The Edge of Vanities


Apr 17, 2020
Wandering the fringes of imagination
137 parsecs towards the Zeta Reticuli system from the Sun Gambos-7 is a Nebulas cluster of mining asteroids, and glacial moons.

The system known as the "Edge of Vanities" Reflects a glass like glare of golds, topaz and bronze from the Nebula's seas.

It is from here that the world of Tetra-psion-7 floats in a deceptively magnificent peace, of marbled oceans and copper atmosphere.

Descending into that world's depths however is temperamental as settling gases of turbulent hydrogen atoms collide violently against contamination particles of ionized cosmic rays! This exothermic field though is quite neccessary to deflect the excessive space debris and keep the world below contained from an appocryphel cataclysm!
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