Fx M or F [LIT-NSFW] Looking for a semi-Long Time Partners


Through Love, All Is Possible
Apr 19, 2020
Reading in Bed
Hello Everyone,

Let's get down to business. Shall we?

These are the rules that I follow:
No Mary-sues or Gray-sues
No controlling my characters and I won't control yours. Agreed? (This also includes trying to control me as well. Not happening.)
No mind-reading
Help me Create the plot (Two minds are better than one)
Communicate with me, please!
5-8 sentences (Descriptive)
Grammar will be greatly welcome along with paragraphs too!
Building up the Relationship
Triggers (It hits too close to home and I can't do it.)
I am 100% supportive of the LGBT Community.

All right, now time for the yummy part.
I can do both genders and I required my partner to do the same. That way it is fair for both of us.
I am a female here!

I can do an MxM, FxM, and FxF as well.

I have made up my own scenarios and my own set of characters as well.
So, just tell me what you would like and so forth. <3

My girls:

The Inquisitor
Natalia Sofia Rosewood
Nat or Natalie
21 years old
Emeraude Toubia

Scenario 1:

You are either a human being mix up in this or your a supernatural being. You were their prime suspect of The Magical Detective Agency. You knew they were famous for solving cold cases and catching the most wanted criminals. You admire them from a distance, but then you find yourself at a crime scene. Not realizing that you had walked in on a body that was a drain of life. The woman's eyes were dull and lifeless as if her soul had been suck out. There was a pentagram underneath the woman's body. Jars of many things that would have made you sick to your stomach. You were the only person to stumble upon the victim because you knew her. She went to the same place you work or visit. She was a salesperson at one of the stores that you shop at. She was quite a beautiful lady until now. She was either caught up in something bad or it was because of her beauty. Whatever sicko did this, you were paying for it. You were lock in an interrogation room being bored out of your mind. Your wrists were unbound from the chains that held you in place after they had found you at the crime scene. You were there for whatever reason that you went into that place. As you sat there waiting for someone to come into the room and start the interrogation, you were zoning out. Falling asleep right there as it had been a long night. The door opens slowly and it jolted your attention. When you look at the door, you had to take a double look at the person that had walked in. You were expecting an older version of a woman or man. No, this woman in front of you was almost the same age as you may be younger or older. Her dark eyes held amusement in them as if this was a game to her. Instead of sitting down, she leans on the table. She wore a casual black dress that had a deep v-line and her sleeves went down to her elbows. A vanilla folder was in front of you and her. A cunning smile spread across her lips before she asked you, "All right. Tell me what happened tonight? Why were you there at the crime scene? What business did you have with the female victim that we found in the pentagram?" What do you do?

The Good Angel
Evangeline Grace Woods
200 years old (Looks 23)
Light Angel

Ayca Aysin Turan

Scenario 1:
You are a supernatural being with whatever problems that you have gotten yourself into. There were whispers among the shadow world that there were angels and demons. That the war between the two was as ancient as the first civilization that was found. Some claim even before that. So, who can say when they had stopped and started? So, when you were standing in the alleyway whether you were waiting for someone or running away from something. A bright glow illuminated around them as feathers floated everywhere and a woman appeared in the street along with a man with long blonde hair that wasn't tied or anything. Neither was the woman either. Those brilliant white wings of theirs fluttering as they settle themselves on the ground. You knew what they were as their glow was bright around them as they had half folded their wings. Both of them dress in holy white as the man stood by as the woman walks over to a trashcan, but as you watch. She reaches forward and came out with a little boy. You realized that he couldn't be more than nine or ten years old. Her voice was soft as she was speaking softly to the boy and the boy looks scared at first, but at that moment. A bright smile spread across his lips along with the woman's smile mirroring his. It was a sight to see as she took him by the hand and lead him to somewhere, but the boy was there one minute and then the next. He was gone and the woman was crying. The man spoke, "Why must you cry every time we have to do this?" She gave him a glaring look, "Why do you ask me that question every time?" She sniffled and finding this to be adorable of the woman. As she wipes her eyes, the man turns around with a holy sword that was pointed directly at you. "Who's there?" He demanded as his glow illuminate the entire area that they were in. The woman walks over and was surprised to see you there in the alleyway even her cheeks turn to a shade of red. Almost like the color of a rose. What do you do?

