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Have you ever thought of writing a book?


Apr 15, 2020
Yeah, the question is simple. I've always wanted to write a book. Of course, it might not see the world, but I just want to have a finished book written by me. However, writing on your own is not as fun as writing with a partner and feed each others with ideas and inspiration. Maybe that's the only thing that's stopping me, because I'll soon lose my inspiration.

What about you?
Yes periodically, and then I stop myself because there are easier and happier ways to make living :)

As to inspiration – I wouldn't worry about it – I was listening to a podcast called Writing Excuses for the last 10 or 12 years, and generally, their attitude to it is that inspiration and ideas are cheap if you sit down and write every single day. And I have to concur, my day job does require quite an of original thinking, and I thought I would run out of ideas after the first few weeks of work, but instead, I get too many ideas, and now I write them down and forget about them.

Generally, you will have a lot of ideas, once your brain knows that this is what you doing.

But I know some writers, who were let's say medium-success, never made to Best Seller list but were pretty close to it – they told me that they'd make more money if they worked in Starbucks.

The second thing about "writing" is – it's a lie, most of the time you will spend – rewriting. As Neil Gaiman said – the first draft goes straight to the bin, and then we can start on second draft, which might be passable. So it's about 20% of the writing, and then 80% of rewriting and editing.

Btw – the same thing about most things. People shoot movies in 2 weeks, and they edit and cut them for the next 6-12 months, consultants come up with strategies in few hours and then edit and refine them for next weeks, and programmers spend most of the time editing existing code rather than writing new. The process of creation is not in creation, but editorial.

That said I still write, I just know I will never publish it, and it will never get beyond the third draft, but it's pleasurable nevertheless.
Here are some quotes from Neil Gaiman's article:

If you’re only going to write when you’re inspired, you may be a fairly decent poet, but you will never be a novelist — because you’re going to have to make your word count today, and those words aren’t going to wait for you, whether you’re inspired or not.

keep writing even when the inspiration has dried up and you’re convinced that every word you’re putting down is terrible. Your experience of “inspiration” is subjective. […] Looking back at your work, you won’t be able to tell the difference between “which bits were the gifts of the Gods and dripped from your fingers like magical words and which bits were the nightmare things you just barely created and got down on paper somehow.

For me, it’s always been a process of trying to convince myself that what I’m doing in a first draft isn’t important.

One way you get through the wall is by convincing yourself that it doesn’t matter. No one is ever going to see your first draft. Nobody cares about your first draft. And that’s the thing that you may be agonizing over, but honestly, whatever you’re doing can be fixed. …

For now, just get the words out. Get the story down however you can get it down, then fix it.
Well, I'm definitely not aiming at making a career as a writer or make a living out of this.
My job also requires creative thinking and visual culture and I doubt I can make more money from writing. I'm pretty much satisfied with what I get and can't complain, though always striving for more is what I do.
Also, I don't expect it to be published too. It just feels like an experience I have to try in this life. I feel like ending a long exciting story with different characters could be really rewarding at the end when it's all over.

The quotes from Neil Gaiman's article are very helpful, thank you.
I have. A few of my books are published. But do not expect to live from it, few do!!
I started in back in highschool. I lost my floppy (yep, that long ago) with all my work on it past the first couple of chapters during a move. After that I just couldn't get the right inspiration to do it all again.

I occasionally get ideas, but just never see them through. I get too caught up in the details.
I have fragments of personal stories scrawled across journals and Google docs and post it notes and sketch books. One or two of them I've considered writing as a comic rather than a novel. But I never can seem to devote enough time to following these passions. The world out there is so demanding of my energy that by the time I have time for me, it's spent writing with others rather than by myself. It's a little sad, but I'd rather share the writing with someone and have fun than to try to keep myself motivated without intimate feedback.
Oh absolutely. I've actually written some, but without the great success that I was hoping for!
Yes, definitely. I have several ideas and have even done some brainstorming and started on a few, but sadly, I’ve never been able to finish any. I have a few short stories done but no detailed books completed. I don’t have a lack of ideas for one, I just seem to be a major perfectionist with them and that can really hinder my progress. I tend to tame that side of me when I’m writing my roleplays to make sure I don’t make my partners wait too long for my replies. So, if I have a few grammar mistakes or the post isn’t perfect in my standard, I will let it pass. I’m not like that in writing solo. It can be a pain and as much as I enjoy writing, it would make it very difficult to actually make it as something I would do as a living. I take too long to get my writing finished and that isn’t good in that field. So, it is strictly a hobby of mine. Maybe one day I will finish a book and self-publish it on amazon or something!
I currently have a novel on hold and working on a book for a contest that I am publishing through a site. I've always said I'd do this stuff, always had thing's come up to hold me back but now I am pushing myself. It's difficult don't get me wrong. I'm trying to see it as, it will be worth it in the end. Both stories hold action and romance. Novel is steampunk and the contest story is a murder mystery. =^.^=
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