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NBx Any Final Fantasy Fuckery (Particularly that VII game) {NSFW Links}


Jan 4, 2020
The hazy streets of Midgar,
overcome with a dense population and rife with Mako Pollution.
Filled with seedy opportunities for those that would dare take them.
Into this world rises an AVALANCHE, a group that would try to stand against them.
And this, this is their sexual (mis)adventures...

Like you didn't know what you were getting into when you clicked on that link.

Put it simply, like so many others, I'm catching the old Final Fantasy fever, mostly due to a certain remake that's recently hit the shelves. weirdly enough, I haven't actually played it, because I don't own a Playstation 4 (I'm convinced it'll hit PCs eventually, and then...). That being said, I am intimately familiar with the baseline Final Fantasy VII story and world, and I doubt they'd changed it that much. If there's an important plot development or character moment (which I'm assuming there are, since the game's expanded) that would affect our play, please let me know.

That being said, this is obviously gonna focus a lot on the cast, y'know, having all the sex.

I may be stretching the whole "NB" a bit with this one, but I thought it was roughly in the area. Basically, I'm most interested in Femme Cloud, both kinda generally speaking and for this thread in particular. I'm primarily looking for a scenario where he's transformed into the female form, but there's some flexibility there. I could also see a potential partway position, i.e. Femme Cloud with a dick to work with. Hell, I don't think I'd protest if Futa Cloud ended up getting dicked themself. Or essentially a character that winds up kinda gender fluid? There's some wiggle room here.

Again, not trying to step on those that are interested just in the whole non-binary chars, buuuut this section is mostly used for futa, soooo....

Contact, Kinks, Etc.

Strongly prefer playing on site. PM, thread, then off-site are my order of preference. (I have a Discord; you can talk me onto it for RPing)
I've been told I'm "advanced." I want/like a few paras of description, and will give the same.
I can reply a few times a day or at least a few times a week. I'm very accepting of others' schedules.
When PMing, like literally everyone, I like having some plot and ideas thrown my way. I'll answer the obvious question now: Yes, I do want to play X pairing if they're on the thread.
I play both males and females. Technically I can play both "dominant" and "submission" (I don't really like using those words, because most RPs aren't actually, y'know, BDSM based? And if you're doing a relationship, it's rare that people slide comfortably into those). I usually call them "aggressor," and "recipient." In my case, I lean much more strongly toward "aggressor," and will never play an aggressor female on a male recipient. (special cases made for partners I know and trust who talk me into you; you'll know if you're one).
I'm writing this request thread primarily for females, because I've learned that females get more action on the site, but I'm willing to play opposite the FF females if people prefer.
Kinks: most are in there. I do have a clothes fetish; I like it when girls dress up and/or are fucked while wearing something. For others, see my f-list (also in signature)
I've also found I'm big on "consequences for sex." In most basic terms, this is where breeding comes in. I also admit to thoroughly enjoying erotica where a girl may lose her powers because of sex or where orgasms drain energy or the like. In more romantic RPs, this could be a good thing (i.e. power growth, self realization).
On the whole plot/smut thing. As said above: I like teh sex. I do still want at least some plot, since nothing but sex can get boring. The plot should help move the sex along though; think of how plot works in a good hentai: it's sorta there, but it's usually an excuse to get the chars to fuck.
The plots below will mostly fall into hentai tropes and plots. I may have some romantic ones, particularly for FxF pairings, but we'll see.
Genre wise, the main emphasis here is on modern fantasy. I'd also include superheroes into that, and I'm willing to be somewhat flexible on the modern part (a lot of my kinks and ideas just work better with modern settings).

Plot Nuggets:
Craving: Miss Cloud Strife; Fetisssh (bonus for Femme!Cloud)
(At this point, I've had a lot of great requests, so I'm pretty much just looking for Femme Cloud)

Miss Cloud Strife: Corneo's Plaything
(male into female transformation or genderbending the canon, corruption, materia fun times)
Part of what started this craving is a series of fanart by Tinkerbomb. In particular, she's been doing several scenes involving Femme Cloud. Normally this doesn't appeal to me, but something about both the design and the idea do, particularly since they can work. Now, we could start with just a female Cloud if we wanted, but what I'd rather do is have him utilize a particular materia to turn into a biological woman for the purposes of infiltrating Don Corneo's establishment. Our now female Cloud is warned that if she orgasms while using this, it increases the materia's resonance with her, making it that much harder to unequip. Too much, and things get permanent. Cloud doesn't think this will be a problem, but she grossly underestimates Corneo's skill. He begins masterfully shaping her into his personal plaything.

That's My Fetttissssssh
(references! and you know there had to be a monster fucking one)
We also get another potential porn idea through that fucked up freak Dr. Hojo, who has rather.... unique tastes. In this, we play from the scene he's given in the game. Maybe instead of just pairing Red with Aerith, he has other breeding ideas for the various characters. Hell, I wouldn't mind bringing back Femme Cloud for this, maybe Hojo forces her into the situation? Another that's kinda loose on purpose.'

GP Girl(s)
(saucer downfall; casino girls?)
The glitz and glamor of the Golden Saucer appeals to everyone. It calls people to it like a will o' the wisp, including our heroines. What if they find themselves losing all their money through GP? Are they going to need to suck up to high rollers? Become girls of the house?
Whatever the end result, we have to get them into the bunny girl outfits.. .right?
Also another excellent place to slide in Femme Cloud, forced into that form to pay his debts.​

Some Reoccurring Ideas:

Erotic Materia: materia that mostly acts like the others... except with erotic consequences. Perhaps it increases fertility or sensitivity. Or maybe it degrades powers. Lots of wiggle room there.
Mako Infusions: have been brought up before. what if there's a way to channel that life energy so it essentially builds the perfect

More Femme Cloud Art:

Feel free to contact me! But please make sure to give me something to work with!
(and if you wanna propose your own idea or take something from another of my threads, I could be convinced...)​
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