I am The Beta
Abrielle Rose Abernathy
Abby or Elle
20 years old
Shifter (Werewolf)
Lucy Hale

Scenario 1:
You are either from the rival pack or you are a rogue. Either one, you are either patrolling or just keeping out of sight of the other wolves. You were quite from civilization as you were probably on a border of someone's territory, but it didn't matter to you at all. You did what you want and that was it. So, as you were stumbling through the lush green forest. You heard singing and strumming of strings coming from somewhere else. You have no idea where it was coming from at all. As you tilted your head to the side trying to figure out where the singing came from as it was becoming clearer and something in you felt a sharp tug in a direction, so you let this mysterious tug you all the way to an open clearing. The sun shining down right in the middle of a field of poppies surrounding by trees. There were a boulder and right next to it was a girl, something on the rock that was leaning up against. She was dress in a fedora hat, dark jean shorts. A tan tank top and a black jacket that was sleeveless and hanging down past her thighs. Her long dark hair was wavy as there was an acoustic guitar there with her fingers streaming all there. She didn't realize you were there and as you felt that tug sharpening, that was when she stopped playing and grimace as if she were feeling your pain. She looks up and those beautiful bright dark eyes look at you and suddenly you know what this tug was. You heard many stories about this and didn't believe it at all. It was a foolish lover's tale, but yet here you were. Staring at her as she stares at you and something between the two of you clicks as if by some magical force. You realize that this woman right here was your mate. What do you do?

My Beautiful Hot Males

The Mafia Boss
Lorenz M. Cortez
The Devil's Advocate
The Holy Terror
The Devil Himself
27 years old
Gaspard Ulliel

Scenario 1:
You are a spy from The Blighters to infiltrate The Vipers headquarters and to murder the young boss name, Lorenz M. Cortez. He was the one that they wanted dead, but for some reason, they didn't want to tell you. So, you decided not to ask questions and to do your job as a spy. Luckily for you, they have females working for The Vipers and it wasn't a sexist situation like the stupid Italians who were a bunch of sexist A-holes who think women should be their wives and waiting for them at home. Cooking and cleaning and pretty much for breeding, but not these people. No, you actually admire the way Lorenz handles the females here. They were not to be touch at all or even look at and they could get the revenge that they needed or so that is what you had found out on your own. So, now you made a request of wanting to see him and to join his gang as well. Faking papers and having an alias as well. All the proof that you need to present to this boss. You wonder how young this boss was, but you guess you'll find out when you arrive at the large house that almost looks like a mansion. Many beautiful cars ranging from American Muscle to Sports cars were parked to the side as there were two members guarding the front entrance of the beautiful house that was hidden behind black iron gates. There was a fountain in the middle as the house was made out of cobblestone, but strong stone and probably something else as well. There was a lady dress in black and white business attire, but you knew by the way she wore her belt that she had a gun hidden in her belt somewhere. Once you exit the black SUV, she greeted you politely and with a small smile before leading you into the grand house. Inside, you were amazed by how huge it was and the expenses on it as well. The floor was so shining that you could almost see your face in it. She leads you down several hallways and down some steps to a corridor before opening heavy wooden sliding doors to reveal a large study that was filled with many books. There was a globe on the side and by the window, there was a man that sat there. His eyes gleaming wickedly as his lips turned upward into a lazy smirk. You knew immidately that he was the cat and you were the mouse. His favorite game to play, he was infamous for it. The lady wave at him and he nodded to her in dismissal. Lorenz's smirk turns more upwards before gesturing to the comfy leather seat in front of his desk, "Please take a seat, miss." What do you do?

