Fx M or F Poor white rich girl.

tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
Heya one and all this is a simple idea that I came up I am super eager to explore. The chars are simple but I think it could lead to a really interesting RP. If you are interested then PM me and lets chat :)

My char in this is a rich upper class white girl. She has no real experience with Poor people as she lives in gated communities. She attends private schools and has simply been sheltered from the realities of life. She would be 15 for the record. the only time she ever saw the poor was during a charity drive. And those were the tolerable poor that were brought in almost like a zoo. The poor people that she could pity and pretend to help. She is not a bad person but she is isolated from reality. She just has no idea how the real world beyond her Bubble works. And she is a hard republican thinking poor people are lazy. If they just work harder like her Rich Daddy then they can fix all there problems. There problem is there all Lazy and complain all the time. My girl is a firm follower of the system. She knows 100% that she is an American girl and the police will always be there to protect her. Her Daddy as well. And above and beyond all she is a Christian and God Himself protects her.

So your char could be any color. I mean Mexican could be interesting illegal in the nation she would not like that. Or black a novelty to her in that case. Sure she has seen black people but there not common. And the black people around her are...white people with dark skin. There rich elite and part of the bubble now. Or just white is fine of course. This is not meant to a race based RP just adding context.

So your char is Poor and home less. I would love if her Daddy destroyed your life with a signature. Maybe he closed your plant and laid you all off with no pensions. He made a fortune off the deal and you lost everything. Your wife and kids left you and your on the streets now. And you sneak into his Gated community to get him back. Only instead of him you run into his daughter. Your not sure what to say to this adorable and....you have to admit sexy young girl. So on a whim you ask if you can wait in the house....your very cold and waiting for a ride. I should ofcourse say no but in my world crime and rape are not real issues. That problems for the poor people. So she lets you in to her house and you in awe of the size and scope of it all. She in turn leaves you here to wait for her ride saying feel free to make anything in the kitchen. And tells him she has a date soon so she will go upstairs to shower and change.

this is a mind fuck to you. You came to hurt her father but now its like your introduced to how there side lives. I figure from here you would walk up stairs find her bedroom. Walk into the bathroom and drag her out of the shower to her bed naked and rape her. She would be powerless but she would resist even hurting you. In the end however you will kill her faith as much as hurt her. She will after all expect any moment her Daddy or...the Cops or hell God himself to smash into her room and protect her. Some how she would be protected she was a white catholic Good girl. Girls like her dont have to suffer this. The entire system was on her side and he was about to be stopped!....only no one stops him....

After your done you decide your going to stay here. Her room is huge and fully sound proofed. Her Parents never ever come into her room. So your perfectly safe in here as long as she wont tell anyone. You threaten that if her mom comes in here you will rape her. You will murder her dad if she tells him. And even if Cops storm in and arrest him....you have friends BAD friends who will murder her and her parents. Its a lie of course but she is terified and would believe it without question. More so after having her faith is Daddy Police and God shaken.

From here the 2 are learning to live together. She must sneak him in food and anything he needs. Maybe he demands Weed or booze she has no idea how to get stuff like that. But she must learn or find a way. At night he may make her sleep on the floor or maybe sleep in bed with him. Sex is a given as often as he could want it. He has all of the power but also has to count on her for food and stuff. He cant leave her room really but he does not need to. And oddly over time they start to get used to each other.

Its an odd sort of relationship. But they do sleep together and after days and weeks there getting used to the other being around. They talk they learn about the others life. Why and how the other looks at the world. She learns what her Daddy did to him. There not friends or equals the power is all one sided. But over time she is hiding him more because she wants to then she must. The rape is becoming normal sex and she cant deny that its amazing sex. Perhaps she even teases him eager to be punished by that cock....no stop...mmm...no. This could in time move to include her only sister and others. Maybe as a team they devise revenge on his wife and daughter who left him.....

i am very eager to try this i am so eager my fingers are dripping
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