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Roleplay Shenanigans


Jan 10, 2009
Good morning/afternoon friends!

I'm going to jump right into this.

1) Please only control your characters actions and thoughts
2) At least some form of proper grammar and more than one-word sentences (unless ya know talking and stuff)
3) Please try to reply at least once a day, and if not possible let me know
4) I like to jump in, if you wanna skip all the talking, then pick one and throw us into the story ;D

For now, I'm staying with either threads or PMs.

No bathroom, bloodplay. I don't play underaged characters. Please no needle play either unless it's going to be for piercings, I'm alright with tattoos as well.
I do like some more hardcore stuff and I also like creativity. If you're going to punish my character don't just default to "I'm gonna fuck you so hard bah blah." There are a time and place for it.

I leave my plots fairly unfleshed out so we can fill them in with the story of how we want it to go. Sometimes the same story goes two very different ways depending on the people I'm roleplaying with!

Shifter (Modern Fantasy)
An unusually rare creator that can change into different animals (no beastality) thought to be extinct.

Dragons?! (Modern or Past)
Someone finds an old egg abandoned and it hatches

The basic pairing of a person finding a pet, plaything, companion. I don't play furries but I will play the character with tails and ears.

The Shut-in
An author/person is stuck at home, usually most of the day. Reclusive and shy they hardly ever leave home.

My Hero Academia - Canon characters MxF MxM either or our own or mixed doesn't matter.
Legend of Zelda I do like me some Ganon x Link for this but I"m open.

Man, I gotta brush up on my tv/anime shows! you have a recommendation for me I'd love to hear it!

Hope to hear from you!
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Greetings! I'm easing my way back into roleplaying. I'd be really interested in an MHA rp or one of the other plots listed. IF you have your own that'd you' like to try hit me up!
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