Fx M or F RisaXSeph's New RT

Jul 17, 2017
Welcome to my request thread!

UPDATED: 3/28/20 – I have come back to this site in hopes of finding a couple RP partners. I have become increasingly annoyed by people just dropping RPs. I come here to write long stories about individual characters; have a plot abandoned really kills that. Even if it takes us months to reply to each other, I want to continue stories. With this, I have updated this thread with new characters and other information. If you have not written with me and intend to not respond or drop things constantly… I am not interested in writing with you.

On this site I am ONLY doing threads now. I write long term. Below is a bunch of information about me and my expectations.

Currently looking for:
I am currently seeking a slice of life story of some kind. I am not looking for non-con or threesomes right now. MxF or FxF. If you have had an RP with me in the past AT ANY POINT know that I am willing to resume those; PM me to discuss this.

  • I do male on female, female on female, male led threesomes and so on. Orgies could be possible; discuss in PM.
  • I play female characters pretty much exclusively. Only humans. My characters are mostly submission and bottom.
  • Custom writing and custom characters. Someone did convince me to do a fandom once but it is quite rare.
  • I do not do fandom characters. I will attempt to create a character in a universe if you have an idea that is custom in some manner even if it is based upon a fandom but the character would need to be unique and my creation. My rationale for this is I am not the original writer for someone else’s character; I cannot write that character effectively if I did not make them.
  • 200 words a post (give or take; still like... no one liners within reason please...)
  • I write a few times a week. If I like where a story is going I have been known to do daily posts in the past.
  • Please if you decide to write with me DO NOT just disappear on me. If you have to leave or disappear for a bit just tell me.
  • I will write story and sex but I prefer story. If you want to do a smut only RP PM me so we can discuss it. I have had problems in the past with people thinking this ONLY means story... I do come here for erotica; so while I prefer story there does need to be some sex in there.
  • I am open to ideas. Contact me to discuss them before we do something. Pretty simple.
  • If you want to try something CONTACT me. If you feel, something is off CONTACT me.
  • Keep the lines of communication open. We can take breaks, stop for awhile or otherwise come back to a plot I just do not like entirely abandoning concepts, people or characters.
I am pretty open to ideas as long as it is not medieval. Just PM me your setting or idea...

What is it about:
Well; we can discuss that since I like writing stuff I do not mind helping someone build a setting and so forth. I am pretty damned open as long as it is within my comforts.

NOTE: I have not listed a lot here... I am open BUT if you think something is ODD ASK ME. There are some things I am not into and I cannot possibly list everything. As a reference to how open I am here is an f-list of one of my characters: https://www.f-list.net/c/sumire rembrant/
I’ve been playing around with the concept of non-consensual. Dub-con is also something I can go with.
Vaginal, anal or oral does not really matter only thing is please don’t shove large objects… My girls usually do prefer to not give oral but sometimes they will.
No scat… No stretching, no fisting, no animals (in other words no anthropomorphic creatures either. To explain further; basically please no tails et el… If it has cat ears or something I am okay with that just not full on completely anthro…)
Minor pain but let’s not deform my character… (PLEASE DON'T MURDER HER!!!)
Bondage can be a thing as can toys (With the bondage lets not tie my char to a ceiling fan or some shit... seriously...)
Virgin or non-virgin sex… both can be a thing
Some of my characters like to record themselves and see themselves having sex... Mirrors... eh...
Clothed sex is okay; some of my chars find the risk of public sex to be... hot
I am pretty open to new ideas as most of my stuff has been pretty vanilla. I am all good with vanilla too; like I said fairly open.

Maki – She is a stoic girl born to a family of soldiers. She would rather not be involved in people’s drama or their issues. To her such things create drama and she hates drama. Her family taught her how to scout and be of use in supporting functions. She sees nothing wrong with battle or war and is quite accustomed to blood. Maki is fast, nimble and quick on her feet. She is quite adept at repairs and other supporting functions in battle. Her people skills could use work though and her pain threshold is TOO HIGH. Maki does not really know what she wants to do with her life... Maybe own a pet someday. Maki enjoys caring for animals, being of use and calmness as much as she is used to war and conflict she would prefer calmness; in mind body and spirit. She likes watching the stars, meditation, reading and eating.
Ayano - Ayano is a US born half-Asian girl who lost her parents in a fire. She became partially blind as a result of the fire as well. She is very smart and got through a BS in psychology even after a depression that almost caused her to kill herself when her first love left her. The family that adopted her tried to make her their perfect little Asian daughter. She did not let them so they sent her away and that is how she grew up; in boarding school and college. She does not like being hit on but has a pretty submissive personality if people are not hitting on her. If they try to get at her she will attack them unless she likes them. If she likes someone she is actually pretty naïve and will fall into their arms. She is pretty willing to try new things sexually. As one would notice, Ayano is Yuka; my other character from below... She is an alternate reality version of Yuka whom never had some of the more negative elements of Yuka's life happen to her... Like watching one of her boyfriends be killed... This in turn makes Ayano less negative than Yuka and more hopeful about life in general... She still has a depressive streak and is needy but much less so than her counterpart. Here is a picture of Ayano: https://players.tnuproject.net/appl...aracters/a70ec2540ba42121cf68abd99f50e0f0.jpg

