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NBx Any G E N D E R ↖↘↔↙↗B E N D E R ; Long term and smut requests


Apr 17, 2020
Hello Bluemoon.

I'm Felix.

I am a queer being with a love of writing detailed and aesthetically inclined stories. I am drawn to wordsmiths who approach the craft curiously and like to challenge themselves beyond simply pumping out post after post. Don't get me wrong--I am both a fan of, and provider of, regular and consistent replies to roleplays. However what I crave is dedicated creativity. The best roleplays are ones where there is an agreed aesthetic, core concept, and agreed upon expectations and limits. After that, the writing in my opinion, should be a give and take. (A "yes and" based improvisational mindset if you will.) I do not like to discuss an idea to death, or plan fine minutia out-of-character unless it is during the actual crafting of the roleplay. If you have some ideas to shoot any time between our replies about direction, plot, or anything--I want to hear them. This type of ooc chat is really fun and opens the door for critique and feedback of my own work; which I appreciate.

Because of this, those of you who may still be reading this but hate talking out of character; I'm sorry dear. It just wasn't meant to be.

Define: aesthetic​
When I speak of aesthetics regarding roleplay, I am mostly talking about two factors: emotional tone and imagery. Emotional tone is important. Are we writing a hopeful love story? A thrilling adventure? A Gothic contemplation on desire? Knowing what you are craving and wanting to write about, in this regard, is important. Incongruities in desired tone are easily fixed and avoided, but if left unspoken can make the whole project feel like a slog. Imagery is what it sounds like; how do we describe what is happening, where, and to whom? For me this is a natural outgrowth of tone. If we are agreeing to a hope-punk post-apocalyptic scifi, it should be assumed there may be some whimsy in the world play, and therefore the world building, of that tale. For the sake of brevity I will leave this topic at that as this is a request thread and not some literary dissertation.

Characters, Genders, and Romantic Pairings O H M Y!​

Considering this is the nonbinary forum, I will be completely honest. I have almost no desire to play 'straight' or 'cis' characters. My preferred 'body type' to play is generally some variation on futa and/or 'transmasculine' bodies. "Penis clit" futa and "cunt boys" are pretty much the only thing I want to play as currently. I am fine with either of my preferred genders being paired with male or female characters though I do have a special love for playing with other nonbinary gender/body types as well, and so if you are one of those do let me know. Due to this gender preference, the ideas of 'straight' or 'gay' smut is quite blurry. That said, I do very much love to play butch futa lesbians and twinkish futa gays. I am more particular in settings and aesthetics regarding cunt boys, and can field those questions if you have them.

In terms of erotics--I'm an unabashedly kinky bastard and have few hard limits.
Hard limits include: death, dismemberment, vore, scat, rape.

Favorite kinks/fetishes include:
cum, big dicks, stretching/gaping, lactation, SM, double and triple penetration, and more!

I will post or link to an exhaustive list at some point. In short, if there is something you want to know, just ask.

~Watch this space for specific core concepts~

~Current Aesthetic Cravings~​
  1. Surrealist fantasy involving shapeshifters and cosmic consequences​
  2. Thrilling horror scifi and unearthly romance​
  3. Mythic fantasy and forbidden love​
  4. Hope-punk adventure quest and unlikely alliances​

My preference for roleplay medium are threads here or Discord. I can be convinced otherwise, but understand this is my starting bid.
Please include a general core concept (your own or otherwise), desired smut level, and what kinks and gender preferences you have.
Be committed to writing at least two solid paragraphs per post, regardless of medium.
Serious inquiries only!

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