Fx Male 21+ Slice of life of life cravings but exciting! (Erotica and mature themes)


Jun 5, 2019


-Multi Para - Novella replies

-Daily if not multiple replies a day

-Able and wanting to write erotica.

(However it is not the centre of the story)

-Third person written

-Advanced Lit


My name is Nora, 23 and I’m from England. It’s nice to meet and I hope I can find people after the same thing as me.

If you think you can meet the requirements or seek the same yourself please get in touch.

Cravings below 3 Plots-

Tags-((Realism, Romance, Hurt, Drama, love story, Pregnancy, Mature themes, Rape, Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse))

Side note - Just like all of my plots I have a vision for them. However they are not set in stone so if you want to amend something please do ask me. All are open to plotting together and I have left them all quite open so we could go anywhere with it. All are Longterm. All side characters in plots are for us both to share and play with. Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

The Bump In The Night

Sarah was sweet, gentle, beautiful but weak. That’s how people described this young woman. She was supposed to have her life set for her. A tall, handsome and business successful fiancé. In a beautiful home. She would never need to lift a finger unless he requested it. She could never say no to her fiancé could she? She owed him everything, his family paid her tuition fees, he looks after her and bought her everything she’s ever wanted. So why is she so terribly unhappy with her life? Why is waking up each day next to this man with such weight pulling her down? Why does her body ache each day? Why is leaving the house such a delight but coming home difficult to do? Why is she always taking regular trips to the hospital with mystery injuries?

Sarah did not come from a wealthy background. Her family really struggled to put food on the table but she never expected anything more from them. She did fantastic in her exams but sadly her family couldn’t afford the college she wanted to go to. But after she met Damien money was never an issue. She met him in the summer, he just so happened to be interviewing for the college she wanted. After reviewing her application and hearing why she was turning it down, he made a generous offer. Their relationship blossomed but this stranger was not what he seemed. To say he was not pleasant to Sarah was an understatement. The moment he had her under his thumb she saw the monster he was.

She couldn’t go out without his knowledge, see friends, get her own job. She had no right but to stay at home and wait for him and abide by his every whim and command. He was a man that was not frightened of getting physical if scaring her did not work. In fact truthfully hurting Sarah was a fetishised pleasure for him. Slowly Sarah began to wilt and die from the inside. That’s why she was so unhappy. Sarah at her core was a smart, happy and insightful young woman but that woman was beginning die and be permanently replaced by the shell she was becoming forever unless she escaped.

She couldn’t leave, he would kill her and worse her family would suffer. They could never know what was really happening behind closed doors. Damien wasn’t just a power crazed lunatic. No. He was the kingpin of the city. He did not just own legal business but also illegal ones. Most of his money was drug money and his dark spider web ran deep within the country. The law has been suspicious for some time but taking this man down was nearly impossible. Him and his staff was always ten steps ahead of the law. Damien was a game player, he had his own contacts within the police. Actually taking this man down be a true feat. But the people that weren’t buying this perfectly successful mans story knew that proving his guilt would be a far away dream. He was dangerous and the closer you got, the quicker you would end up dead.

After one heated argument one stormy night Sarah stumbled broken and in tears in the pouring rain to a glowing bar on a lonely street and that’s when she met Y/C. He was a real man, charming, handsome, kind and caring. And actually Y/C is a detective. The moment they saw each other it was almost like love at first sight. He made her feel like a real lady. He made her feel love again. The two lost in each other. The best connection they had felt with anyone. There was no other way to describe it than love. Though after they fell into each other’s arms it was supposed to be the start of something beautiful, their long night of passion to mark that. He kissed away the bruises and scars that littered her body and promised to keep her safe. He would take her away and never have her see him again. But Sarah vanished that morning before he had the chance to take her on that promise. She was gone, just a dent in the pillow with the smell of her perfume. Sarah left because she knew that this man deserved no harm to come his way. She couldn’t put him in danger. If Damien found out, he would surely have him killed.

