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Fx Male Seeking Semi - Lit Partner


Dec 16, 2016
Somewhere along the road
Greetings My Fellow Writers
So Glad to see you have stopped by, please sit back and enjoy. I promise I wont bite to hard unless it is requested. Thank you for visiting, and hope you find what you are looking for! If you do not, please feel Free to send me a PM.
About me
Likes/Dislikes and F-list Link
Open Spots
Plots- can be tweaked to satisfy both parties.

About Me:

I am 30 years old, engaged and a mother. I role play in my spare time, which being a stay at home mom I tend to have a bit of. I have been role-playing for over 10 years with a hiatus or two thrown in there. I am a stay at home mother of 4, ages 10 years to 3 years. I am extremely busy and my responses do vary based on the kids. Some days I am quick to get replies where as others I am lucky to get 1 out for my partner. I have numerous likes and dislikes which I will get to shortly. My biggest pet peeve.... Privacy... I get on to get away from reality. I get becoming friends and getting to know the other but there is a fine line that should not be crossed. I stick to email, private messages, or threads. Do not ask for my number or give me your number. If we become friends that's a different story!​

I am by far a perfect writer, and do not require my partner to be perfect. I give out what I get in return. I can not stand to get a single undetailed paragraph, when I have sent a good 3-4 paragraphs.

What I'm looking for:

I am looking for someone that will enjoy the story and not bail within the first few pages. I love detail and love watching the characters develop. I hope to find someone who enjoys romance mixed in with some kinky roughness. Normally I can give 2-4 good paragraphs, so I expect something close. I can only Give you what you give me. Detail is a must, don't just give me dialog. If you are interested in anything you see below, or have ideas of your own please PM me.

Let's move on. If you find anything the catches your eye, AGAIN please pm me and do not post here. I like to keep my thread clean of clutter. If there is anything, but you would like to tweak a few things do not hesitate to ask. Worst that could happen is I say no, and we put our creative minds together and find something that will suit us both...
I want to be able to find someone that I can connect with. Some one who can give what they get. I like someone who can admit to mistakes and not be afraid to make them. I do not expect the writing to be perfect, I mean we are here to kick back and relax right? Right.

If your going to be awhile for a span of time let me know. Hit a thinkers block, let me know. Don't just disappear because that's a quick way to land on the "Don't write with" list. I'm a mom of 4 I get being busy! With that being said, please understand that there may be a chance that in the middle of a good back and forth session I just vanish. I am sorry but sometimes that just can not be avoided. If that is a deal breaker- I am sorry to hear that. But thanks for stopping by anyways.

When it comes to stories I do not what to plan out every little detail. I refuse to play out a story like I am following a script. The background scenarios or plot idea must be agreed on of course, but from there I want our character to develop, mingle, learn who the other characters are. While we are planning, I do not want info on your character, I wanna learn what they are like, who they are, the whole nine yards in character. I like surprises, if I know all the details I'll get bored and slow down on replying and eventually quit replying. The surprises and the twists is what will make me keep coming back for more.​

I am currently looking for long-term partners who are okay with a post once a week to every other week. There will be times where I can reply more than once but I need a partner to understand I am a special needs mom. 3 of my 4 children have special needs and sometimes I just cant post. With that said, I am looking for someone who can post a good lengthier post. No, I do not mean a novel, but a good 2-4 paragraphs with detail. Give me something to work with. I do enjoy a good back and forth and then the shorter posts are okay, but when your waiting I will give you something worth waiting for and I expect the same.

****Looking for Vampire/Werewolf plots. ****

Sexual Likes and Dislikes

  1. Vanilla
  2. Some BDSM: Tied up, spanked, choked, orgasm control etc. I am dabbling into it more, so if your willing to teach and bare with me. We could be a match made in heave.
  3. Older Guys
  4. Dominant Males
  5. Biting
  6. Smacking
  7. Tattoos
  8. Piercings
  9. Bad Boy Type
  10. Oral
  11. Occasional Anal
  12. Realistic Plots
  13. Realistic Characters
  14. Character Build up
  15. Check F List in Signature

  1. Death
  2. Gore
  3. Urine
  4. Character Control: I have my own character, you have yours.
  5. Any type of feces..
  6. Fantasy--Only On occasion: In needs to be a really good plot line to get me interested.

