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Fx Male Stay A While, and Listen! - Literate, Plot-Driven


Aug 8, 2017
Hello there, lovely to meet you! Call me Cadence—I'm an odd and bubbly burst of sunshine with a penchant for writing and all sorts of other creative endeavors. I've been roleplaying on and off for over a decade, and I'm recently coming out of one of those "off" spells with an intense desire to find a new story to write with someone marvelous!

~My Writing~
I tend to write with depth and detail, both physical and psychological. My posts tend to always contribute to setting, plot advancement, and/or some aspect of character development. Gotta keep things interesting! I also try to avoid choppy paragraphs and spelling/grammatical errors.
Content: You can certainly expect plots with a darker side to them, with plenty of twists and complications. Surprises keep things interesting! There typically ends up being romance too, but with a realistic approach of slow build, not always seeing eye to eye, things like that. I like gray areas, failures, mistakes, and watching how characters react to it all. Everything is pretty story-driven—I ain't your gal if you've stumbled in here looking for only smut. Sexy times can certainly happen, though, just not without a great story!
Communication: I'm very friendly and like to chat, but I respect that it's not everyone's cup of tea. Talking to at least plan out the plot is appreciated, especially since many of my ideas are just shells.
Frequency: I may not be the fastest to respond due to the length of my posts/life things, but I should be able to respond at the very least once or twice a week, if not every other day/every day.

She’d thought everything would go smoothly. Slip inside, leave him gagging on his own blood, slip outside. Really, how much more complicated could it get? She’d thought that since he was sleeping, there was going to be no retaliation, no resistance. She could have been rid of the elusive man she’d been pursuing for months, get a job well done from Vincent, and move on to much more important things in her life. It could have been so easy.

It could have been so, so easy.

Yet luck wasn’t with .DUALITY that night. That odd feeling that she needed to be ready to defend herself wasn’t just a reflex—it was a warning. She’d considered the disadvantage she’d be in with her plasm levels low if he were able to move past her initial attack—why had she even thought of it? Shouldn’t she have been more confident in her own abilities? Yet the answer lay in front of her plain as day, if only she would have paid attention to it, instead of hyper-focusing on the goal that lay before her. That lingering uncomfortable feeling she got from passing through his door was still throbbing strong in her veins—it wasn’t just a layer at the door, this odd energy was everywhere in this place. It sent adrenaline pumping into her veins, waking up her senses enough for her to repeat a revelation that she’d known perfectly well, yet at this moment, it made her blood run cold.

You don’t know what he’s capable of.

That statement rang true as suddenly his body jerked to life, her knife finding some part of his flesh that sent an impossible combination of blood onto the floor and a crazed cackle into the air. The unnatural response surprised her, the grip on her knife disappearing with the fear that somehow that laughing meant confidence, that he had some upper hand and he knew it. He was insane, and that meant unpredictable.

Apparently, that statement extended to more than just his own actions, as his carpet inexplicably moved on its own, sending him catapulting towards her as she began reaching for the knife hidden in her boot. Her fingers recoiled as her hand brushed his skin as he slid across the floor, yet with renewed vigor darted down to snatch her original knife from his body, tearing the hole in his skin and muscle wider with the downward tug. She had to move, to adapt to whatever odd circumstances decided to happen. Maybe she was just imagining the carpet moving, maybe he had tripped.

But it didn’t matter now. He was cornered. No weapon, clearly wounded, now was the cha—

Yet as she began to move, she was suddenly staring at the floor, a soft pressure on her back that left her stunned for a split second. What just happened? The question was answered as she pushed off the object and scrabbled to the side, the new sickening angle her nose was at vaguely registering in her mind as she turned and came face to face…with…a mattress? Seriously? This whole house was insane. Hell, maybe she was going insane along with him. Yet she couldn’t entertain these thoughts any longer—there was still a very real danger, amplified now by the fact that she was apparently outnumbered.

Swallowing the blood flowing into her mouth from her shattered nose, she tried to focus back onto her original target, but to no avail, as the mattress stood to shield him. A minor inconvenience, but surely she could dodge past it or quickly subdue it somehow—

Yet once again, the darkness of the floor consumed her vision, along with a searing pain in her torso that brought even darker tendrils of black nothingness licking along the edges of her perception. It took a moment to realize the mattress was on her again, not pressing and suffocating like last time, but just lying there. Her hand moved to push it away, its corners dragging through a puddle of blood that she slowly realized was hers, staining the white fabric. For a moment, her mind tried to replay what happened, grasping into the darkness of her foggy memory for some strand of the event. There was the mattress, he was behind it and—

The sounds. There were small, distorted pops in the sea of her mind. Momentary images of holes being ripped through the bed standing before her. And, she supposed, through her, too.

