Fx Female Searching Sexy Gals!


Jan 6, 2020
Hello! This is a remake of my searching for males thread so be gentle, for now! I'll keep this fairly simple for the time being and go over what I like, what I'm looking for, what I don't like, and of course what you my dearest reader can do for me to make me the happiest gal, ever. To start off, a little about me!

-I use commas probably in the wrong way, but here they are! And one here, too!
-Longterm stories are my jam, this being said I will play more than one character at times
-I really dislike harem play, it comes across as lazy for whoever the harem is for. (To me at least)
-I play females!
-Open to futa or females!

Settings? I love modern and futuristic settings. Cyberpunk can be fun, typically I can be found with my nose in a sci-fi book or something of that sort. So out of all the settings? In order of preference they are...

-Futuristic / Scifi
-Future dystopian
-Normal lame-ass modern

And what do I want to see in these!? Anything! Let's have fun lovers who are enjoying time together before we toss drama in. Or we can do enemies who become lovers, or something! Its our world so lets just have fun and mess with it! (That's what she said~)

For the ladies, I like to play they are typically of the older sort. I mean in the '30s and higher. Young girls don't do much for me these days, and I mean from the age of consent (18) upwards to about the late '20s.

If something here strikes your fancy send me a message! Let's talk and brainstorm our likes and come together to make a story.

Oh! Once a story is put together some I can offer a face claim or two, I prefer real-life images. Anime and drawn don't do much for me it seems. Sorry!
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