Once again seeking a few more pairings with my witchy character! And just to be clear I'm not interested in anything that's just smut, I want something character/relationship focused. Of course smut is very fun as part of that. I do love detailed and elaborate plots but I'd also be happy doing some kind of super fluffy cottagecore romance that doesn't have much of a deep narrative to it, if that's more your style. As long as it's some kind of fantasy setting.
F-list Profile (all the character info below is on the profile)
Name: Merremia Evergreen (Merr for short)
Gender: Female (Trans)
Race: Human (may also have some obvious elf ancestry depending on the setting)
Occupation: Witch/herbalist
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Physical appearance:
Ivory skin with pretty blue eyes and long, slightly wavy golden blonde locks that flow down past her shoulder-blades. Tall with a willowy figure and long legs, her small breasts with delicate pink nipples suit her slim build nicely, as do her slender hips and slightly rounded ass. Her navel is smooth and soft, her mound below shaven clean. Between her slim thighs lies the organ of her pleasure, her feminine cock with her smooth sack beneath.
To those she takes a liking to, Merremia comes across as sweet and good-natured with a wide-eyed love for the world.. She can be a little shy and bashful, but also has a playful, mischievous streak. Intelligent and highly curious about anything that catches her attention, and always keen to share her knowledge and enthusiasm with anyone that shows an interest. Studious, she spends much of her time reading and writing, though the cluttered state of her personal quarters indicates she is also rather disorganized, and has so far yet to finish any of the grand projects she's started work on.
She also spends much of her time wandering the wild places, foraging for tasty delicacies and hunting down rare ingredients, always keen to discover new things about the local flora, as well as keenly observing the local wildlife. She has a great respect for life and would never wish to do harm to any of them. She can also be found tending to her herb garden and experimenting with the cultivation of- she hopes- impressive new varieties of vegetables and flowers. After all, as much as she admires nature's designs, there's always room for improving upon them- a philosophy which is, in her case, deeply personal. Mixing and experimenting with potions and tonics is another favourite pastime, and she makes a small income from selling her creations.
Free spirited and not inclined to respect any authority greater than herself, she enjoys the peace and quiet of solitude and the opportunity to go about her days undisturbed. Despite this she feels a little lonely and eager for companionship, most especially of the romantic kind...
Best to check the F-list for more detail, but here's a little overview:
-Romance, affection
-Oral sex
-Intimate, sensual sex
-Gentle Dommes
-Breast/nipple play
-Nonconsent, sexual violence, abuse etc
-Furries, monsters etc
-Incest, ageplay
-The usual gross/extreme stuff
As long as YC is a humanoid of appropriate age, I'm not overly picky on appearance. I do have a fondness for curvy/plus-size characters. And toned warrior women. But any (realistic) body type is fine by me. I'm happy with you using either a drawn or a photographic face claim, or just a detailed description if you prefer.
As for their relationship, I'm not a fan of most dom/sub roles with the exception of the one thing I love above all else which is playing against gentle domme type characters. That is, those partners who take control in that beautifully soft, gentle, loving kind of way. The nurturing, caring, protective types. But I also have no problem playing out a simple romance without the need for any special roles or labels.
My Character!
F-list Profile (all the character info below is on the profile)
Name: Merremia Evergreen (Merr for short)
Gender: Female (Trans)
Race: Human (may also have some obvious elf ancestry depending on the setting)
Occupation: Witch/herbalist
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Physical appearance:
Ivory skin with pretty blue eyes and long, slightly wavy golden blonde locks that flow down past her shoulder-blades. Tall with a willowy figure and long legs, her small breasts with delicate pink nipples suit her slim build nicely, as do her slender hips and slightly rounded ass. Her navel is smooth and soft, her mound below shaven clean. Between her slim thighs lies the organ of her pleasure, her feminine cock with her smooth sack beneath.

To those she takes a liking to, Merremia comes across as sweet and good-natured with a wide-eyed love for the world.. She can be a little shy and bashful, but also has a playful, mischievous streak. Intelligent and highly curious about anything that catches her attention, and always keen to share her knowledge and enthusiasm with anyone that shows an interest. Studious, she spends much of her time reading and writing, though the cluttered state of her personal quarters indicates she is also rather disorganized, and has so far yet to finish any of the grand projects she's started work on.
