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Quarantine blues

Frozen Tundra

Apr 14, 2020
What have you been doing to pass the time in quarantine? I'm now teleworking and going nuts. The only thing I've found to enjoy throughout the day is cooking.
One of the huge bonuses that has come out of this for me is I now get to work from home which is saving me 2-3 hours in travel time each day.

I was never very social anyway so can't say it has affected me that much. Shopping is a bit of a drag now with the social distancing laws making queues very long and some items hard to find due to panic buying.

I've been playing guitar, surfing the net, reading, pretty much the same stuff I always did. I love cooking as well, what have you been making? I learned how to make naan bread the other week and have perfected my pizza making skills too.
I’ve been just, playing games and watching all my shows on Netflix, catch up on a little bit of reading as well. Overall it’s kinda weirding me out but at the same time it ironically drains me that I’ve been stuck inside. Mentally it’s not good for me long term.
I make all kinds of things. Yesterday I made fresh gyros with falafel and tzatziki sauce for lunch, and adobo infused chowder for dinner.

I've watched more tv than I've ever watched in my life. Working from home is definitely a double edged sword. I love not having to deal with the commute though...
Wow! I wanna be stuck inside with you. Greek food is yummy.

I've been ...keeping sane however I am able. Tv. Movies. Writing (obvi). Fiddling around on my laptop. Tried meditating. Failed. Ranked my animals by seniority and reliability if they were in the military. Stared out the window. Tried to figure out what people outside can see of my place. Adjusted accordingly.

Oh, and worked. Yeah, I'm still working which is good. Learned to manage my time and not be distracted as easily.

Reevaluated my ranking system from before.

It's been a wild few weeks.
I definitely don't think my cats would be reliable in the military. One would be lazy and the other would be too defiant and petulant. Ha!
I make all kinds of things. Yesterday I made fresh gyros with falafel and tzatziki sauce for lunch, and adobo infused chowder for dinner.

I've watched more tv than I've ever watched in my life. Working from home is definitely a double edged sword. I love not having to deal with the commute though...
That actually sounds good I wish I had a taste! With all this free time I should probably learn to make certain foods myself
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