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Fx Female Cum give this slut a good time. :)


Submissive Kitten
Apr 5, 2020
Meow~! Hello, hello! My name is Jessica, but you can call me Jessie, Jess, Kitty, Little Slut, or any other fun names you can think of! About me: I'm a young, Japanese-American college student, majoring in Chemistry. I'm a big fan of yoga, fantasy and science fiction novels, TV sitcoms. I'm a bit of a nerd, but I don't know if I'd call myself a nerd. I like Pokemon, Nintendo in general, Star Wars, Harry Potter, some anime, and all that good stuff. I have a cat. Her name is Bagel.

Also, I'm bisexual. I think at this moment I'd like to play with only women. Sorry! No, I will not make an exception for you. No, I will not keep you in mind for when I decide to play with men. No, I don't really want to play with a your female characters. The only, ONLY, exception to this are DMs for "The Adventurer", but I'm not always in the mood for those. So sorry. Please stop.

So, enough about me, why am I here? Well, originally I was looking around for online writing websites, and I stumbled upon this one! I wasn't immediately looking for it to be sexual (it hadn't really crossed my mind, honestly), but I think, now that you've brought it up, I'm really intrigued by it! I guess, I wanted to do some writing (something I haven't really done since High School) and maybe just have some fun and explore a little bit for now? I guess that means I'm looking for more on the plot side rather than the smut side. That doesn't mean you have to be Jane Austin or write a whole novel (I stink, full disclosure), but at least pretends they know how to write.

Please PM me or discord message me if you wanna play: kittyqueen#8774

Kinks! Everyone's favorite part! I think of myself as a submissive. It's kind of very exciting not really knowing what's about to come next, and I really love playing as a, I guess, reluctant submissive. I like being talked into it. Or coerced. Or forced.
A short list of other things I like, or at least like the idea of:
- Nipple play
- Name calling (Mean names, or a 'slut' name/rename. Like my name is Jessica but when you enslave me you start calling me Violet instead)
- Cum, food, and non-bathroom mess
- Spanking, ropes and restraints
- Public stuff
- Dressing up
- Free-use
- Especially trying new things. If its not on my list of hard nos, please ask.

Hard nos:
- Animals
- Poo/Pee
- Feet
- Gore
- Parents

Now, the most important part! Topics! I like fantasy and sci-fi, a lot, both low and high fantasy. I don't mind normal, slice of life stories, but I'm not too excited by just "two people meet and have sex," stories. I'd like a little more plot and substance to it. Here's a couple topics I cam up with for now. Short and sweet, just to show you what sounds fun to me. I'd be playing the submissive role. Please, please, please, come let me know of any ideas you may have.

Genres/Themes/Settings I like:
- High Fantasy / Medieval
- Low Fantasy / Urban Fantasy / Magic in a normal world
- Steampunk
- Cyberpunk
- Cosmic Horror
- Renaissance / Victorian
- Dystopian
- Anything in space

Nerdy Fandoms (I'm not too deep into any of this stuff. Most of them, I've watched the movies or read the books only. I don't really have a deeper knowledge of any of this stuff):
- Harry Potter
- Avatar, the Last Airbender
- Marvel / DC
- Pokemon
- Star Wars
- Your non-anime fandom! I love reading and discovering new media and I wanted to do more reading and TV watching over quarantine summer, but I didn't. Feel free to suggest your favorite thing that I may like. If you're willing to give me a second to get up to speed, I'd love to try it with you.

Actual plots (These are some brief ideas of what I personally enjoy, I can absolutely elaborate, and I'd love to hear your ideas!):

The vizier: A powerful, selfish, driven queen has a unstable hold on her kingdom. One day a strange magical woman comes to her court and offers her her services. The queen accepts, the powers work, but the new vizier has some ideas about the power structure in the kingdom.

The brat: You get to go live with your wealthy cousin upstate in her fancy mansion and go to her fancy new school. Too bad she's incredibly mean. Why doesn't she teach her a lesson?

The priestess: An extremely devoted priestess watches over the temple to her goddess with the utmost care. One stormy night, as the priestess is preying alone, a deity appears in front of her, claiming to be the goddess, and the priestess immediately pledges herself to the being. Unfortunately her goddess is quite a bit different than the scriptures described.

The demon: A young witch has summoned her first demon! Yay! Unfortunately, it turns out, its not just any demon, but a sexy, ancient, and powerful one, who decides she's going to corrupt this little witch.

