Mx Female Dark Desires, Bad Girls


Apr 11, 2020

Well hello and thank you very much for stopping in to come and visit yet another thread, I promise you this certainly isn't the best one out there but it sure as hell won't be the worst either. (I hope)

So I might as well cover a little about me to kick things off and set a nice, lovely mood. Excuse the poor formatting, maybe I'll get around to making this look pretty and eloquent one day but I wouldn't bet on that.

I'm quite easy going and always down for a discussion about things, whether that be about themes, plots, world events, how my cat annoys me every single day… I don't mind at all. I like to think of myself as a fairly considerate and thoughtful person who is quite empathetic. So I'm always fond of having some OOC chatter alongside my writing partners. Though if you're more a private person that would like to remain more secretive that's fine too.

I've been writing for quite a while at this point. Am I the best or an expert that can recount a million words and all the elaborate meanings behind them or write out some bizarre story at the speed of Stephen King? Not a chance. But I do consider myself decent enough at writing and I am always looking to improve, try out some new things and get feedback on work and areas.

For some specifics when it comes to writing out a story, I'll usually go with third person, past or present tense. Post length is at times hard to measure, sometimes a specific point in a story will call for an abundance of paragraphs while sometimes maybe just a few, especially if it's focusing in on some dialog and inner monologues. For frequency, that's hard to measure as well. At times I'll be busy or need to find the mood. Typically it can be daily or every few days or it could fall onto once a week or so. I do only work with MxF pairings with myself playing the male or female roles. I thoroughly enjoy long term orientated stories with plenty of development.

For what interests me in a story, well I have to say I can be fairly diverse. I'm typically quite fond of modern settings with realistic themes but that doesn't mean I'm not game to try out some grandiose fantasy, whacky sci-fi, some odd supernatural or even fandoms. I'm happy with playing different types of characters and exploring different kinks, from some sweet romantic love tale to some dark and depraved events.

I do have to admit I have a certain affinity for more dark themed elements if I'm being honest. There's something oddly nice about exploring fucked up, toxic, broken characters. Quite an odd telling about me personally I guess aha. But I like themes of mental health, addictions, abuse, trauma, sexism, racism, classism, corruption, objectification, rape… I think that paints a pretty decent picture of my messed up mind but hey, I'm also down for other stuff as mentioned earlier!

In terms of things that make an ideal partner for me.

-Someone that is down to discuss and brainstorm a plot first before jumping in. I enjoy both of us taking the time to discuss things out and weave out a decent outline in which we are both happy, excited and comfortable with what we have talked about.

-Ideas! Similar to the point prior in a way but I'd like someone to come at me with scenarios, thoughts, themes and elements that they would love to incorporate. It's quite good with two enthusiastic people bouncing ideas off each other rather than one person doing all the work.

- Someone that is a coherent and a detailed enough writer. As mentioned, I'm no savant in the writing field and do this just as a hobby and for fun but am looking for someone that knows their way around the ins and outs of writing.

Kink List Link - F-list - Warning

The kink list is certainly not written in stone. Feel free to ask me about certain kinks you may have or want to focus on.

I am mainly craving some more darker stories right now. High school/college/ lowly socioeconomic settings. Trauma, cheating, addictions to sex, drugs, drinking.

Jack was just getting back to the house on break from college. Everything seems pretty normal, as normal as things can get, at least. Mom and Dad are happy to see Jack again. You're a bubbly, wild, and innocent "acting" as always. You're just getting used to being a teenager, all being the youngest sibling in the house, and a pretty teenager at that. Dad just recently had to kick out some older guy you were dating after he caught him trying to sneak in or out of the house.

As well, the neighbor seems to really like paying you to wash his car or do small chores around the house whenever his wife and daughter aren't home. Dad noticed that too but figured no harm in it. Then there were complaints from parents that you and your best friend got the most play time in volleyball despite not attending practice, only practicing before school starts in the early morning with the coach, and during gym class when the coach lets you two go do your own thing while everyone else runs laps. Mom and Dad didn't see what the fuss was about because you and your friend weren't half bad and scored a few points every game. Principal didn't care much either because overall the team won almost all their games.

On Jack's first night back in his bedroom, he wakes up hearing your headboard quietly hitting the wall between our rooms. Our bedrooms are downstairs on the bottom floor, Mom and Dad's room is on the top floor. So they'd never hear you having sex, but it was obvious to me that's what was going on. Jack remembers you and your friend broke the doorknob on your door and it can't shut anymore, so he decides to silently slip out of hisroom and see what's up. He figured it was your ex boyfriend or at worst one of his own friends. When he peered through the crack in the door, he saw you in bed with dad.

I like the idea of a girl whose background wasn't exactly healthy - the body of a trailer park princess, who was regularly sleeping around with guys who weren't good for her, letting her mum's boyfriends bang her in exchange for a little bit of money or drugs, while also sleeping with her teachers, enough so that she could scrap into an arts course at college.

