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Fx Male Searching for quadriplegic character - plotting, great story, character building, excitement, angst and more


Apr 15, 2020
I'm Universes and I'm new here, but not new to roleplaying. In fact, I've been roleplaying for over 10 years. Glad to meet you all.

For these 10+ years, I've been in a lot of different roleplays and honestly, I'm a bit tired from all the cliches. I've explored so many universes and recently I was feeling that I'm getting rather bored. So I decided to explore something I never had the chance to do before - disability RP and specifically quadriplegia (yep, inspired by The Bone Collector). It's challenging and exciting.
I've spent quite some time in research about this injury, so I'd like for my partner to have an idea what are the challenges and the issues with this kind of injury.

I'm going to keep this short because I want my partner to have a say in all of this and together to create an amazing story.

The basic premise is that your character (pref an older male that has enough experience in life, but can be female) was injured and became a quadriplegic. Now, that doesn't mean that he'd have to be fully paralyzed from the neck down or need a ventilator for breathing, he can have some motor function in his upper body - it's entirely up to you. Hopefully, my character(female, but I can also play male) would be able to bring back the joy in your character's days. From this point, we can do anything. Maybe my character is a newly hired caregiver or, as it is in The Bone Collector, she'd need him and his mind to solve an important case. Maybe he is a retired paranormal hunter and something strange is happening, so the world needs him back. We can be in any setting, as mentioned in the tags of the thread. I mean the possibilities are endless, medieval, fantasy, modern fantasy, sci-fi, apocalyptic, everything, it's up to us to decide how to make it more enjoyable for us. I'd love to hear your ideas about the rp! There's nothing better than a partner with ideas, I love that!

Romance is an option, but I'd like to come naturally. I want to get our characters to know each other first, to share, to talk, to experience the world together.

If there are people who are interested, please, PM me(I'm not sure if I'm able to receive PM, since I'm new, but you can write here), so we can discuss it. I'm super flexible and open-minded person.
I can roleplay through PM, but if you want to RP elsewhere, mention this to me, so I can think of something.
My writing style is third person past tense. I'm detailed partner that tends to give at minimum 3 paragraphs. I'd prefer someone who can match this length or give me even more to work with, someone who is creative and would help me create a beautiful story.

I'm a fan of character sheets(long or short) and realistic face claims, but that's not necessary if you are not into it.

Can't wait to hear from you!

Edit: I just want to mention that this isn't going to be focused on smut. While we can have it, I'd like us to focus on a good story. Writing only smut gets boring really quickly. So, yes, there can be smut, but the purpose of my search is not about smut only.
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