The nymph: A lost traveler, maybe a princess or a daughter of an aristocrat, comes across a lovely nymph in the woods, who leads her to safety, for a cost to be specified later. Turns out, that cost is service.

The aristocrat: In a penthouse high above the bustling streets of New York City, a wealthy woman lives with her secretary, who helps her organize her busy schedule, run her errands, and satisfy her every depraved desire.

The crusader: A champion of the light has finally tracked down the horrible warlock that has been terrorizing the countryside! Unfortunately, the warlock is much too powerful for the crusader, and she is defeated. Luckily for her, the warlock is feeling merciful today. Unluckily, she needs a new servant. (Can also work as a thief getting the tables turned on her, or a raider)

The secretary: A young college graduate gets hired on to her very first job at a lovely new start up. Its a nice woman-owned, sexually progressive company. Maybe too sexually progressive? Clothes are optional. Sex is encouraged, and as the newest member of the team, sometimes it's quite hard for the new hire to refuse.

The nerd: A shy, nerdy girl hates her school. Everyone picks on her, her family is mean, her teachers are horrible. One day, in the library, she comes across an old book on hypnosis. Turns out, it's real! She can hypnotize anyone she can get 20 minutes alone with. What kind revenge will she take?

The lockets: Two best friends go on a vacation to an exotic, far away land, and buy two matching lockets from a traveling salesman, one red, one green. Later, one friend discovers an inscription on the back of her locket. She mutters it, and while nothing seems to change, her friend is now compelled to do anything that she is asked to do, without hesitation. At first, the friend isn't sure she likes this power, but over time, she decides that having a slave around isn't too bad.

The streamer: A somewhat popular twitch streamer gets a large anonymous donation, with a small request attached and a promise for more. Something small, innocent, like wear a yellow top. She does it, and lo and behold another donation comes with another request. Slowly these requests get more and more sexual, and the money dries up, replaced by threats, blackmail, and just obedience towards this random anonymous internet person.

The celebrity: A celebrity (real or fake) just has the best fans. She decides to do a contest where she will take one lucky fan to a mansion on some tropical destination and hang out with you all weekend. Of course you win. Just turns out this fan is a little bit more sadistic than the celebrity thought.

The adventurer: I've always wanted to play a DnD campaign that was extremely sexual. I don't really know how it would go but if you have any ideas. I'll do this with a guy, if you want to. Not too too much combat please, I don't really know all the strategies and I don't really like it. I just more like the high fantasy and the skill checks deciding what happens.

I've also slowly set up an album of SFW images of faceclaims I might like. Let me know if you want to take a look at it. Maybe we can come up with a story for some of those characters.

In here are some characters that I concocted with people, but never really got to use. If you like them, let me know and I can tell you a bit about the story they were in!:

They come from a land with little magic and a crushing, oppressive theocracy. (Unavailable)
- Rhea is a tall, quiet, patient, thoughtful young woman, with a knack for woodworking and leatherworking. 23 years old. Since the death of her parents almost a decade ago, she has been the sole provider for herself and her sister. Together they live in a small cottage on the edge of a forest, with a small garden and ample game to hunt with her hand-crafted longbow. She enjoys her hunts, patiently stalking and tracking a deer or rabbit for hours or days, being alone in the forest with nobody, not even her sister, around. She dreads going into town to sell what she catches. A bit of a perfectionist, while she is patient with what she does, she often gets up set with herself if her woodworking or her hunting isn't up to her lofty standards.

- Sif, 18, is much shorter than her elder sister, and inherited her grandfather's "berserker rage." She is strong, determined, quick to anger, and sometimes violent, but genuinely sweet and cares deeply for her sister. She doesn't love her tiny little cottage, and longs to go on something of an adventure, meeting new people, and seeing new places, but can't seem to convince Rhea of coming with her, and, of course, she can't go anywhere without Rhea. She tends to a small garden by the cottage and is generally the one chasing away any monsters that might slink out of the forest. Occasionally, when she gets really deep into her rage, she hears voices and whispers, in a language she can't quite understand. But she feels them calling out to her and giving her power. She doesn't understand what they mean, or what they say, but she enjoys the way they make her feel. She hasn't told Rhea, though. Who knows what she would think.