I'm thinking she was quite wild and has addictions to drugs, sex, alcohol, mental health issues, blurred/unhealthy relationships with men.
She saw it as a way to turn her life around, and made a good start, and even had the sweet boyfriend to go with her early progress... but she wasn't really a college-calibre student, and soon has to resort to sleeping with professors, while she can't help but get invited to some of the hottest parties on campus.

I think she's changed herself for now with her being clean of drugs (apart from weed) not drinking as much, staying loyal with the boyfriend this far until we decide to play things out.

Some characters can be be some college guys, friends of her boyfriend, a drug dealer, teachers, a former bully of her boyfriend, roomie.

Elise looked herself over in the bathroom mirror as she applied the finishing touches to her make up which wasn't anything too overboard, mainly focusing on her eyes more than anything.
Julius called out, conversing with her from the next room over, going on about whether it's fine if he didn't come with her tonight to the party that was on campus, just a few buildings over. She knew that her boyfriend wasn't as social as she was, nor as outgoing since he usually tended to just prefer night ins or doing quiet things together with little dates between the pair of them.

While Elise was more social, friendly, outgoing… she also liked partying, drinking and doing things that she perhaps shouldn't quite be doing.
But she was doing a lot better nowadays. Having been with Julius it was probably the most stable and longest relationship she had ever had. He was a sweetheart, good natured, caring and romantic which was all certainly a change compared to the copious amount of other males that she has been involved with in her life.

Being with Julius had made a lot of her problems that she suffered easier to cope with. It wasn't always the easiest at times but with her trying her hardest to change for the better and with her sweet boyfriends constant help, she was handling it well.

She never got too depressed for long, didn't feel the need to always be high, drunk or fucking whatever guy gave her a compliment that looked nice on the eyes.

Still, there were those small little temptations and thoughts at times and some close encounters. She still would drink, she only smoked weed now and she had been loyal to Julius for 6 months now, having never strayed.

Elise was perhaps dressed rather revealing, especially more so since she was going out on her own now. She always attracted a fair bit of male attention from the way she dressed, how she looked and carried herself and it always made her feel good. So her tight, short with dress that she wore without a bra surely would get a few looks tonight. But she felt nice in it and Julius always enjoyed when she would dress up so he shouldn't mind at all.

After she was all made up and happy with her appearance, she looked at the time and it was around about time to leave. She left the bathroom to see Julius at the desk on his PC, playing his latest video game, which was a hobby they shared.

"It's okay baby, I get that you want some time to chill. I know that you've gone out plenty with me lately so you can have a break this time." She said, coming over behind Julius to lean in and give him a small little kiss on the cheek.
"How do I look?" She asked once she had his attention, doing a little twirl to show her curvy frame that the dress certainly accentuated

Julius Adams, 18: Julius had his arts elective a lot to thank for - he had originally chosen an arts elective just as an easy unit to boost his GPA, and while it served that purpose, it also served to get him introduced to the beautiful Elise - a girl who was painfully out of his league. At least, she had been, until they were put together for a group assignment, and he came to realise that the below her tattoos and intimidating exterior, she was actually quite a nice person, just with a few rough edges.

At the end of their group project, he asked her out, and was a little taken aback with what she said "Don't do that - I'll cheat on you and break your heart." Of course that was something that gave him pause for thought... though only for a day. He knew she had a rough background, and that the people she had grown up with weren't exactly the nicest people. He knew he would be good for her, he thought he could be different for her, and he asked her out the next day - and had her blow his mind in the bedroom that night.
He's hardly the most extroverted guy on campus, and would tend to choose a games night or show over parties, though he does often attend parties because Elise wants to go. He wasn't a virgin when he first met Elise, but he wasn't far from it, and in his mind their sex life is perfect and incredibly kinky.

He's 5"10', with deep blue eyes and curly short dark blonde hair. His skin is fairly pale and he's generally clean shaven or has a few day's worth of stubble at most. His torso is fairly skinny, and he has an 5 inch cock.

"God, this is excruciating…" I mumble to myself as I lean back in one of the hundreds of empty seats of the dark college theater. Beside me is a moderately-sized stack of papers - resumes, a couple headshots, scenes from the musical the college had decided to put on - haphazardly stacked. Three rows ahead of me, the student "stage manager" turns around and looks my way. Her homely face is scrunched up, an intense look in her eyes that pierces the darkness towards me.

"Did you say something?" she asks, knowing full well what I actually said.

"No, no," I say, leaning forward again and trying to force a tired smile onto my face. "Just reminding myself about something else I need to do. Let's keep going with the auditions."

Without responding to me, the student turns back around, letting out a loud, shrill "NEXT!" towards the stage. My hangover pounds a bit more when she yells, but I pick up my notepad, ready to try to piece together a shitty, uninspired 60's musical with a cast of untalented, entitled college students.