I will have more to add to these lists... Just putting major ones that come to mind.

Currently only open to the male/female pairing. On occasion I am open to the female/female set up. I will always play the submissive and the female. Now when I say submissive, I am not referring to the typical just lay there and take it, lame girl. I will give you a handful to take care of, but I am just now working on being the dominate in a relationship of any sort. That being said, I would love to find a partner willing to deal with me learning the ropes and create a story to experience my self in.

  1. Male Teacher/Female Student****
  2. Male Boss/Female Intern***
  3. Male Student/Female Student*
  4. Country Boy/ City Girl***
  5. City Boy/Country Girl*
  6. Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby*****
  7. Male Werewolf x Female werewolf
  8. vampire x vampire
  9. Male werewolf x Female human
  10. Male vampire x Female human
  11. Male Coach x Female Athlete

Open Slots:
  1. Taken
  2. Taken
  3. Taken
  4. Taken
  5. Open
  1. Open
  2. Open
  3. Open
  4. Open
  5. Open

Slice of Life Plots
These are not set in stone and willing to change them up a bit. * indicates craving level!!
If nothing catches your eye please send me your idea, promise I won't bite... Okay I might nibble a little.
If they are in second post and crossed out, that means I am currently not looking to do them again, unless I can be convinced.

A Game Called Cat and Mouse ***
He is the high-school bully, the boy that every other guys wants to be or wants to hang out with. He is always gotten what he wanted whether it be through smooth charm, intimidation or manipulation. She is the high school door mat, an outcast made easily into the scapegoat. She is far from a Herminie with a genius IQ . She is not the next Marvel Superhero, or the next girl next door. She is simply...just a girl. A girl living with her aunt that barely tolerates her, even ignores her most of the time. She is no gossip. She keeps to herself and keeps silent about her past and home life. Only time most people hear her speak is when she is answering a question a teacher asks. Or when he gets her riled up. He seems to be the only one who can get under her skin and push her buttons if you will. Truth be told, he has a secret. He makes her his number one favorite target for a reason, and it is not what everyone else thinks. It is to see this outcast shine while knowing she could never be his. But the universe has its way off forcing a fated couple together in the most unique and interesting ways, especially when they fail to take the steps on their own.

Reading Between the Lines***************

Serenity Salvatore was a senior in high school. Not the queen bee of school, she was an outcast of sorts. A mix between the nerd, and emo/goth girl. Her English teachers assigns the class a pen pal, the pen pals are soldiers over fighting a war. ( Made up, or real.) Not quiet liking the idea, but wanting the grade, she sets out writing the soldier... Little did she know, she was about to find a true friend when she starts reading. What happens when he announces he's coming back to the states on leave? **Slow-Paced**

Fantasy Plots
Plot Idea Numero Uno

Caroline Monroe is only a few days shy of her 18th birthday, which means her chance at finding her Mate. Her father Alpha Monroe of the Blood Crystal pack has invited over a dozen of neighboring packs from across the states, only to increase the chances that hid daughter find her mate, and possibly take over his pack when the time is right. Only thing is, what if the moon goddess has set her up with no one other than the Rouge King? Does she accept her fate or does she reject him and face the pain in hopes of finding a second chance mate?

Plot Idea 2
Amongst the werewolf world there is nothing better than being able to claim your mate and marking them as your own. The Moon Goddess only gives everyone one mate. Very few are given second chance mates. Many wolves go their entire life time without finding their mate, or they take claim over a mate-less wolf and mark them.
What happens when the Alpha of a pack finds out his mate is a human? Can they make a relationship work considering humans do not feel the mate bond? Will the human girl
find away to make this work when she finds out he is a fantasy creature she only thought existed in the stories she read.

Plot Idea 3
In a world where the supernatural creatures are known to human. Given places to live and protected called 'Reservations' what happens when a Werewolf activist believes that werewolves should have to register in order to be allowed to leave their given territory to mingle amongst the humans finds out she is mated to a creature she wished never existed.

Music Plots
Want to do a plot based on the following songs.

Take a Drunk Girl Home : Chris Jansen
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Below are plots.

