Fx Any Dark Marvels: The Subject of Race (ISO- Dom or Switch)


Awkward Empress
Jul 9, 2019
New York

A touchy subject, matters of race have been handled (or mishandled) to the extreme for millennia.
It's also easier than anything to offend someone these days, which explains why I see all these people walking on eggshells 24/7.

Personally, I've been fascinated by race play, racial tension, and interracial romance for as long as I can remember.

I know some people haven't the slightest idea of how to ask for it or bring it up in conversation, but I'd like to make that easier on those of you who might shy away from requesting it yourselves.

Don't be shy, don't worry about where to draw 'the line', etc. You can relax.
I'm a Mulatto woman with a foreign-born, Irish fiance, and many facets of interracial relations are already old news to me.
I'd love to explore everything from potential language barriers to clashing traditions in a roleplay setting.

I want these to be as deeply profound as they will be risque. At least a few paragraphs per post depending on the scene, plenty of interaction outside of any of the smut that occurs... Romance is also a big part of my literary life, so that's a must-have. It can be the sweet, passionate variety, or it can be warped and gritty.
Regardless, too many scenes with loveless sex will result in me checking ALL THE WAY OUT of a thread.

I can handle race play to any extent, and I only need a creative partner or two to enjoy it with.


As per this search thread, I'm sure you could sort of tell I'm looking to write for, in essence, African women.
This includes African Americans, Native Africans, or women of similar origin in a fantasy world.

||Many plots points are entirely fictitious, naturally.||
|| Ages 16+ || ♦♦ = preference ||

Concepts include:

Subjugation & Culture Clashing (♦♦♦♦)
A conqueror is among those who've brought their war-band to the land of Africa (or fantasy equivalent). Amidst the usual looting, pillaging, and woman-stealing, a failed escape reveals the identity of chieftain's young daughter; She would make either an excellent trophy to parade about back home, or better yet, she'd make a beautifully exotic gift for the King.
- The conqueror is MALE, if you play him. If not, the ruler can be M/F/NB. This is not a request for you to play two characters in the main cast.

- The premise is open to edits and elaboration.

- This could be as far back in the past as we like.

- Has potential for two different pairs. The chieftain's daughter could be kept by the conqueror, or could be presented to a man/woman in power in the conqueror's home country. ||King or Queen, Emperor or Empress, Chieftain or Chieftess, etc.||

- Conqueror and the King could be from anywhere, including China|Japan|Korea(♦♦♦), Greenland, the Middle East, Britain (♦♦♦), and so on, or their fantasy equivalents.

Fresh Off The Boat (♦♦♦)
After seemingly endless sailing, dozens of fatalities, illnesses, and time chained to the floors, the surviving captives arrive in a strange new land for the first time. Those fit for labor are sold accordingly, and those few women deemed aesthetically pleasing enough are reserved by and for members of high society to do with what they please.

- The premise is open to edits and elaboration.

- Any era or setting will work for me. Feudal nations, amendments to suit 1700-1800's America, or fantasy lands welcome.

- Roles are vague intentionally. She could be trained as a dancer, she could become a translator, musician, artist, etc. Your character could be any man or woman of high society, be they a noble, a well-off merchant, a monarch, etc.

Artistry (♦♦)
Two popular musicians from completely different continents are practically begged to collaborate by their fan-bases, to which they eventually reach out to one another to address. They finally decide to bridge the overseas gap to try it out, agreeing to one song at first. After hitting it off, however, the pair stretch it out and are having a fantastic time singing together.
They release several more songs and have even made plans to tour together. How will it go?

- The premise is open to edits and elaboration.

- I'm fine with any musical genre but country, lmao. Apologies to the country lovers out there.

- This could be between any two artists from any two countries. YC could be a K-pop artist, a Bollywood musician, or even an American R&B artist. Anything and anybody is fine.
Random images for modern plots.

More Pairs:
Human Woman x High Elf
Human Woman x Vampire
African Woman x Viking
Queen x Foreign Mercenary
King x Foreign Mercenary
Gang Heiress x Cartel Runner/Leader
Black Lightning
Teen Titans
Game of Thrones
The 100

Kinks are pretty broad for me, but I'll plug my f-list in for y'all anyway.

I'm looking to play no more than 2 women opposite 2 characters (maximum) belonging to my partner.
A main cast of four people between the two of us is my max.

I will be your best friend forever if you'd like to make up a fantasy world for any of those plots.

Senseless smut is not something I enjoy, I am not interested.
Nothing short-term, no oneshots.
No, I will not write for anyone dangerously overweight.

If you get bored or you need to drop, go on ahead. No drama, no stress. I will never hassle you to post, though I'd love to chat. If you'd like my Discord, you're welcome to ask and I'll toss it to you.

Again, don't be shy. If you have ideas, bring 'em with you. I'll only bite if you ask me to.
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