I should be grateful for the position that I'm in. Belmont College was obviously well-funded enough that they could put on these crappy shows, knowing that ticket sales were never going to cover the cost of building the set, hiring musicians, paying for the rights to the show… but they didn't care. Parents continued to donate money, as long as their little stars were given the chance to shine. So there's no pressure to try to actually make this show any good.

The next auditioner reminds me of another benefit to being the director of this show. The girl that walks on stage - just a touch over 5 feet, dark wavy hair that falls past her shoulders and lands on her busty chest - has been auditioning for the fall musical every year for the past 2 years. She seemed… *eager*... for a role last time, but a certain redheaded Senior had shown me that she'd wanted the lead role more. I'm able to tune out, and just stare at the tight fabric stretched across her chest, as she sings an off-key version of some crappy pop song.

"Thank you, honey," I call out when she's done. "I'll let everyone know who has a callback tonight. Keep your phone on you."

Interspersed between the rest of the auditions are a few more girls that catch my eye, that all seem to be gullible to believe me if I were to tell them "Oh, darling… you are a star in the making. You just need a bit of personal coaching from a seasoned director."

An Asian Sophomore, 5' and 110 lbs tops, gives a dull rendition of "Defying Gravity" before flouncing off stage back into the wings. Her small dance piece she did definitely suggests flexibility.

A luscious Latina first-year student who could at least carry a tune, even if she was completely wrong for this show, comes up next. Maybe she needs to learn how to really thrive in the theater department at this college?

And then, right at the end, the tits-on-a-stick Senior: sexy as fuck, blonde, dumb, and sure that she's the next big thing in movies (though there's only one type of movie that I'm sure she'd actually succeed at).

Each girl gets a small star next to their names, my code for who looks like they'd be able to keep things quiet when necessary… and as loud as they want to be the rest of the time.

Finally, an hour later, I sit alone in my office, looking through my notes and flipping through resumes. Knowing that I *have* to put up something, I put a list of callbacks together and post it to the bulletin board near the theater green room. Before heading home though, I pull out my phone and the student directory, finding the name of at least one of my potential "stars".

When she answers, I lay on the thickest charm I can.

"Hey, it's James. The callback list is up and you're supposed to be in tomorrow at 5. But if you'd like, I could give you some extra practice tomorrow at 3 in my office. I wanna give you the best shot of landing your dream role, you know?"

“I can’t believe it’s been three months already,” Billie said to the camera, smiling warmly. On the screen, her boyfriend let out a laugh.

“Almost halfway through the year.” Tyler said in response. The blond young man looked just like she remembered him, skinny, bright eyed, with brown eyes behind his glasses. “So when are you going to come visit me?”

“Soon,” she promised. “As soon as school calms down enough. And it’s kinda expensive to get tickets. You shouldn’t have moved all the way to the East Coast!” She teased.

Tyler laughed, but she felt a little pang anyway. He looked off camera for a moment, then back to her. “I gotta go, I have loads of homework tonight.”

“Of course you do, you big nerd,” she said, and laughed. “I love you.”

“I love you,” he said back, and then the call ended. Billie stared at the screen for a few minutes longer, feeling pangs of longing, and other needs.

Three months. Three months in college. She had gone to school in California, just a couple hours from their hometown. Tyler, though… they had been high school sweethearts, and she loved him. But he’d taken a college offer for MIT. He was super smart, and she was so proud of him. He’d gotten a scholarship to MIT. But now he was all the way in Massachusetts, and she missed him. With the time difference and how much work he was doing it felt like she barely even got to talk to him. It sucked.

They’d been together for two years. She’d taken his virginity, fumbling around as teenagers. Now she was nineteen, away at college for the first time, and Tyler wasn’t there with her. He was always insanely smart, and she wasn’t really surprised that he’d gotten into such an incredible school, while she was in a generic CSU. But it still hurt, a lot. The day he’d told her where he was going she had been so happy for him, but the reality of the situation settled in on her like a weight.

She didn’t have much time to sulk alone, though. A few moments later her roommate bounced into her room. Lexi was a freshman, too, and she was, in many ways, Billie’s opposite. Petite and blonde, outgoing and bubbly, and often excited about things. She had definitely been enjoying the new freedoms she had found here, even though their college was in her hometown she had moved out of her family’s place as soon as possible.

“Billie!” She practically cheered. “Please tell me you’re not doing homework tonight”

The dark-haired girl shrugged, looking embarrassed. “I have a paper due next week-”

Lexi cut her off. “Then you have plenty of time to work on it. Come on! The football team won a big game tonight and there’s a party over at Dave’s place.” Dave was a junior, a fratboy over at Delta Xi, and a total party animal. They’d throw an event for any reason, and Lexi would usually be over there, often getting drunk and fucking him loudly in his room during the party. Billie didn’t like him much. He always spent a long time staring at her, even though she wore baggy clothes to try to hide her curves. The parties were even worse. Lots of drunk idiots.

“I don’t know, Lexi,” she responded. “It’s not really my scene. Besides, I think I’m just kinda down about Tyler. I miss him, you know?”

