hand on her. He lived in the shadows and the darkness. She breathed in as she turned behind him, he was pissed, irritated, she knew him well enough to know that. He said she should have waited, she arched her right eyebrow underneath her mask. "Can we really afford to wait? I mean DA Vorn Dorn is the strongest DA this city has had in a long while. We carnt afford to loose her." She said over the harsh rain which was coming down violently around them. Barbara knew they needed to protect Thorne too. He was a pig, a gangster who had done unspeakable things. but Bruce`s rule was that they protect everyone. She smiled in his direction, trying to lighten the grim mood. "Where were you?" She asked him with concern in her voice. Zsaz was their top piroity, they had Alfred on comms but things were much more tense Since Dick left them. Maybe the wound was still too raw but she and Alfred had talked about perhaps Bruce seeking out other assistance. Another protegee maybe? Alfred had been concernred Barbara would leave him too, she assured him she wouldn't. That been Batgirl meant the world to her and she understood how serious it was. Bruce needed someone to watch his back.

The threats were getting worse. Meta Humans like Clayface, Man Bat , Poison Ivy and Killer Croq were dangerous, they were powerful. As much as all the Meta humans which had a tendency to show up in central city, except that Barry Allen aka the Flash had meta abilities himself. However no one in the Justice League was more driven then Bruce. Even Superman respected him and knew Bruce could go toe to toe with him if he needed to.

"So....what was it? Nothing came over the Police Scanners." she told him.
loislanekent01Today at 00:00
Barbara Jumped when Bruce appeared behind her, she was on edge. Even with her training he still could get the upper hand on her. He lived in the shadows and the darkness. She breathed in as she turned behind him, he was pissed, irritated, she knew him well enough to know that. He said she should have waited, she arched her right eyebrow underneath her mask. "Can we really afford to wait? I mean DA Vorn Dorn is the strongest DA this city has had in a long while. We carnt afford to loose her." She said over the harsh rain which was coming down violently around them. Barbara knew they needed to protect Thorne too. He was a pig, a gangster who had done unspeakable things. but Bruce`s rule was that they protect everyone. She smiled in his direction, trying to lighten the grim mood. "Where were you?" She asked him with concern in her voice. Zsaz was their top piroity, they had Alfred on comms but things were much more tense Since Dick left them. Maybe the wound was still too raw but she and Alfred had talked about perhaps Bruce seeking out other assistance. Another protegee maybe? Alfred had been concernred Barbara would leave him too, she assured him she wouldn't. That been Batgirl meant the world to her and she understood how serious it was. Bruce needed someone to watch his back.

The threats were getting worse. Meta Humans like Clayface, Man Bat , Poison Ivy and Killer Croq were dangerous, they were powerful. As much as all the Meta humans which had a tendency to show up in central city, except that Barry Allen aka the Flash had meta abilities himself. However no one in the Justice League was more driven then Bruce. Even Superman respected him and knew Bruce could go toe to toe with him if he needed to.

"So....what was it? Nothing came over the Police Scanners." she told him.
"We won't lose Van Dorn," He stated. The way Batman said this showed an unflinching calmness that Batman nearly always carried. He knew Zsaz would be gunning for Van Dorn, since he was essentially a murderer for hire now. He also knew that while Zsaz liked to believe he was some unpredictable wildcard, there were some hang-ups that serial killer found hard to give up. Zsaz had a penchant for knives, and detested guns but for not the same reason as Batman. To Zsaz they were unreliable, but also much less fun. A focus on knives meant he would have to be close to his victim. Janet Van Dorn was also no idiot, she knew that Black Mask would attempt to send his goons after her. She would take her precautions, but Zsaz was meticulous, he would make sure nothing appeared out of place. That Van Dorn would be none the wiser, and then he would strike like a viper waiting for its prey. Van Dorn wouldn't take risks with her drivers and her approach would be careful. Given that this was a rather public situation...not at all when Zsaz would normally attack, he had a good idea what Zsaz would do, and he would be right there. "To answer your question Batgirl, some punks were trying to awaken Solomon Grundy, thankfully I stopped them before he could awaken. Zsaz is probably going to use a diversion. You stay on top of Janet, I'll be going after Zsaz. Also deal with his henchmen."