A very detailed one I wrote up:

Viviana Jane Antigone Hawthorne
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Orientation: Bisexual
Birthday: April 18th, 2001
Birthplace: Hawthorne Estates, Connecticut, United States
Current Residence: Hawthorne Penthouse, New York City, New York (I don't really mind where it takes place, but I think something urban would be fun)

Eye Color: Hazel Eyes
Hair Color: White Blonde Hair
Skin Tone: Very pale
Build: Petite
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100 lbs
Cup Size: B

Likes: Exploring the city, fashion, long walks, writing, photography, cold weather, coffee
Dislikes: Loud noises, horses, the ocean, crowds, large parties, the family business
Major: Photography, Historiography
Friends: Few from school, a strong bond with her cousins
Enemies: None
Prized possessions: Her vintage camera, her journals.

Viviana was born as the only child of Amadeus and Catherine Hawthorne, world famous socialites, art collectors, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and scions of the large, famous and influential Hawthorne Family. The Family had, one point, been in some sort of manufacturing business, but these days their main occupation, as Emma's father described it, was being wealthy. Using their wealth to amass more, to advance people, causes, and projects that suited the needs of the Family. Amadeus was the second son of the family matriarch, Antigone Hawthorne, and he, along with his wife, his sisters and their spouses, spent much of their time flying around the world attending events at the behest of Antigone, fulfilling whatever plan for the Family that she had come up with.

As a child, Viviana was not privy to most of the business and family dealings of her parents, and as such didn't see too much of them. She spent much of her youth growing up at large mansion at Hawthorne Estates with her cousins and many servants. Generally, one of her aunts, uncles, her parents, or grandmother was around, but not infrequently the whole group of Hawthorne adults would depart to some symposium or function, leaving the Hawthorne children under the supervision of the servants. Viviana always looked forward to these brief moments of freedom. The Hawthorne adults, and especially Viviana's father and grandmother, with strict and harsh people, expecting the children to be models of class and etiquette, but the servants had much less control over her and her four cousins. Despite being quite a bit more demure and cautious than her cousins, she always would tag along for whatever adventures the other children had dreamed up - exploring the woods, sneaking off into the nearby town, going through the attic, it was always something new. Viviana, or Vivi, as her cousins called her, developed a bit of a taste for rule breaking and rambunctiousness, during her escapades.

However, when Viviana was around 14 years of age, her parents left the estate, and left her cousins behind. They moved to a large Manhattan penthouse, so her father could better manage some dealings and businesses - Viviana wasn't told. In the home was simply her, her parents, and a number of servants. Like before, her parents would often be away for long stretches of time, and fairly distant when at the penthouse regardless. Viviana became distant and subdued, rarely speaking, and rarely causing a fuss. While her cousins and parents often wondered if she may have slipped into something of a depression, Viviana was actually perfectly happy in the city. She had always been the quietest and most soft-spoken of her cousins, and had, over the years, very much enjoyed her own company. She enjoyed exploring the city, and poking her nose into nooks and crannies, figuring out what sort of secrets the city had hidden throughout its lifetime. She wanted to know what sort of lives people lived here, their joys, their loves, their hardships. She began keeping a small journal, writing down and taking pictures of the strange and interesting little clues and hints she found around the city. Perhaps, she would write a book one day. As she got older, she no longer had to wait for her parents to go away on business, and was given much more range to go and come as she pleased, as long as she obeyed the strict curfew and was present at any party or dinner she needed to be at, and, of course, didn't get into any trouble.

Soon, Viviana graduated her elite Manhattan preparatory high-school and began attending her first year at a similarly elite college. She had managed to keep her grades up and keep her parents proud. She didn't exactly need to be educated - her future was more than secure, but Viviana had come to the conclusion that she didn't really wish to be a part of the family affairs. She had her own plans and ambitions that she would much rather pursue. She had yet yo bring this up to her father, though. Clearly, he would not approve, and Viviana feared that he may get a bit angry. Already, he had begun bringing her on to some of his meetings and functions, introducing her to notable people, teaching how to behave and thrive in that sort of environment. Viviana, went along with it, but secretly wrote about how she found these people difficult and their lifestyle a little silly, always making such a fuss about small things and carrying around such meaningless trinkets that they seemed so proud of. Viviana desired something simpler out of life, but she wasn't quite sure how she would be getting her way.

That's all for me. Hope to get started with you soon!
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Bumpity bump! Really looking for some casual "the adventurer" or something set in ancient Egypt.
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