Lexi had to work hard not to roll her eyes. Tyler. They chatted all the fucking time, and it was so gross. They got into fights and Billie got all stressed and mopey for days, then they’d make up and it would be just as bad. She rested her hand on Billie’s shoulder. “Then I think this will be good for you! Just some loud music and dancing and playing drinking games. Come on. For me, just this once? If you hate it, I won’t drag you to another one, I promise!”

Billie had to think about that for a moment. It didn’t seem like she’d have fun. But it would give her an excuse not to go to any more, if Lexi held to her promise. Which she probably wouldn’t. But another Friday night at home watching netflix - or porn - didn’t really sound any better. Her mind took a long moment but she finally spoke.

“Okay, sure. Let’s try it.” Lexi’s face lit up, but as she opened her mouth Billie raised a finger warningly. “But I’m not dressing up for it! Not a chance.” Lexi pouted, but the pout still turned into a smile as she raced out of her roommate’s room.

So lately I've been really in the mood for a young girl being corrupted and becoming more free and wild along with a bunch of cheating. So this is a prompt within the realm of that which she will become more and more open to things and grow into a slut and get up to plenty of fun adventures through the campus.

Also down for different spins on it, just craving a college setting and similar themes right now.

“You know...” she says, “I don’t know that you’re taking full advantage of what I said to you that one time” then she slides her lips over her boyfriends cock, all the way down to the base, letting it push past her tonsils, not even coming close to gagging.

Andrew stares down at her and smiles. It feels amazing. “What’s that?”

She pulls off, strands of saliva stretching back to her tongue “that I’m willing to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, I’m into all the anal you want. But when I said ‘anything’ I meant ‘anything.’ I feel like there’s shit you want to do that you’re afraid to suggest.”

Is she teasing him? Psychologically and physically as she jerks and licks his dick.

She goes on “I mean, everyone has fantasies. Crazy fantasies. Wild fantasies. Disgusting fantasies. You can tell them to me. I’m game. I’m into it. I promise.”

Andrew smile as she bobs down on his meat again. It’s always the cute ones you’ve got to watch out for.

And when she pulls off she goads him again “C’mon. What is it that you want to do? Tell me. Tell me a fantasy. Don’t worry how I’ll react.” She licks her lips “I’m telling you how I’ll react. I’ll do it.”

So, okay, Andrew decide to give her what she’s asking for.

Even though she told him she would agree to anything, it was naturally still difficult to work up the courage to admit what you truly wanted. Looking into the face of the girl you loved and saying you wanted her to be with another man, it couldn't have been what she'd expect to hear. After a massive gulp and a long sigh, he takes the leap.

"I want you to be used by other men," Andrew finally says. Time seemed frozen as he waited for her reaction, mentally preparing yourself for the worst. For Billie to call him a weirdo, ask why he could possibly want that. Why hs'd ever let another man be with his woman.

Instead of being confused or upset though, a smile crept across her face.

"I am sooooo fuckin down for that," she said, and Andrew could barely believe your ears.

"I mean I love fucking you and I love your cock, you're the biggest and best I've had and nobody can compete with you babe, but it would be so hot to fuck someone new with you knowing all about it!"

Billie looked so sweet and innocent, and when she had her body covered and was dressed modestly you'd think she was the most pure woman you'd ever seen. Who knew such a voracious perverted woman she truly was under the surface.

"Fuck I love you so much babe," Andrew blurted out, delighted at how accepting she was being. She said it back and her naked body inched just a little closer, kissing you for a few seconds before pulling back.

"Ohhh this is exciting!" Billie said, bouncing up and down on the bed. She looked like an eager kid on Christmas morning, anxious to tear into their presents.

"Who do you want me to get fucked by first?"

Andrew didn't think she'd ever actually agree to this, so his brain began to overload with possibilities.

He was were sure she had fellow classmates who lusted after her, or fellow teachers. You'd caught a few friends of yours checking her out on more than one occasion. Your roommate has made no effort to hide his intense affection for her. You could introduce Billie to your family, there's no doubt that your younger brother or your father would jump at the chance to pound your girlfriend's tight snatch. Hell, you could give your grandfather an amazing thrill! Billie probably had a few exes who would love it, or friends who could be easily convinced. How far could you push things, would Carrie be willing to fuck your old bully? Complete strangers? Assholes she positively despises? The possibilities were endless!

"Oh my god..." Andrew said in disbelief, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. She agreed to his request.

He couldn't begin to remember just how many times he'd fantasized about seeing her with another man. He did everything he could to hide that desire from her, but he finally managed to say it, and he could not hide his enthusiasm at her response.

"Who to go for first?" He said, talking almost to himself, as his mind raced through the possibilities of people he'd like to see her with. The sheer amount of possibilities excited him to no end, as he almost could not contain his excitement.

He finally looks back at his girlfriend. Seeing her be willing to do this for him solidified the idea that she is truly the greatest thing that has ever happened to him. He had no idea how he even managed to land her, but he knew right away that she is simply the best. And her enthusiastic agreement only solidified that in his mind.