These are not set in stone and willing to change them up a bit. * indicates craving level!!
If nothing catches your eye please send me your idea, promise I won't bite... Okay I might nibble a little.
If they are crossed out, that means I am currently not looking to do them again or add another onto the plate.

Band Rivals and Lovers: *****
They were childhood best friends and high school sweethearts. They had a passion for music and eventually formed their own band. She was the female (or lead) vocalist, and he (whatever role in the band you'd like to play). One day she was approached by a talent agency and is informed that they'd like her to audition for a band that is currently looking to replace their lead vocalist. Assuming her boyfriend would support her following her dreams to sing for a signed band, she goes for it and makes it into the band. His reaction is less than thrilled and it leads to a break up just before she moves away to be closer to the band and the recording studio. Years pass, the band is a hit and is hitting top charts. Meanwhile he and their old band slowly work their way up. They replace her with a new vocalist, he meets someone new, and it appears the two have moved on. His band eventually gets signed to a label and is getting their big break. To celebrate, they throw a big concert for their home town. Much to his surprise, she shows up. She didn't want to miss the bands first concert as a signed band and despite thinking that he never wanted to see her again, she keeps the promise to herself. But he and the band mates spot her in the crowd. The reunion is awkward. It wasn't as angry as their departure. In fact, it goes a little better than expected when the two get some time alone to catch up and meet up over the days.

A Game Called Cat and Mouse ***
He is the high-school bully, the boy that every other guys wants to be or wants to hang out with. He is always gotten what he wanted whether it be through smooth charm, intimidation or manipulation. She is the high school door mat, an outcast made easily into the scapegoat. She is far from a Herminie with a genius IQ . She is not the next Marvel Superhero, or the next girl next door. She is simply...just a girl. A girl living with her aunt that barely tolerates her, even ignores her most of the time. She is no gossip. She keeps to herself and keeps silent about her past and home life. Only time most people hear her speak is when she is answering a question a teacher asks. Or when he gets her riled up. He seems to be the only one who can get under her skin and push her buttons if you will. Truth be told, he has a secret. He makes her his number one favorite target for a reason, and it is not what everyone else thinks. It is to see this outcast shine while knowing she could never be his. But the universe has its way off forcing a fated couple together in the most unique and interesting ways, especially when they fail to take the steps on their own.

To Trust or Not to Trust ******************************
A perfect couple, happily engaged hit a rough spot. They were in a terrible accident, the guy suffered only a few bruises and hairline fracture to his wrist. The girl, suffering the worst has been in a coma for almost a year. When she wakes her fiancé is ecstatic, overjoyed and grateful. There is just one small problem, she does not remember him. There are no memories of them together, she lost three years of her life to the abyss inside her head. Can her apparent fiancé bring forth those memories, make her fall in love with him all over again? Or is everything lost to the darkness and will he walk away?

Reading Between the Lines***************

Serenity Salvatore was a senior in high school. Not the queen bee of school, she was an outcast of sorts. A mix between the nerd, and emo/goth girl. Her English teachers assigns the class a pen pal, the pen pals are soldiers over fighting a war. ( Made up, or real.) Not quiet liking the idea, but wanting the grade, she sets out writing the soldier... Little did she know, she was about to find a true friend when she starts reading. What happens when he announces he's coming back to the states on leave? **Slow-Paced**

Friends Turned Lovers:****

Serenity Salvator and __{insert YC name}__have been friends since they were in diapers. Inseparable from the start, there was nothing they hid from each other. Until one night at a party their senior year they sleep together, waking up the next morning wrapped up in each other's arms. What do they do? Where do they take things?

Sugar Daddy to the Rescue ********

MC is a single mother who is low on hope; her husband left her alone with their four year old daughter, Emily. MC is heartbroken from her husband leaving, and without him, MC feels like nothing. MC struggling to make ends meet, having already been kicked out of her nice apartment and forced to move into a smaller place. She's forced to quit college completely and pick up more hours at the fancy restaurant where she works, so she can pay bills on time. YC comes in one night and is immediately in awe of how beautiful MC is, and decides that he must have her one way or another. YC can have whatever background you want him to have, or he can be the standard successful, rich, man. He finds out about MC's situation after getting to know her, and gives her an offer she can't refuse..
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