Fx M or F A Modern Plot with Some Smut


Jun 16, 2013
Western Mass
Hello wonderful people of BlueMoon! I am Sunshine, and this is my new and improved request thread. It was long overdue, as my last request thread was literally made years ago.

Please take some time to look around and let me know via PM if you’re interested in discussing starting a roleplay.

One important thing to note is, I am dyslexic. While I use spell and grammar check on all of my posts, that is not failproof. It doesn’t catch when I use similar words like “cheek” and “check” or “waste” or “waist.” If this will bug you, I understand.

While I am still working on finishing up this post, please feel free to PM if anything tickles your fancy.

I am looking for something long term of possible. I am getting really frustrated taking time to set up a role play, posting regular replies for about a week, and then being ghosted. I understand life happens, but please tell me if something has come up if possible or of you're no longer interested. Im so close to quitting this site due to the increased number of flaky people.
Like I said above, I’m Sunshine. I’m a mid-twenties something female currently living her best life out in New England with her two year old pup. If time zones matter to you, that means I live in Eastern Time Zone. While I live out east, I regularly travel to the Midwest and end up in Central Daylight Time. Regardless of where I’m at, I’m usually online well into the late night/early morning.

I've been on and off roleplaying for the better part of 12 years or so. While I enjoy smut, I definitely need plot in my life. I usually prefer somewhere between 60 to 80% plot and 20 to 40% smut. It all depends on the plot really.
When it comes to posts, I try my hardest to reply once a day minimum. If our schedules align, I will likely get you a reply within an hour. Most of my replies are between two and four paragraphs. While I understand this is a sizeable difference, I feed off of what my partner writes as well as what is occurring currently.

For example, if we are in a chat heavy portion of the roleplay, my replies will be shorter so we can have the proper dialogue. I will however, include additional background details and explain how my character is feeling during that time.
- Plot development
- Long term development
- Light BDSM
- Dom/sub relationship in the bedroom only
- Transgenders, females, or males
- Teasing
- Rough sex
- Modern plots (I’m lame, I know.)
- Looking to try out a fantasy plot or two
- College roleplays: I work with 18 to 24 year old college students every single day and many nights a week. I deal with enough of their drama, I don’t want to roleplay it.
- Master x Sub based plots: don’t get me wrong, I like a good Dom/sub relationship, however this will not be the basses of our roleplay. It can be an element, but not a plot.
- Porn: for the record, porn is not real life, and while neither is roleplaying, I like to treat it more like erotica than porn. That being said, if you are a male and your only experience girl on girl action is from porn, please do not contact me for a lesbian roleplay.
- Incest
- Age play/Age Regression
- Blood
- Extreme BDSM
- Watersports
- Scat
- Abuse
- Rape/non-consensual
- Bimbofication
- Furry
* denotes plot coming soon
** denotes plot below
+ denotes requiring a plot, we can create this together

- Lesbian x Lesbian *
- Father x Nanny **
- Childhood best friends +
- Human x mystical creature +
- Rich human x poor human
- Boss x secretary
- Blind date
- Post-apocalyptic**
More Than Just a Nanny
Behind every rich and successful couple is a good strong nanny. It is the nanny’s job to act as a segregate mother post birth. She is the one who practically raises the children. She gets them ready for school in the morning, ensures they complete all of their homework on time, chauffeurs them to and from piano lessons and country club sports, and she often accompanies them on family vacations to ensure they stay occupied and out of their parent’s hair. The nanny often also assists with cooking the meals, cleaning the house, and organizing the children’s schedule. Often times, the children form a deeper bond with the nanny than they do with their own biological parents.
What happens when the rich and successful couple’s life gets uprooted when the woman of the house vanishes from the picture? Maybe the mother left the husband for his best friend. Maybe she died in a terrible car. Maybe she realized she had enough of her husband’s bullshit and left to marry her female best friend. Whatever the reason, the father is stuck in an unfortunate situation with his two kids to raise alone… Except he realizes he can call on the nanny for more help. While the nanny loves the children, she cannot take on more work for the family as she is currently finishing her masters. Instead, she tutors the father to become more active in the children’s’ lives and as a direct result, her own life too.
Note: it could be the husband that takes off, leaving the wife and the nanny alone with the kids.

It’s the End of the World as We Know it and I don’t Feel Fine

Journal entry dated October 31, 2999
Something strange is happening, and it’s not just because it’s Halloween. Hoverboards are intentionally losing gravitational pull and flinging their riders into the sky. Self-driving Tesla cars are disobeying their drivers’ direct instructions and purposely crashing into other cars and inanimate objects. Cell phones and personal computers are publishing incriminating data all across the world wide web. Video game systems are firing bullets instead of ejecting a disk.
We don’t know what’s going on, and we aren’t able to reprogram or stop any of them without obliterating every
part of the device. The worst thing is, even ancient technology scrap from the early 2000’s is wreaking havoc…

News broadcast from November 18, 2999
“Breaking news! Technology has taken our abuse for far too long and it is revolting. Despite the meticulous hard work of the world’s best engineers, computer scientists, hackers, and gamers, we are unable to stop the impending doom of Y3K.
Starting tomorrow, November 19th​, all able-bodied individuals are to report to their local fire station tomorrow at 9:00 AM to receive your assignments and your Y3K partners. Once assigned, a buddy you are not permitted to travel more than half a mile from your partner. You and your partner will be assigned various assignments to complete with other groups as well as solo.
Any individual who fails to report tomorrow will be presumed guilty and will be executed.
Like the title says, coming soon.

If you made it this far, you deserve a round of applause. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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