"How about..." He starts saying before pausing to think for a second. He wanted his first time seeing her with another man to be as relaxed as possible. No pressure, no stress, nothing too serious, just simply harmless fun. Although he had a few idea, he quickly decided it would be for the best to go with a complete stranger. That way there is as little pressure as possible. And he knew exactly where to go to find what he was looking for.

"How about The Starlight? We can pick someone from there to start out with? Just easy fun, no issues afterwards?" He suggested The Starlight, which was the local bar, to her. He went a few times before so he had an idea of what it was like, and the kind of clientele that was there. It seemed like an easy first choice to him.

"Tonight or tomorrow maybe?" He did his best to hide his eagerness, and to not sound like a child asking his parents for icecream. A whole world of possibilities was suddenly opened to him.


Billie was a year younger than Andrew and also a year behind in college to him but she was quite smitten with him after only dating him for a few months. The pair of them had already moved quite fast for such a young couple. Drew was very sweet, thoughtful and romantic like no others had been to her. He was a fairly satisfying fuck and what made it even better was when he was attempting to indulge in her kinks which always brought a big smile to her face whenever he did. Though he always was rather satisfied by them, like what guy didn't love blowing his load all over a girls face.

It was fun, being in a relationship where she was now more comfortable with who she was in life as a person now and being able to share that with someone she loved. She hadn't really dated too much since coming into college, instead focusing on her studies first and foremost, she did have a few one night stands and flings from time to time but nothing until Drew came along and swooped her up.

So when Billie heard her boyfriend had a new fantasy, she was as always eager to find out, mind racing to what revelation she was going to find out this time. But when she heard what he had in mind, she was a little shocked. He wanted her to fuck other men!? They hadn't even discussed a threesome or anything, he just wanted to share her.

She let out her excitement to him, agreeing fast and already had her mind racing on possibilities. Drew gave her a run down, thinking about the possibilities which he seemed to have a few in mind, like he had been picturing her with a fair amount of others already.

Seeing his excitement fueld her own as well. Tonight or tomorrow, that was so close that her excitement and nerves started to bubble up within her. "Yes baby, that sounds good." She beamed with excitement.

"So you want some random man, to fuck me and use me" Billie’s reply was with no emotion or hint of her fellings towards your request. "why a stranger then?" she added on, raising an eyebrow at Drew but had a playful smile attached, just wanting to hear what was on his mind.


Really a lot of ways this can go but would love it to be fun at first but then the girlfriend gets swept up in guys that thoroughly outperform her boyfriend. Names, details and all that subject to change as well. Open to twists and different ideas for this.

But for a rough outline for the story.

I think the boyfriend is average looking, average in bed, and nothing too over the top. While the girlfriend is very loving, playful, and a bit out of his league. They have a great relationship, but when the BF suggests that he wants her to get used by other men, things slowly change.

Things start out fun for them both. Maybe she fucks a stranger to start out. They all love it, and it's exactly what they all thought it would be. But then, BF starts to push her more and more, telling her to let someone she absolutely hates use her? I think that's when things would slowly start to change. Maybe she goes into that scenario thinking it will not be as fun as the first times she's done this, but she finds herself actually really enjoying a better man in bed, with an enemy?

Also, we could explore whe she starts to enjoy humiliting her boyfriend? Like instead of him always picking the guy, maybe she picks HIS boss/ rival/ bully who is much better? Maybe BF starts to have reservations about all of this, thinking it would be a fun and lighthearted thing to do to expand their sex life, but now he sees that he's losing the girl that he fell in love with, and she's changing?

What happens if she gets ruthlessly fucked by a well-hung black man? Is she lost forever now?

I think that's the way I want things to play out, he has it as an odd kink and thinks it could be quite fun to play out. She's very free will and sexual but thinks it's a little odd at first but down to try it and before she knows it she's loving it and being railed and fucked to levels that her boyfriend just can't compare to at all.

I love going from they plan it out or he more so does to she starts doing things on her own accord. Perhaps even going from being quite honest about things to keeping things from him, to fucking who ever she wants.

I also love having her hate fuck someone and was thinking that could be the boyfriend's roommate that's always been a pervy dick towards her.

Character ideas ~

Boyfriends Boss
Boyfriends old bully
Boyfriends Brother or Dad
An ex
'Work Husband'
Boyfriends friend
Nerdy classmate

As usual, Billie left the school building much more speedily, than she had entered it.
The day, so far at least, had been shit. But that wasn't really a surprise. Sometimes it seemed to her, that her whole life was on a slowly, but steadily spiraling downhill.
If pressured to mark the point, where it got really bad, she probably would have named two dates: The day her father lost his job and the day where he (and the rest of the world) had noticed her tits.
Her family had always been on the lower end of the social ladder, but after her dad was laid off, his lack of income, paired with a gambling habit that got slowly out of hand, had made things worse.