She also spends much of her time wandering the wild places, foraging for tasty delicacies and hunting down rare ingredients, always keen to discover new things about the local flora, as well as keenly observing the local wildlife. She has a great respect for life and would never wish to do harm to any of them. She can also be found tending to her herb garden and experimenting with the cultivation of- she hopes- impressive new varieties of vegetables and flowers. After all, as much as she admires nature's designs, there's always room for improving upon them- a philosophy which is, in her case, deeply personal. Mixing and experimenting with potions and tonics is another favourite pastime, and she makes a small income from selling her creations.
Free spirited and not inclined to respect any authority greater than herself, she enjoys the peace and quiet of solitude and the opportunity to go about her days undisturbed. Despite this she feels a little lonely and eager for companionship, most especially of the romantic kind...
Best to check the F-list for more detail, but here's a little overview:
-Romance, affection
-Oral sex
-Intimate, sensual sex
-Gentle Dommes
-Breast/nipple play
-Nonconsent, sexual violence, abuse etc
-Furries, monsters etc
-Incest, ageplay
-The usual gross/extreme stuff
Your Character?
As long as YC is a humanoid of appropriate age, I'm not overly picky on appearance. I do have a fondness for curvy/plus-size characters. And toned warrior women. But any (realistic) body type is fine by me. I'm happy with you using either a drawn or a photographic face claim, or just a detailed description if you prefer.
As for their relationship, I'm not a fan of most dom/sub roles with the exception of the one thing I love above all else which is playing against gentle domme type characters. That is, those partners who take control in that beautifully soft, gentle, loving kind of way. The nurturing, caring, protective types. But I also have no problem playing out a simple romance without the need for any special roles or labels.
Plot Ideas
These are just a few simple suggestions we could build upon, if you have anything else in mind that'd fit with her character by all means let me know!
These are just a few simple suggestions we could build upon, if you have anything else in mind that'd fit with her character by all means let me know!
Merr has been forced out of her home- maybe witchcraft has been outlawed, or she's made a powerful enemy. Whatever the cause, she has to leave in a hurry, and the journey will be difficult and dangerous. Eventually she arrives, tired, cold and hungry, at the house of a woman who may be another witch, a noble, a peasant or anyone really, either someone she's met before or a complete stranger. Her host is very much the caring, nurturing, motherly sort, and offers her hospitality in a way that soon becomes very intimate indeed. Though Merr's troubles may catch up with her in time...
Perhaps they want to buy her potions, perhaps they want her plants for their gardens, or perhaps she's just a lost traveller on a dark and stormy night. Whatever the cause, Merremia ends up at a manor/castle/palace etc where a noble lady/princess/queen etc takes an interest in her. However, it would be most unseemly for a woman of high birth to sully herself with such a union. Which means they're going to have to keep everything about their relationship a secret... though others may have growing suspicions. The noble woman may also have other motives, perhaps her fate is entirely in the hands of her husband/father, and she wants Merr to help her hatch a plan to be rid of him, or for her to escape the castle, so she might live in freedom.
Merremia seeks out a more powerful witch of high renown, seeking to learn all she can from her. Of course witches don't impart their knowledge to just anyone, so she'll have to prove she's a worthy student first. Perhaps she impresses the witch with her talents, perhaps she doesn't but the witch takes a liking to her anyway and decides to let her stay and give her guidance and support.
Merremia gets in some kind of trouble involving armed men of ill intent, until a warrior woman shows up who rescues her from danger. She decides it's only right that she do everything she can to repay the warrior for this heroic deed. Of course it's easy to do the honourable thing when that means the chance to spend more time around the woman she quickly has a huge crush on. Perhaps the warrior has just the right quest to make use of Merr's talents. Or perhaps she just gives her pointless jobs trying to get rid of her, until she starts to appreciate her company.
Merr gets captured by barbarian warriors in a raid, but one tribeswoman decides to save her from whatever unpleasant fate awaits her and takes her under her wing, though the rest of the tribe might be against this and make things difficult. Alternatively, a barbarian is captured and held captive in the village, Merr takes pity and frees her, which might result in them both being on the run from the authorities, or hiding the woman at her house.
Merremia is being pursued and takes sanctuary in a temple where the agents of the law can't touch her. One of the priestesses sympathizes and helps her settle in to the place. Perhaps for the long term, or perhaps she hatches a plan to help her escape, or takes up her case with the authorities.
A noble has the only known copy of a certain magical tome locked away in his private library and as much as she desires to take a look, there's no way for Merr to gain access. Well, no legal way... so Merr decides the only thing to do is to employ the services of a thief for hire. They'll be getting a lot closer to each as they plan out the heist...
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