Eight nine months Sarah was heavily pregnant and she knew it wasn’t Damien’s. It was Y/C’s. She was young and scared, she never expected to have a baby so soon but there was no way that Damien was going to let her get rid of what he believed was his child. She had no choice but to have this baby and protect it from Damien. But then by a strike of luck at Sarah’s baby shower Y/C’s sister happens to know Damien’s family through a friend of a friend and drags Y/C along despite him not liking the man. Y/C was one of the few that was weary of how dangerous he actually was but he attended in hope that he might find something he could use as evidence to take down this “pristine” man. But instead he sees Sarah and that’s when their eyes meet again...



Tags-((Realism, Romance, Hurt, Drama, love story, Mature themes, Family))

Side note - Just like all of my plots I have a vision for them. However they are not set in stone so if you want to amend something please do ask me. All are open to plotting together and I have left them all quite open so we could go anywhere with it. All are Longterm. All side characters in plots are for us both to share and play with. Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Family Matters

Living in a big city there are many opportunities but it’s not always the easiest place for a single father (Y/C) to raise his little girl. After who Y/C thought the love of his life was left to live her life elsewhere he realised he had to do this right. It meant he had to try and be a mother for his girl as well as a father. Her leaving broke his heart and he decided he wasn’t going to let anyone hurt his family again. It was just him and his little girl from now on. But then when a lady across the hall moves in this tightly locked vow began to crumble...

Nova Rain (M/C) an early twenties woman moves in and immediately takes the attention of his little girl (Paige). Paige is besotted by her and is more than aware her father needs someone to help him move on. For a child she cleverly schemes their romance. And the more time Paige spends with Nova the more the two bond. However Nova is holding on to heartbreak herself. Moving to a new city isn’t easy and she had to have a reason. Her job was transferred from one hotel to another but why? After her own love betrayed her trust she fled those memories to try again. So when she meets little Paige she’s delighted she has such a sweet little girl living just across from her but when she meets her father she realised that spark she thought had gone out was beginning to reignite.



Tags- ((Love story, Romantic, Realism, Modern Day, Crime, Hurt, Smut, MXF, erotica, FXF, Power Play))

Side note - Just like all of my plots I have a vision for them. However they are not set in stone so if you want to amend something please do ask me. All are open to plotting together and I have left them all quite open so we could go anywhere with it. All are Longterm. All side characters in plots are for us both to share and play with. Any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

The Gift

The world is tough, from birth you are on your own unless you were lucky enough to have a family that loved and cared for you. Not everyone is that fortunate. Nova was one of those unfortunate souls. But she was intelligent and beautiful with a hunger to succeed. She wanted her own home, somewhere permanent and stable, where she did not have to call the exterminator three times a week or have to move every so often. Where eating dinner in the evening was not such a challenge to afford.

She was studying medicine and despite what people said she was doing well. She’s in university and a good girl on the hunt for her happy ever after. Where she can support herself as a doctor once she graduated. She was studying all areas even becoming a surgeon. Her part time job was barely supporting her and she realised she needed extra income to survive. She was physically hungry and it was beginning to show, her clothes becoming looser and looser.

But when flicking through the internet one day she saw an ad requesting for a sugar baby. At first she clicked off and continued looking but when another ad popped up again she decided to indulge and read it. An ad requesting from a “Sugar Daddy” asking for a young woman to spend time with in exchange for generous gifts and money. Nova would never steep to prostitution she promised herself she would never get that desperate but when the ad specifically stated that it was not a sexual arrangement unless discussed she realised there was no harm in meeting this man. The man in the picture was handsome and she was rather impressed as she read his profile.

So Nova took the leap of faith and sent him a message...

This sugar daddy is your character, you can make them however you like. But your character is a part criminal activity and i want this to be an integral part of this twisted and money slathered romance. Maybe some sort of drug lord or even an assassin or something. We can discuss this before the start of the story. But he chooses to keep a lady on the side to spoil when he isn’t running around in a dangerous world of crime in the city. Maybe because he’s lonely? But when he meets Nova he begins to realise this young lady is like no other. The closer the two get the closer she is to discovering who he really is and she gets pulled into his secret life. I have lots of ideas to input so this will be fun to plot together.
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