It also ment, that he spent a lot more time at home...Enough time, to ogle Billie. Or at least certain parts of her.

On a vague, theoretical level, she was aware that her body (that poetically inclined people might have called "voluptuous") was something someone could be proud off. And the looks of obvious envy in the eyes of her female classmates seemed to support that idea. Yet, she would have preferred not to be the target of the kind of looks she got all too often.

The rest of her appearance of course, was rarely the source of envy. Neither her (mostly second-hand) clothes, carefully picked to cover as much of her as possible, without looking like an amish-girl, nor the blue dyed hair or her face, that seemed to be the epitome of "You would be prettier, if you smiled more often".

Quickly, the girl jumped down the stairs, pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the old army jackett she had thrown over, to hide the curves her tanktop failed spectaculary to conceal, and then strode leisurely towards the street, where she dropped her backpack under a tree, lit her cigarette and waited.

Corey had offered to pick her up after school and, by god, she could use some wanted attention today. After an uncomfortable breakfast, an abyssmal schoolday with teachers who either stared at her chest or berated her about her slipping grades (or both), she desperately needed something to calm down. Also she liked to avoid getting home before her mother returned from one of the three jobs she had to do.
Better to spent the day literally anywhere else, than alone with her dad.

So Billie stood there, leaning against the tree, smoking and looking for her boyfriends car.

Billie watched as Corey pulled on up. She had mixed feelings about seeing him today. The whole day had been a complete shit-show. Her dad had been nagging her about getting a job. And her mother was barley home to say anything. The woman is too busy screwing her boss. Sooner or later the truth would come out. It always does. Aside from that, she was not doing too well in one of her classes. Mr. Williams suggested she stay after school once a week to catch up. She didn’t want to but she needed that class to graduate.

She flicked her cigarette and walked on over. “Hey.” She opened the door and got in. “It was fine.” She shrugged, placing her back pack by her feet. Corey was an odd person. He would reach out then pull away. Their relationship wasn’t stable. But she liked him. He was not some highschool boy who looked away when they talked to you. No, he was a nice change of pace. Maybe that’s why she liked being around him. Of course it sucked when he went off to work. But he liked to keep busy.

She couldn’t wait to graduate and get away from this hell hole. Away from her so called parents. She wasn’t sure if Corey would still be around when she graduated? It would be nice if he was. But she didn’t have high hopes. She took a deep breath, looking over at him. “Your place?” She asked, giving him a small smile. Maybe they could start a movie and actually finish it this time. But it would hard if his roommate was around. She didn’t talk to him much. He was too cocky. It was annoying, but she dealt with it.


So this story idea is revolving around a young, maybe high school aged alternative/goth type girl. She's from a poor, abusive home and is struggling to get by. I'd like to explore her life, maybe going through her downwards spiral and she can't help but get abused and used by her father, her older boyfriend, his friends, a teacher, drug dealer. Feel free to bring me more characters idea and flesh out the ones I have. Also think an addiction to sex and drinking, drugs will occur.

Sluggishly dragging herself back home, following another tiring day of work. It's not enjoyable listening to bratty teenagers and your perv manager hit on you... but it pays the bills, well sorta.

A scrunched up McDonalds bag in Allison's hand....again, thank the lord for her fast metabolism or she'd be in a wheelchair at this point. Slouched over slightly as she watched the footpath, her worn out pair of red Converses hitting the floor with each step. Her earphones beneath her hood blaring out Kendrick Lamar’s latest single as she walked home in her own little world, sharing glances at the fellow people walking by. A few cute guys that she'll never see again....shame.

She turned to make her way into her apartment building, collecting the mail before stepping into the elevator, a few small smiles and soft waves to the other poor bastards living in such a cesspool of a building. After punching in the button to her floor, she leaned against the rail, exhaling as she tried to calm herself down following a few stressful weeks. She walked along the stained carpet to her apartment door, looking at the walls, covered in God-knows-what liquid. The stench hits her nose like a train, she remained unfazed, conditioned to such surroundings by now.

Allison unlocked the door, closing it and locking it behind her as she kicked off her shoes. She walked to her dump of a living room, seating herself on an old couch, kicking her feet up onto the coffee table in front of it. A few empty bud light cans, a PlayStation controller, some old college books, her artwork and vodka bottles are bunched together, like a cute little collection. An ashtray sits by her feet as she begins reading through the mail. Eviction notice, junk mail, the usual. She lights up a cigarette before opening up her phone, reading some text messages, one from mom, granting her request for her to wire some more cash into her bank, still thinking I'm in art college. One from my dealer, telling me about 'some new shit from Colombia'. Another from...... Kyle? Telling me I should probably get a checkup, awesome.

Allison turned on the tv as she sat back, taking some much deserved drags as she looked around the living room. Her old wallpaper could do with changing, the torn effect ain't really doing it for her anyways? She should clean the carpet too, beer stains aren't the prettiest of designs this season. The windows are filthy but eh, saves her having to close the curtains she guessed? Her unwashed clothes are piled atop an armchair that was once her grandpa's, passed down to her.

