Mx Female Topical and Very Dark Plot


Jun 12, 2015
So to start, this idea is not fleshed out. It is just something I keep thinking of over and over again.

A Pandemic is in our midst. The world is panicking with most of the population ordered to stay at home. Scientist are working around the clock to make a vaccine and in their tuberous, they make something worse. The new disease has a lot of the same symptoms, a fever, cough, sore throat, and one additional one, their wills become malleable. Some people are asymptomatic carriers. They are the dangerous ones. They go around infecting others and altering them to their liking.

Like I said, its not entirely fleshed out but I would play an asymptomatic carrier. Your part is open but I have a soft spot for Cannon Dc/Marvel heroines and celebrities so bonus points if you will play as either of those groups.
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