- She is a cold aggressive impulsive college student studying journalism. Her personality is sort of Tsundere in nature as when she gets to know someone she opens up; becoming less cold and aggressive toward them. Due to her aggressiveness though she has a criminal record and though she is good at academics she was nearly dismissed from both High School and College for her temper and tendency to attack other people. She has a background in martial arts. She is 4’9”, 105 lbs, has long auburn hair that she primarily keeps in two buns. She has hazel eyes and is a pretty clean person. She likes voice acting, singing and writing but does not get to do them much cause since she’s so aggressive most people do not like her. She secretly likes anime. She hates her adoptive family even though they provide quite well for her due to the fact that they tried to teach her honor and to not be so abusive to people. Her thought is that she is the only one who can beat people up so if someone is attacking someone else she would actually protect them. (She only is dom if you piss her off and the dom streaks are short.)
Old Characters:
Remi - Sumire Rembrant nicknamed Remi is a black haired half-Asian rich girl with blue eyes. Depending on the plot used she is also the Princess of a small country or space faring civilization whom was sent off by her father after her mother and brother were killed. As a result she has some major daddy issues. Remi has long black hair, despises wearing skirts, tends to be reclusive and is more into playing VR games than dealing with people. When she does deal with others she tries to keep herself distant from them only to finally fall into them and long for their companionship and friendship. She tends to know a lot about technology, history and overly researches things when a new thing is mentioned. She looks very young for her age and was even able to pass of as a high school senior in spite of actually being in her mid to late twenties. Remi dislikes her adoptive younger sister; Yuki, whom actually came up with her nickname believing incorrectly that her sister wants to compete against her and also dislikes her. Remi's only domestic skills were things Yuki taught her. Please see her f-list at the top of this for more information. Please note that certain aspects of it need updated; like her picture... which is here along with some updated information about her as the concept of this character has developed over time. - https://players.tnuproject.net/index.php/personnel/character/10
Yuka – She is a US born half-Asian girl who lost her parents in a fire. She became partially blind as a result of the fire as well. She is very smart and got through a BS in psychology even after a depression that almost caused her to kill herself when her first love left her. The family that adopted her tried to make her their perfect little Asian daughter. She did not let them so they sent her away and that is how she grew up; in boarding school and college. She does not like being hit on but has a pretty submissive personality if people are not hitting on her. If they try to get at her she will attack them unless she likes them. If she likes someone she is actually pretty naïve and will fall into their arms. She is pretty willing to try new things sexually.
Lumi – Lumiere is a computer AI that was turned human. She is still discovering her humanity however human sexuality intrigues her. At first she thought it was just to reproduce and wondered why people did it so much but as she learned more about life she realized it felt good. She knows nothing about dating and very little about emotions. She for awhile thought of herself as being a half-breed since she was no longer an AI but not really a person either even though biologically she is human. She is still struggling with the concept of what it is to be human. Some people I RP with have compared her to Data combined with Sheldon from Big Bang Theory except that she is an extreme perv.
Sakura - She is a mid-20s redhead with a fiery perverted personality. She's a shoot first as questions later kind of girl. She served as a mech pilot/intelligence operative for 8 years. She has a pretty horrible past and as a result has a hard time trusting people. She hates talking about her past and is a tomboy for the most part. Sakura is a cousin to the equivalent to the empress. She has one ear piercing and a small chest ( later on when she started to become more in tune with her feminine self the size was increased this give people options on if they want to play with the later her or that earlier her one is more feminine than the other.). Her entire family is dead except for two of her cousins but she actually would not mind Sleeping with either Kori or Hukari... or if another member of her family managed to somehow be alive she would be OK with that too. Right before she joined the military she worked in the sex trade (she was still 18 barely). She has some pretty major PTSD because her adoptive mother was killed in front of her and a lot of other majorly horrible stuff happened to her. She is bi ( in this thread obviously we are only going to be heterosexual route but this character is bi).
Mimi - Tiny redhead with a flat chest whose a child prodigy... She's 20 but has like a degree and such... Smart girl whose carefree in a sense and is totally infatuated with her boyfriend. She is one of those annoying people that won't shut up about their boyfriend and how awesome he is... another good thing about her she rides around on a skateboard... in a dress... then assaults people who look up her dress... She's cute, nice and smart but probably for most annoying qualities are they not showing up about her boyfriend and her driving around the city in a dress on her skateboard. Logic failure but she doesn't care... unless people see up it.
Risa - A black haired hazel eyed girl with a wanting to help others but enjoy her life before it's over. She is sickly and has a terminal illness that has led her to not taking anything in her life for granted... As such she does not want to just sit around and do nothing. She's interested in sex but has never had a partner due to her secret life of helping others in the shadows; she also doesn't want anyone to miss her when she's gone so she just interacts with her caretaker. She's bisexual but prefers males.
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