With a cigarette between her lips, she watched her phone screen like a hawk, it's Friday night and there's gotta be something on tonight? Even some college parties? She knows she dropped out months ago, but that doesn't mean she can't hang out with her friends. Besides, she dropped out because of them, deciding that she couldn't handle the pressure on top of her newfound addiction to certain substances. “I swear I'll go back when I'm clean?” Allison thinks.

So this is Allison, a 19 year old girl living alone in Queens, recently dropping out of art college, still living off of mom and dad's money with the lie that she's using it for college stuff. But in reality, she's a mess, fighting a craving for coke as well as anything else that can get a job done. She's currently working at Hot Topic, it's not exactly what she was planning to do when she moved to New York from Seattle, but it pays okay and she guesses it can open other doors in the future? She's a pretty outgoing girl, usually being described as: friendly, talkative, mellow, funny, easy....actually ignore the last one.

Beth Wilson lay in bed, fingering the white gold band adorned by the modest but sparkling diamond that surrounded her ring finger as the dawn light played on its facets from the window. the bedroom was dim, and the sounds of the shower in the next room gave a pleasant wash of white noise. A white t-shirt and black bikini panties were her usual choice of nightwear, though in the sticky heat of summer, she could just as easily forgo either the panties or the shirt, or both.

It had been New Years Eve when Brian proposed, producing the ring as the ball dropped like some kind of romantic comedy. Beth remembered her shock and joy. They'd been dating for only nine months, and had only just met the previous January. So much had changed, and she could scarcely believe that the wedding was in less than four months. Was it too fast? She often asked herself that question, but Brian loved her...and she loved him, too.... but....

A few weeks after the engagement party, Brian had begun an intense partner track program at the marketing firm. The senior partners had taken a liking to him, and one of the partners was retiring soon, so if Brian was able to prove himself over the next year, he would be a shoo-in. It was unthinkable at his young age, only 29, but a partnership at the firm would mean financial security, and he wouldn't have to kill himself anymore pulling 60-70 hour weeks at the office, trying to impress. Beth looked around the modest bedroom of the two bedroom townhouse, briefly imagining the nice house in the hills they might have once he made it. the meantime, their relationship had changed a bit. Exhaustion and stress had taken a toll on Brian's sex drive, and sometimes they would go weeks without much more than a kiss or a brief, tame encounter, which usually devolved into a stress-relieving blowjob for him without much in return. Beth told herself it was just temporary. Once Brian made partner, things would go back to normal. They'd be married, starting a family and without a worry in the world.
Beth listened to the water and her thoughts drifted back to her childhood....

Beth's childhood started normally enough, but as is depressingly common, it didn't stay that way for long. Her mother and father divorced when she was seven, and she found out later about the cheating. Her mother got custody of Beth and her two siblings, and it was a yearly fight for child support from her deadbeat, unreliable father. A string of boyfriends did a varied job of filling that gap, but even the best ones never stuck around for long, as the divorce left her mother a bit bitter, and a drinker besides.
The sounds of Brian in the shower, and the images of his wet, naked form, caused her thought to drift back to her sexually formative years....

If Beth had to use one word to describe herself during and after hitting puberty, it would have to be "slutty."

Anytime, anywhere, and with any cock she could get her hands on, she had been insatiable in high school and college. Some people suggested the lack of a strong father figure was to blame, but Beth knew that was a cop-out. She had also fucked around on guys a few times, the crown jewel of which had been fucking her third college boyfriend's dad while visiting for the holidays. She blushed a little, remembering how she had bitten her tongue to keep from moaning so Jeremy wouldn't find out. But, her final tryst had led her to swear to herself that she would reform: the broken heart she had left in her wake had been sobering. And yet, she worried that she would always be a bit of a nympho....maybe getting a ring and a bouquet would help quiet her inner slut for life....she hoped it would. Brian didn't know the half of her sordid sexual past, but he had to have heard rumors.
As the sounds of the water in the other room seemed to indicate that Brian was finishing up, Beth lazily turned her head to look at the clock. 6:20 AM.


Nothing too much planned yet, but a tale of a cheating and infidelity once again.

Lucky for Lucy she had a special charm about her that lead to a wide opportunity of job openings. She wasn’t oblivious to the envy some girls might hold on her either. After all she was a curvy, petite, young woman blessed with beautiful, brown, wavy locks of love. Her emerald eyes could pierce the hearts of many men and woman if she chose to do so but that wasn’t the problem. No, looks weren’t an issue for her. It was her mood swings so to speak. Her tardiness and seeming lack of motivation in the workplace that she struggled with. She was smart but she made dumb decisions and last night was a dumb decision. It was a decision that may have gotten her laid off today.