In a terrifying way it was almost like clockwork. A couple of mob goons had opened fired, guns pointed towards the sky. Those who were just entering the Opera House immediately tried to flee in the panic. Van Dorn was being pushed around. Batman though could peg Zsaz out of the crowd easily, he wore a security guard's outfit, but his mannerisms, they way he moved against the crowd and towards Dorn, it was like a shark closing in for the kill. Batman dropped directly on top of him, his facial scars barely covered beneath shoddy makeup. He left the goons to Barbara knowing she was close behind. Grayson was good, but there were many ways Batgirl was better, and in some ways she almost thought like him too, it was partnership he never thought he would have. He pulled Zsaz into the shadows himself. "Just another mob killer now Victor?" He growled. "The pay is better Batman. I should have known you would had sniffed this out." Victor Zsaz growled, trying to squirm out from Batman's grip, his hand reaching for one of the multiple knives he had on his person. Batman knocked it away. "Black Mask wanted you to make an example out of her. Kill her on the steps of the Opera House is that it?" He growled, punching Zsaz in the gut, knocking the wind out of the man. "Batgirl Zsaz has been apprehended, have you secured Van Dorn?"

Bruce stated with confidence that they wouldn't loose Van Dorn. She knew the two of them together was indeed a force to be reckoned with and she had every confidence that they could stop him. Vorn Dorn was smart, she represented hope for the city and they couldn't afford to loose her. He answered her question about where he had been earlier. He told her that someone was trying to awaken Solomon Grundy. The undead horror was a force to be reckoned with. He was undead and very dangerous. He then told her that she needed to stay on the DA while he took on Zsaz and his henchmen. "Who s to say he would need henchmen? I read the GCPD reports on his last two attacks. He went in alone. " she paused as she recalled the bloody police report photos she had seen. At the time Black Mask had been giving them the run around and Zsaz took down two female officers. Her farther took it seriously and to heart. Van Dorns black limo pulled outside the Plaza and no sooner was her door open then a attack un folded. Zsaz was using the rain as a diversion. Barbara`s eyes narrowed as she looked down at the unfolding scene below them.

Two mob goons had opened fired, both wearing Black Masks, leaving no question who they worked for. They fierd up at herself and Batman. Barbara jumped off the gargole and used her grappeling hook to swing down towards the unflaoding events. She pressed her right hand to her cowl. "Alfred are you following this?" She said with a hint of panic in her voice. "Of corse Batgirl. I have you both in my sights." Van Dorn was being pushed around. She jumped down infront of the two goons which were grabbing the DA. Janet looked angry and alittle scared but was relivived once Batgirl was infront of them. Batman had Zsaz who had made his presence known. But Barbara didn't see the fight between the two men ensure as she had to follow the two Black mask goons who had the DA. They shoved her into the abandoned Opera house. It was dark and damp and the District Attorney was tossed onto the staircase with one of the Goons keeping his gun on her while the other fired shots at Batgirl. Barbara took to the shadows as Bruce had taught her, using deception and Theatrics to her advantage. "I can't keep eyes on the Bitch!" He angrily spat as she got up onto a chandelier which was directly over him but further away enough from Van Dorn. "If you cut the wires Miss you can apprehend one of you're foes." Alfred whispered in her ear. She used her Batarang which she pulled out of her utility belt and cut the wire of the chandelier. She cut it as she realised it from her hand and it came crashing down and trapping the goon firing at her. A god almighty crash occured and trapped the goon under it. He wasn't fatally hurt but he was knocked out. Barbara leapt as the Chandelier to the staircase banister. But the other goon had grabbed the DA and had her in a lock with his gun to her head and he was heading away from the lobby.

Batman's voice came over her comms and made her jump. He asked if she had eyes on the DA. "Working on it boss." She said as she flipped through the air and back down to the Lobby floor. The goon had taken Van Dorn into the main auditorium of the once proud Opera House. She pursued him, it was even darker in the stalls and she was been shot at emidetaly once she shot through the heavy doors. One shot actually grazed her left shoulder and she fell backwards given the hard hit of it. "Arghhhhh" she called out in pain as it . "Il kill her! Il do it! Il do it!" The goon screamed in panic as Batgirl was winded by his shots. It was a well known fact Black Mask killed his help when they failed him. He was actually scared of his boss more then her ore the Batman. She could see that Van Dorn was trying to wiggle free, she was feisty and a fighter. But the goon whacked her on the head with the back of his gun. "No!" Barbara screamed as she staggered forward into the seating area. The goon was heading towards the abandoned stage. "I need assistance!" She said as she pressed her right hand once more to her earpiece and contacted the Batman. "I can't get to the DA without putting her in direct danger." She said with desperation in her voice, Van Dorn couldn't die here today she couldn't.

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