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Das Journal, Characters, and Trackers! ( WIP )


Hammocks are eternal.
Feb 3, 2019
Down by the river
Hello and welcome to my journal! Below is a collection of my roleplays and characters in my BMR-based roleplays. I consider this thread a place to show off my characters for the roleplays that I currently do. Everything however is still a WIP. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy your visit! :D

Her Royal Duties : Factions and Characters

Soren Devon Rosch
Gloriana Army Royal Officer, 22

" Pity them and you're no better than the enemy. "

The youngest of three sons from House Rosch, a noble family that provides iron for the Kingdom of Gloriana. Soren Devon Rosch is an outstanding military officer who enlisted in the military at the age of 18 to serve his royal duties. By law, each member of a royal / noble family must serve in the military the moment they are of age for a duration of no less than two years, with the men often serving as a military officer, while the woman are often in charge of medical duties. A childhood friend of Seraphine Beaumont and a lover, Soren spent his free time in the field writing to his best friend and lover. He is a blind follower of the Gloriana traditions, and as a result shares a common distaste for their brethren, the Gloriana Foreign Legion.

Dalton Wolfe
Gloriana Army Regular Officer, 27

" A true officer leads from the front, not from the rear. But you wouldn't know that, would you? "

The eldest in a sibling of three. Dalton intended to enter the Gloriana Royal University when they received a grave news that their father was killed in battle. The Gloriana law dictates that if a serving soldier is killed in battle, a member of the family if available must take his place and serve out the remaining period of the deceased member's duties. Dalton dropped his dreams in becoming a royal engineer and enlisted in the military to take on his father's place. At the age of 21, Dalton was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in command of eight men. A distinguished soldier, he would later receive his battlefield commission to the rank of Lieutenant by the age of 23 and Captain a year later. An out-of-the-box soldier, Dalton steers away from the common belief that Gloriana is the greatest kingdom, he knew of the kingdom's flaws but nevertheless loved his nation. He is a well-respected officer both by the Regular army and the Foreign Legion, the latter being a rare thing to earn.

Theodore " Theo " Barrett
Gloriana Army Enlisted Sniper, 21
150th Lochwell Rifles a.k.a " King's Pride "

" What I do is the worst thing you can possibly do. "

Grew up in a family of hunters and farmers, Theo grew up helping his father with the farm, producing vegetables, crops, and meat for the market. When the war started to rage on, a lot of their products had to be sold on a cheaper price due to businesses being halved because of the war, not to mention that a portion of those products are to be sent to the military. As a result, Theo enlisted in the military voluntarily at the age of 20. His experience in hunting made him a better shooter than his peers. Theo himself however is a sweet farmer boy, fighting for his country and most of all, for his family. But don't be fooled, despite his sweetness.. Theo is no regular rifleman, assigned to the 150th Lochwell as a sniper Theo is known for his sweet personality, but skill and proficiency with a rifle, scope or without scope.

Axle Jase Muller
Gloriana Foreign Legion, 22
12th Foreign Battalion a.k.a " Gladius "

" No worse feeling than to serve a country that despises you. "

One of the very few Altician born soldiers under the banner of the Foreign Legion, Axle originally was on his way to the Altician Naval Academy when the war broke out between Gloriana and Alticia again. However, when Gloriana had attacked his village, Axle returned to join the Altician Militia to fight the Gloriana troops. Promised reinforcements by Alticia would never arrive. After five days of fighting, his village had surrendered to the control of Gloriana. Not long after, he was conscripted into the newly formed 10th Foreign Battalion also known as " Spearhead " . During an operation that went horribly wrong however, Axle and the 10th Battalion were left for dead by Gloriana, and was forced to flee on foot from the battlefield to return to Gloriana territories. After being given a week of rest, he and the remaining 80 soldiers, out of 1500 was taken into the 11th Battalion. A year later, the 12th Battalion was formed and Axle and three others were the last few members of the 10th Battalion to be taken into the 12th, making the four of them hardened members of the Foreign Legion.

Axle holds distaste for Alticia for abandoning his village, while he holds hatred for Gloriana for their treatment of the Foreign Legion. Axle is an experienced fisherman and rifleman, known by his comrades for his proficiency in combat.
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