But where was he? There was a sudden, still moment where she glanced around her, taking the scene in. Bits of white fluff from the mattress were soaking in blood, a few stray bullets lay scattered around her, another smear of blood where he had once been standing, and a hole, crimson dripping down its edges. Shit. He opened an .ECHO to escape. Where was he trying to go? Did he have any accomplices that could help him, or was this just his feeble attempt at trying to shake her loose?

.DUALITY crawled forward, feeling the friction of the floor rip the holes in her flesh open wider. Her body was weak at best, the adrenaline dying down in the moment of feigned safety allowing her to feel the pain jolting her nerves and the unsteady shakiness numbing her arms. The blackness creeping at the edges of her vision grew like an impending fog, her focus blurring. However, none of this mattered—it couldn’t matter to her, not yet. She had a job to do. She’d come this far—it was time to finish it. Her body slithered up to the edge of the hole, the blood still trickling from her torso falling to the floorboards and mixing with the crimson her target had left behind. With an agonizing heave, she threw herself in after him.

~What I Hope For~
- Contribution and imagination! I love writing with someone that builds the story with me and throws in all sorts of interesting new things. It's awesome when someone's writing makes me smile stupidly and jump at the chance to respond because I just have to know what'll happen next.
- We vibe together and our writing styles mesh well.

Really, that's about it!

~The Plotty Bits~
On to the fun stuff! Honestly, all I have are relatively general ideas. I usually don’t make any specific plots because I like collaborating with my partner to create something unique. If nothing really interests you, I'm pretty open to anything, so feel free to pitch any of your own ideas, too!

General Ideas
- A perfectly sane person decides to follow a lunatic’s plan. A previous version of this had a mercenary hired to bail some guy out of an insane asylum; easy money, so why not? Unfortunately, his antics dragged her into a seemingly futile quest for the fountain of youth. This is a simple little idea that can be the basis for a plot, or tucked into other plots. Does the sane person follow along out of guilt for having wronged their companion in the past? Do they follow along for the hell of it, because they want some excitement in their life? Is the lunatic a mad scientist, a devious kingpin, or just someone accused of blasphemy? Is what they're trying to accomplish completely outlandish, or is it perfectly sensible?

- A secret, highly illegal laboratory is experimenting on people, and our characters are unlucky enough to be two of the subjects. Life on the inside could be full of mystery, with neither person knowing what's really going on. An adventure full of finding buried secrets and making horrifying discoveries. Or perhaps they know exactly what is going on, and they have to decide whether they just let it happen or rebel.

- An enhanced super-soldier tries to scratch out a new life after the war, but the company that created them is pressured into destroying them all to further ease post-war tensions. Someone is hired to kill one of these soldiers, but things go wrong and they ultimately end up forming a tenuous alliance when they start to suspect that the company is up to something sinister.

- An odd mist slowly blankets town after town, killing everyone inside and rendering the area desolate. In reality, this is the spirit, an amalgamation of deceased and restless souls left over from toxic warfare. It was created from futile attempts at forbidden magic to try and save people, but it ended up merging with the lost souls and the deadly fumes from the attack to create a vengeful being. A myriad of characters could stem from this idea! Researchers trying to fix all this, unlucky adventurers that stumble in, a spy from another country meant to control or worsen the circumstances, a lot is possible.

- A world where one side is perpetually in sunlight, and the other in shadow. Distinct cultures have developed on each side, and through some conflict cut off all ties with one another long ago. The space between is a no man's land that nobody has traversed in centuries, until now. Something has brought someone to the edge of their world and into the first steps of a new one.

- The world used to be plagued with all manner of horrors—war, famine, the worst that mankind has to offer. Yet over time, things have changed, thanks to a highly advanced technological system, and everywhere is safe, at peace, and bountiful. Everything seems fine until someone pulls back the curtain and realizes just how this system works. Now they want to abandon everything they know. Do they set things right again at the cost of a happy world?

-Something Fahrenheit 451-esque, but with music.

- Any classic situation our characters are at each other's throats in some way or another. A rivalry, one is sent to kill or find the other, completely different morals and ways of going about things, anything with friction.

General Genres
- Noir/neo-noir (bonus points if you use a classy cynical tone)
- crime/psychological drama
- action/adventure
- sci-fi
- modern
- steampunk/cyberpunk
- fantasy

General Inspirations (I'm looking for something more original at the moment, but always open to consider something interesting!)
- Nier and Nier: Automata
- Mass Effect
- Fallout
- Final Fantasy (literally any)
- Bioshock
- Sherlock
- My Hero Academia

If nothing particularly interests you, feel free to pitch some ideas or alter mine! Thanks for reading! ^^
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