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Fx Male Some New Discord Ideas, and Taking Suggestions! (New stuff added July and August 2020)


Aug 24, 2015
Kansas City area
Hi, everyone! I decided to finally post some new ideas on here, and if you want to look at any of my old ones, give my profile a click. I'm open to playing most of those still, so feel free to ask. Also, if you have a related idea, feel free to PM me yours. I'll tell you right now that I don't do much in the scifi/fantasy realm, and I will never do incest or anything involving an animal. That said, here are my ideas at least. If you like them, add me over on Discord at mizzouchica08#1094 and let's talk!

The newest stuff (from August):

Exposed: My character is going undercover - a reporter, a scholar, or the more obvious cop/federal agent - and even before she's there, someone sold her out. A dirty cop turned over pictures and info, a rival ratted her out to an old informant, she trusted the wrong gang/club/mafia member to keep her secret... something to that effect. I don't want to just make it, shoot her at first sight and that's the end, obviously, but what could the group do? What hoops do they make her jump through, what nonsense information do they feed her, and in general, how do they just destroy her assignment and maybe her career? I'd love to know your thoughts, especially if they have ways to twist the knife as they bring her down.

A New Circle: I want to center this story on an up-and-comer in corporate America. She married her college sweetheart, and now as they're both entering their careers, things are going the opposite of how they may have expected. He's stalled out only a couple steps up the ladder, while she's landed a sweet promotion or a cool new job people would kill to have. My thought here is, even if she's happy with him, her husband might just be too paranoid. Would he spy on her social hours at the high end bars, her golf outings with the company board, her meetings with professional athletes... whatever world we want to center it in? Would she stay faithful until her husband's paranoia drives a wedge between them, or is he right to be suspicious of his wife? What would push him over the edge, and what does that look like? Tell me - I want to hear from you!

Out of Her Depth: I had this thought about a girl who may not be stupid, but she's at least not quite up for what she's getting into. Maybe she's not quite capable of succeeding at her new college, or maybe she's a smart enough girl, but she's not quite at the level of what she's trying to do - you know, she's good at math, but her quantum physics class is leaving her struggling to keep up. Who would step in: I'm thinking a guy who's smart enough to intimidate her a little, and she's attracted to it, but what will he do with his new-found power that goes with the brain power: will he be the nurturing, sweet guy, or will he make her feel stupid and humiliate her at every turn? Tell me about your nerdy character and what kind of a girl you'd like to see him pick off.

And now, the newer stuff (from July):

Fish Out of Water - I don't have a great title here, obviously, but it kind of says it all. I'm thinking about some small rural space that sees someone who really doesn't fit moving in. For example, a black basketball player from New York City, or a softball player from Mexico (maybe both), goes on scholarship to a small college in Oklahoma or Nebraska, where they're one of the only people who look like them on campus and in the whole town. Another example, an Asian woman gets a job that leaves her coming from overseas (or maybe just around Los Angeles) to some place like northern Vermont. There's just the one friendly face, and what might develop from there? Let's see what we can come up with!

Miss Not Quite Right - This idea is a rural version of my Dating Scene roleplay in an older post (and by the way, I'm still interested in doing that one, too). You'd play a man new to a small town, where there aren't a lot of dating options. The good ones are already taken, so what's a guy to do?! Out there, he'll get some girls who aren't quite perfect: great personality fit but not his type physically, another who's cute but a little crazy, another who might be a lot of fun but they're going to argue a lot... so on. With just a few options, will your guy be able to get past some drawbacks and find true love? Or is he going to be playing the (pretty small) field? Let's see what unfolds, and how do we move ahead?

r/scareme - I'd use a different word than scare, but I don't want to cross lines for people. Concept is, your character finds a woman (or multiple women) who's nearby and posting certain dark fantasies. It was supposed to be just for some talk, but they're close enough, so... would they go through with it? If it's multiple, does he just want to get his own kinks out by finding willing partners? Are there other lines he wants to cross? Let's talk about it.