The Genie
Rocco James Kadar (Doesn't know his real name)
Unknown (Doesn't know how long he has been alive)
Daniel Illescas

Scenario 1:
You are a human being or some supernatural being that had heard the numerous tales about this lamp. That it was still hidden and no one could find it at all. No one could find this mysterious lamp that was used by so many people and now it was gone from the world. You thought it was nothing, but hogwash and a fairy tale. You were adventuring out into the Sahara on a back of a camel either by yourself or with some crew-type thing. You were either out on an expedition or doing it for fun. Sight-seeing and taking adventures. Traveling the world and seeing its wonders. You were very excited about this expedition and as you continue to travel and explore caves that were left untouched. One day as you were exploring a cave as it was very unstable and you were being careful about where you stepped. It was very old and ancient as well. Some people thought there was something in that cave, but as far as you can see. It was nothing, but a deserted cave. Only made out by mother nature. That was all right until you stepped onto loose rocks and then there you went. All the way down to the bottom of it and you manage to bonk your head on the way down. As you did so, you had blackened out for a few moments, but when you came to. There was the lamp sitting on a pedestal and you were surprised to see it. Never in your wildest dreams where this happening, but the mystery lamp was sitting right in front of you with a slumbering genie inside of it. As you got your bearings, you went over to the lamp. Gently pick it up and realize how dirty it was. You still thought this lamp was a fairy tale, but as you started to wipe the dust away from the lamp. It started to shake in your hands and then with a popping sound, a young beautiful man appeared before you. Sleepy and looking like he had just awakened from his sleep. He blinks a couple of times as you stood there with a surprised expression on your face. He asked you, "What day is it? How long have I been slumbering?" He squints his eyes while taking in his surroundings as he was very confused. What do you do?

Devilish Twins
Names of The Twins:
Kieran Blackthorne and Adrian Blackthorne
200 years old (They both like their 21 years old)
Appearances for The Twins:
Dylan O'Brien and Tyler Hoechlin

Scenario 1:
Kieran and Adrian were attending a gala of the finest supernatural beings. Kieran didn't want to come at all especially since he would have to be dealing with the other supernatural twits that he didn't like at all. He was half-tempted to just burn them all, but his brother wanted to go. So, because of his brother, he went to the damn thing. Everyone in the supernatural world knows of the mysterious death of their parents. Everyone does. It was a reason why Kieran didn't like the others was because they were too nosy. He was careful when drinking and kept an eye on his brother who was a very light drinker even if they were immortal. Therefore, the rest of them can go to hell. At least, that is what Kieran says most of the time. Adrian loves to party and even loves his brother more for going with him. They were quite the devilish twins as people named them that for some reason. Kieran didn't care at all neither did Adrian. Kieran realizes that there were a few humans meaning that they were important and that they were the ones that kept their secrets as well. You were attending this gala with some guy that you had managed to find or even one of your girlfriends as well. Either one, you were familiar with the twins as they were there for every supernatural event even though you notice the taller one didn't look like he wanted to be here. The other brother looks ecstatic to be here. They went everywhere together, but you kind of understand after hearing what had happened to their parents. It was terrible. So, as you were socializing and dancing with the male. Getting so wrapped up in the fun events. You didn't realize that you stumble right into the twins that were talking furiously with each other. Then Adrian being the good brother, caught you even though Kieran grudgingly held out an arm for you. Adrian asked, "Are you okay?" Once you were realized who you had to stumble into, what do you do?

You can choose to change or add your twist to the Scenarios. Heck, we can make a new one if you want. Remember, I play both genders. That requires my partner to be the same as well. I want a good roleplay and not one that I feel obligated to respond to. With these ones, I have tons more that I can do for you. I am only giving you guys a taste of what I do. <3
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