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Just something that has been bothering me for a while...


Deviant Demon of the Depths
Apr 14, 2020
Georgia, USA
What is with the male obsession with watching females taste their own fluids?

I know that some women also like watching other women do this, but the question is: Why?

Also, it's a bit irking that most of the guys who demand this from women consider themselves too "straight" to do the same with their own. What does being straight have to do with it? Straight women are asked to do it, sometimes forced to do it. Is that a way of saying that because they are women they are somehow less "straight" ?

Just some thoughts that have been buzzing around in my head from reading the stories here, comments on cam shows, and roleplays I have been involved in in the past.
I guess it depends on the age/generation of the man. I personally don't share that kink.

However, to try and answer your question, I think it has a lot to do with social conditioning in various ways.

For a start porn is mostly focused on the woman/women. As such males watch a lot of porn and pick up things from that. So do females of course.

Secondly, FxF intimacy is a lot more accepted than MxM intimacy, I have even known lesbians who have told me they think male homosexuality is wrong. Which is rather interesting for various reasons but is irrelevant here. My point though is males are expected to be strong, horny and able to get laid. A man who tastes his own cum would for some reason be considered homosexual. So you get that whole shaming aspect and I know it may not be popular to say this but male sexuality is shamed in various ways.

In the context of cam shows though it is a different thing. The male cannot touch or taste the female so he wants the female to describe herself to him as well as sharing that intimate moment with her even if he doesn't realize it's still a type of intimacy.

There's other aspects as well of course but I thought I would share my thoughts on the more serious ones.

Personal note: I have come across many women who get really excited about men tasting their own fluids as well.
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