And finally, the older stuff from my original post:

B-E Aggressive! - This one's a take on the student/professor or even teacher/ex-student genre. My character would be the student, an athlete (or a cheerleader, hence the title) who has a crush on her favorite professor or old teacher. It would start with some flirting, an invitation to her next home game, and from there, we can see where it leads! I could see this going in a romantic or hookup direction, but if you have other recommendations or ideas, I'm willing to discuss them. However, I want her to be leading things at first: she asks him to see her, she suggests perhaps a first date or a late night meeting, so on. I'm not saying she's the dominant one, but at least, she knows what she wants and she'll go get it.
Alternate take: My character is the professor or teacher, and she makes the move on the student. It would be a different approach than "come see my game" but we could find another way to do it, if you like playing younger characters instead.

Interracial Fun, In Reverse
- I have a lot less detail in mind here, but I've been approached to do plenty of interracial scenes (especially a black man with a white woman). I think I'd rather play the girl of another race up against a white guy for this. We could combine this with one of the other ideas I've listed here, another of my older ideas, or something new that you pitch to me. I'm very interested to hear what you might have in mind related to this one!

Is She Really?! - I'm thinking of an unlikely pairing of sorts here. She was the one every guy fantasized about back in high school, and things are shifting now. It could be one of two things: 1) he's gotten successful or gained confidence so that he's finally ready to talk to the girl he never could approach back then, or 2) she's changed: maybe she had big dreams and failed, or she quit school, or she got divorced and has a couple of kids, or she's just put on a few pounds and doesn't quite get the same attention. Age ranges are open here: anything from about 20 up to early 40s would be fine with me. Tell me what you like here, and let's discuss! I like the idea that people might be really surprised to hear their names together, given how they occupied different social worlds in high school.
Alternate take: My female character had a bit of a glow up that people aren't aware of. Perhaps she lost some weight, shed her teenage awkwardness, who knows, but now, she's just your guy's type.

(Older) Man of Her Dreams - The ad read pretty simply from a girl in her mid to late 20s: "I've moved back here from L.A. to take a job, and I'm kind of feeling like doing something new in life. I always liked that distinguished kind of guy. You could be successful in business, or a learned man. I always did have a weak spot for the professor kind of look! I'd love a guy who could spoil me a little bit for a change, not these broke guys my age who think a food truck and a walk around some part of town is an upscale date! :) Anyhow, give me a wink or drop me an email if you want to talk more! Looking forward to it!" Always dating the attractive guys her age, she just wanted someone new... to her. Why not try a guy (or a few, if you want to play more than one suitor for her) who could treat her well, treat her to some nice things, and might be the right guy for her?!

Right Guy, Wrong Time - This one is about two people who have amazing chemistry, and they meet in that perfect romantic comedy kind of way. They could be new co-workers, two people chatting in a bar or restaurant, fellow students, whatever. Ages are open on this one (but take note, I'm not into high school aged guys). Problem is, they're both in relationships. I think one might be more serious than the other, with one of them engaged or married, and the other has a significant other as well. Carving out time to be together will be tough, and the emotional tolls of both of their relationships being strained by the new "friend" in each other's life also interests me. I'd like us to be four people here (the couple to be, and their separate significant others). How long can they resist when they know they're made for each other?!

The Rival - This one's kind of a three-person story. A couple has recently finalized their divorce: sad, I know. For the story's sake, it might be good if they had a kid or two (even though they're not directly involved in the story), because it means they have to keep seeing each other. Meanwhile, the ex-husband has a co-worker who starts to talk to the ex-wife, and asks her out. What happens from there? What does the co-worker want here: a wife, some good times, just to humiliate the husband, a hookup with a girl he always kind of liked? Of course, all of it bugs the husband and he's always on her case about it: it's embarrassing him at work, she looks bad for doing it, I don't like him around the kids, whatever excuses he can get to keep them apart. Where could it go? Tell me what you're thinking with this one.
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