Liam, Lucy’s roommate, also happened to be her rock. Her boyfriend of two years; The guy she ran to every time something went wrong. His emotional support was so valuable. She didn’t know how she would survive without him sometimes. Sure, they both were broke as fuck but at least he could hold a job. She didn’t understand why her boss assumed being hungover meant she wasn’t able to function in the work environment. Then again, she did tend to fall asleep at the desk and her only job was to answer phone calls/redirect calls. It was hard to balance life as a young adult. On occasion Lucy wanted to enjoy the night life with her girlfriends but she also needed to hold a job so she could afford life with Liam. Moving in with her mom or dad wasn’t really an option in her head either.

Lucy’s high-heeled boots felt heavier than usual today as she set home for her apartment. It was as if the rain pouring down on her held a higher gravitational force on her body. Then again four blocks of concrete in heels wasn't ideal and her ride was still working at the job she just let go of. Hmmm…come to think of it…maybe…it was her outfit today that got her in trouble? She was wearing a pencil skirt which seemed appropriate to her standards, but maybe she should have buttoned that extra top button so her cleavage wasn’t as apparent. Lucy had gotten fired once before over not following the dress code, but the things they told her to wear didn’t make any sense to her. Regardless, her current situation still pissed her off and she knew Liam wasn’t going to be to thrilled to hear her news either.

Ughhhh are you kidding me? Stress was rising inside Lucy like a fire ignited with gasoline. Of all the days for Angela to bug her…

“Lucy, where’s your rent? It’s now two months overdue!”

“What about Marshal’s Rent? Why are you picking on me?!”

“He paid yesterday…” Angela said, and of course this only made Lucy even more upset. Even Marshal, the sketchy old man who dealt drugs had it more together than her.

“Fine!” Lucy screamed louder than necessary pulling out the cash she just withdrew from her final work check. She knew she was still down $250 or so but…that was all she had right now. “Liam will get you the rest by the end of the week.” She mumbled, still not in the mood to deal with people. She was feeling attacked and the last thing she wanted was Angela breathing down her throat about rent.

“Okay well, make sure it happens. I need it Lucy.”

“Yeah yeah, I will. I will.” she said continuing her way up the creaking wooden staircase, not really paying any mind to what Angela was really saying to her. It was all just words with no meaning at this point because it went in one ear, and just as easily out the other.

“Hey,” Lucy said to Marshal, “your shave looks nice” she remarked. She had to stay nice to Marshal, not that he was necessarily hard to get along with. No, that usually wasn’t a problem for Lucy but because on occasion he would set her up with some recreational fun. Liam wasn’t a fan of it but sometimes….Lucy just needed it and she couldn’t control it.

“Bad day huh?” he said, obviously noting the scene she made downstairs. All the walls were thin. Door closed or not, most people in the eight room, two story, apartment complex would have heard her yell at Angela. “Let me know if ya need som’thn later” his thick accent was obvious but she still didn’t know where he came from. Judging by the assortment of tattoos over his shirtless body she figured it was from a gang he may have formerly been in. On that note, Lucy liked to keep their relationship minimal and for….business only. But overall, he was a good neighbor to have next door. She trusted him. Enough.

“Hah, yeah. It’s been a day.” she said finding her key to open the door. But before Lucy turned the handle she looked back at Marshal and whispered “M…maybe later.”

Entering the apartment complex Lucy immediately threw her purse into the corner of the living room and slammed the door behind her. “Liam…” she said feeling her eyes begin to water as she looked into the handsome features of his face. “They…laid me off! I…I didn’t do anything wrong, I swear! They just decided to hate me!” she said moving herself over to him, hugging him close. Needing him. “And then…Angela…she-“ Lucy was practically hyperventilating at this point with her chest pressed onto his abdomen still not letting him go. But mentioning Angela’s name quickly turned what was going to be tears back into anger “-Angela yelled at me and I gave her all the cash I had. I can’t win. They laid me off…and I ..I felt like I was doing better…” she said slowly falling to her knees in front of him.

Lucy was a mess and Liam knew it. But what he didn’t know was how she planned on fixing her issues for the night…

”When was the last time …?” Lucy paused, biting on her lower lip as she looked up at him from her knees. A smile traced her lips as her fingertips lingered their way up from his boot to his thigh, and then danced around his crotch. “ …I got laid?” she asked twisting the negative words thrown into her face this morning by her boss into a more dirty connotation.


Hey guys! I'm really open to where this rp could go! Thought it'd create this and leave it a bit open as I'm curious with what some people could offer in terms of avenues to take it.

Obviously it's a couple that is down on their luck and barely managing to scrap by while Lucy has some... Issues.


So I'm looking for this to be quite detailed and a more long term orientated story with a nice healthy mix of plot to also go with the smut.

I write in third person perspective and my usual post lengths can go from anywhere from 2 paragraphs to 10, just depends on what is happening at the story and all that.

I don't mind having some OOC chatter about things along with taking the time to chat and brainstorm so that we can come up with a great story that we both look forward to exploring.

Posting frequency varies, could be daily, multiple times a day to once every few days. Looking to write via PM's or use discord.

Anywho, that's pretty much it so feel free to hit me up :)
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